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Introduction to Cascading Style


Chapter Three
Web Application Development

By the end of this topic, you will be able to

► Grasp the general format of Style Sheets
► Apply CSS in Web development
► Produce a good, clean and standard CSS
► What is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)?
► Why CSS?
► How to use CSS?
► CSS Syntax
► Examples
► References
What is Cascading Style Sheets
► CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
► styles define how to display XHTML elements

– font properties
– color and background properties
– text properties
– box properties
– classification properties
– etc.
► styles normally stored in Style Sheets
Why CSS?
► tosolve a common problem
– two most popular browsers – Mozilla &
Internet Explorer continued to add new tags
and attributes to the original HTML spec
– to standardise, W3C created STYLES in
addition to HTML 4.0
…Why CSS?
► CSS can save a lot of work by using external style
– control the entire appearance of a page by just
editing a single CSS document
– allows developers to control the style and
layout of multiple Web pages all at once
How to use CSS?
► there are three ways in specifying styles
– inline style sheet (inside a single XHTML
• example of inline CSS
– internal / embedded style sheet (inside the
<head> element)
• example of embedded CSS
– external style sheet (in an external CSS file -
• Example of external CSS
…How to use CSS?
► what if there are more than one style?
– all the styles will "cascade" into a new "virtual"
style sheet
– highest priority
1. inline Highest
2. internal
3. external
4. browser default Lowest
…CSS Syntax
► made of three parts
selector { property : value }
► example
body { background-color : blue }
► if
there are more than one property, separate them
with a semicolon (;)
h2 {
font-family: arial;
CSS Common Properties
CSS Property Description Code Example
background-color Specifies a background background—color: blue
color for the document
color Specifies the text color of color: blue
an element
font-family Specifies the font name font-family: arial
font-style Specifies the font style: font-style: italic
normal, italic or oblique
margin-left Adjusts the left margin margin-left: 2in
margin-right Adjusts the right margin margin-right: 2in
text-align Determines the alignment text-align : center
of text: center, justify, left
or right
CSS Length units
Unit Name Descriptionn
cm Centimeters Measures values in centimeters
em Em space Measures values according to width of the uppercase
letter M for the font that is being used
ex X-height Measures values according to the height of the
lowercase letter x for the font that is being used
in Inches Measures values in inches
mm Millimeters Measures values in millimeters
pc Picas Measures values in picas, which are equal to 1/6 of an
pt Points Measures values in points, which are equal to 1/72 of an
px Pixels Measures values in pixels
…CSS Syntax
► selectorscan be grouped
► separate each selector with a comma

selector1, selector2 {
Property : value;

► example

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {

color: white;
background-color: green;
…CSS Syntax
class of a selector
► to define different styles for the same element
selector.class1 { property1: value1 }
selector.class2 { property2: value2 }

► examples: to have two types of paragraph

p.right {text-align: right}
p.left {text-align: left}

► thus, in your html document

<p class="right"> aha.. it is right aligned </p>
<p class="left"> opps.. it is left aligned </p>
…CSS Syntax
class for many selectors
► to use a class in many elements, omit the selector
.class1 {property: value}
► example

.center {text-align: center}

► example: you can apply the format for <h2> and
<h2 class="center">centered h2</h2>
<p class="center">centered paragraph</p>
…CSS Syntax
► idhas to be unique on the page. There can be
only one element with a given id in a document
#id_name {property: value}

► example
#intro {font-weight: bold}
► Thus, in an XHTML document
<p id =“intro"> this introduction paragraph is
displayed in bold </p>
…CSS Syntax
►a CSS comment begins with /* and ends with */
/* this is a comment */
p { color:black;
font-family: arial
CSS Box Model




Containing & Anonymous
block boxes
► Block boxes can serve as containing blocks for
child boxes
– Note: if a block box has another block box
inside it, then they are forced to have only block
boxes inside it, by wrapping any inline boxes in
an anonymous block box
<div> some text
<p>paragraph</p> other text
Positioning schemes
► Positioningschemes in CSS include:
– Normal flow (includes relative positioning)
– Floating
– Absolute positioning
► float property allows element boxes to be shifted
to the right or left on the current line
– Floated boxes are block boxes
– Floated boxes are “pulled out” of the normal
flow and repositioned
– Must have explicit width
– May overlap other boxes
► clear property specifies which side(s) of an
element should NOT be adjacent to a floating box
that is specified earlier in the document
Relative and Absolute
► position property:
– static – box is positioned according to normal
– relative – box is positioned relative to where it
would have been placed in the normal flow
– absolute – box is positioned relative to its
containing block; these boxes are taken out of
– fixed – box is fixed in relation to the viewport (a
browser window or a printed page)
Page Layout Example
► Click here to see an example.
p CSS 2 References

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