The Communications Process and Consumer Behavior

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Process and

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Chapter Objectives

After reading this chapter you should be able to:

1. Appreciate elements of the communications process.
2. Understand the nature of meaning and semiotics in marketing
communications, and how that meaning is a constructive process
involving the use of signs and symbols.
3. Describe marketing communicators’ usage of three forms of figurative
language: simile, metaphor, and allegory.
4. Discuss the two perspectives that characterize how consumers process
information: the consumer processing model (CPM) and the hedonic,
experiential model (HEM).
5. Explain the eight stages of consumer information processing.

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General Communications Objectives

1. Build category wants

2. Create brand awareness
3. Enhance brand attitudes
4. Influence brand purchase intention
5. Facilitate purchase

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Communications and the Communications Process

• Communications: the process of establishing a

commonness or oneness of thought between a sender
(e.g., an advertiser) and a receiver (e.g., a consumer).
• Encoding: the process of putting thought into
symbolic form (e.g., words, sentence structure,
symbols, non-verbal cues).
• Decoding: the process of transforming message
symbols back into thought.

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Figure 6.1: Elements in the Communication

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Semiotics is the “The study of meaning and

meaning-producing events.”

Meaning is a constructive process that is

determined as much by the communicators
as by the receivers of the message.

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Semiotics and Meaning Transfer
1. Semiotics: the study of meaning and meaning
producing events.
2. Meaning: Our internal responses (thoughts, feelings)
when presented with a sign, stimulus, or object.
3. Sign: (in general at this point) represents something to
someone in a given context. (“I’ll have a Coke”)
4. Socialization: process by which people learn cultural
values, form beliefs, and become familiar with
“physical cues” representing these values and beliefs.

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Neural Advertising: The Sounds We Can’t Resist

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Forms of Meaning

• Denotative (exact) versus Connotative

(implied) Meaning

• Structural versus Contextual meaning:

• Structural (only a sign to sign relationship)
• Contextual (description of signs)

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Figure 6.3: V8 Advertisements Illustrating
Contextual Meaning

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Signals, Signs, & Symbols

• Signal: the product is a cause or effect of something

else (e.g., SUVs the result of large families)

• Sign: the product and referent belong to the same

cultural context (e.g., SUVs part of upper middle class, children,

• Symbol: the product and object have no prior

relationship, yet are now associated with one another
(e.g., Ford trucks and “tough guy” image/ads)

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Symbolic Relationships
• Simile: a comparison using “like” or “as” (e.g.,
“Trailblazer – like a rock”)
• Metaphor: a comparison not using “like” or “as” – it
is direct. (e.g., “Wheaties – the Breakfast of
Champions,” “Budweiser – the King of Beers”)
• Allegory: (extended metaphor)
• Equates objects in a narrative with meanings lying outside
• Personification
• Moral conflict
• Examples: Old Joe, Geico Cavemen, Dinky, Digger, BK
King, Helga and Wolfgang, Mr. Clean, Mr. Goodwrench,
Geico Gecko, Allstate Mayhem, Geico Maxwell

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Use of Simile

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Use of Metaphor

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Use of Allegory
The Geico Caveman

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Use of Allegory – The Geico Gecko

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Use of Allegory – Geico Gecko and Mayhem

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Use of Allegory – The Red and Yellow M&M

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Implementing Positioning: Behavior Foundations of
Marketing Communications

Consumer Processing Model (CPM)

Behavior is seen as rational, highly

cognitive, systematic, and reasoned

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Implementing Positioning: Behavior Foundations of
Marketing Communications

Hedonic, Experiential Model (HEM)

Consumer behavior is driven by

emotions in pursuit of “fun,
fantasies, and feelings”

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Figure 6.16: Illustration of an HEM-Oriented

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An advertisement exemplifying the HEM approach

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Figure 6.10: Comparison of the CPM and HEM

• The rational consumer processing model (CPM) and

the hedonic, experiential model (HEM) are not
mutually exclusive. Rather, they exist on a


• “ C o ld ” • “H o t”
• Calculating • Emotional
• Cognitive • 3Fs

FIGURE 6.10 C o m p a r i s o n of the

C P M a n d H E M Models

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The Consumer Processing Model (CPM)
(McGuire’s 88 Stages
Stages of
of Information
Information Processing)

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Mere Exposure Hypothesis
(“Truth Effect”)

Repeated exposure to a stimulus (TV ad,

package, radio commercial, ...) may generate a
positive affect toward the object (e.g., an
advertised brand) through enhanced

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The 8 Stages of Consumer Information

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Attention Types

1. Involuntary attention
2. Non-voluntary attention
3. Voluntary attention
4. No attention

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Factors Accounting for Attention Selectivity

• Stimulus intensity (sound, color, smell)

• Novel stimuli (adaptation theory)
• Past experience (rewards/reinforcement)
• Needs (e.g., hedonic ones)
• Expectations (product interest)
• Values (families, culture)

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The 8 Stages of Consumer Information

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Stage 3: Comprehension

• Understanding and creating meaning out of stimuli

and symbols
• Interpreting stimuli involves selective perception
• Factors influencing comprehension: expectations,
context, needs, personality, attitudes, mood
• Average miscomprehension rates have been cited to
be as high as 30%

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Figure 6.11: Selective Perception

Each individual is
likely to perceive
images in different

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The 8 Stages of Consumer Information

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Stage 4: Agreement

• Comprehension by itself does not ensure that the

message influences consumers’ behavior
• Agreement depends on
• whether the message is credible and the quality of
• whether the information is compatible with the
values that are important to the consumer

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The 8 Stages of Consumer Information

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The 8 Stages of Consumer Information

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Retention and Search/Retrieval of Stored
• Retention and information search and
retrieval, both involve memory factors
related to consumer choice
• Three memory storage theories: (1) multiple store
approach, (2) levels of processing, and (3) spreading
activation model

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(1) Multiple Store Approach to Memory

• Sensory stores(SS):
• Information is rapidly lost unless attention is allocated to
the stimulus
• Short-Term Memory(STM):
• Limited processing capacity
• Information not thought about or rehearsed will be lost in
30 seconds or less

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Elements of Memory

• Long-Term Memory (LTM):

• A virtual storehouse of unlimited information
• Information is organized into coherent and associated
cognitive units called brand schema, memory organization
packets, or knowledge structures (see next VW Beetle
• The marketer’s job is to provide positively valued
information that consumers will store in LTM

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Figure 6.12: A Consumer’s Knowledge Structure
for the VW Beetle

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Other Memory Storage Theories

• (2) Levels of processing: Capacity is allocated to

yield processing from simple sensory analysis to
complex semantic and cognitive elaboration.

• (3) Spreading activation model: Only one memory

store exists. Only limited portions of that store can be
activated at any one time. The active portion is used
for processing.

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Learning and Learning Types

• Learning: changes in the content or organization

of information in a consumer’s long-term memory
(see also low involvement learning/classical conditioning example for a
contrasting process)
• Learning types:
1. Strengthen present linkages
2. Establish new linkages
3. Generalize linkages
4. Adjust competitor’s linkages
5. Move closer to “ideal” linkage

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Low Involvement Learning
(similar to
to classical
classical conditioning)

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Figure 6.14: Illustration of an Effort to Strengthen a
Linkage between a Brand and Its Benefits

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Search and Retrieval of Information
• Concretizing: by providing concrete (vs. abstract)
examples, new information is better learned and
accessed (e.g., Apple PCs versus PS/2)
• Imagery: a mental event involving the visualization
of a concept or relationship (e.g., Chevy Volt or Hummer H3
versus “standard deviation”)

• Dual-Coding Theory: Pictures are represented in

memory in verbal as well as visual form, whereas
words are less likely to have visual representations
(e.g., Jack’s camera shop)

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Figure 6.15: The Use of Visual Imagery
in Advertising

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The 8 Stages of Consumer Information

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Decision Processes

1. Affect referral (low involvement)

2. Compensatory heuristics (high involvement; e.g.,
Fishbein attitude model in next chapter)
3. Non-compensatory heuristics:
• Conjunctive model (“and”)
• Disjunctive model (“or”)
• Lexicographic model (rank ordering)
4. Phased Strategies (combination of heuristics)

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The 8 Stages of Consumer Information

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HEM-Oriented Advertisement

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