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Spontaneous Problem Posing Strategies-



Leandro T. Olubia, Ed. D.

Associate Instructor I
BPSU- College of Teacher Education

Well and good if session starts
with a….. PRAYER
To some the way we pray is…..
• becoming mechanical
• too predictable
• tedious and boring
• like parrots
 Prayer Dance Leader
 Prayer Partners
 Group Prayer Responses
 Bible Reflection
 Song Reflection
 Responsorials
 Use videos
Brain Teasing
Set the stage for learning

Make the students ready

Prepare the students to think

Tickle their minds to get operated

Challenge them to be involved and

maintain focus

Ignite their brain cells!

-allows the teacher to assess the
student’s schema regarding the
topics to be covered in a
semester, unit, chapter

Minamata BOOOM PANES!!!!

Food 4 thoughts Dalawang Malaki

TULAY Spolarium

Amazing Balita Akin ka Na Lang

Draw Mo…Show Mo
Set the stage for learning

Ask students to get clean of

papers and a pen

Ask them to put the materials


Instruct the students on what to


It’s fun to be creative in giving

them instructions

Let them present their outputs to

their seatmates
Just don’t tell them!
Let the students show it!

It is fun!
As a spring board, think of some
titles of songs, poems, movies etc.

Let the students act them and later

on discover what the lesson will

Pusong Bato
On the Floor
Like A Virgin
You Raise Me Up
Nasa Iyo Na Ang Lahat
Monument of

In a frozen mode, the students will convey the concepts. An

alternative and cooperative way of displaying their
understanding and appreciation of the lesson

It is fun too… to elicit ideas from your

students creatively.

Put the questions in the creative mouth

model and let students pick questions
and answer them correctly…

Beware of gossips... Humor


Try to ask your students a query.

What to expect?!

Then tossing is fun and it can be pedagogical too!

And More!
Suppose a student refuses to catch it? Or simply cant catch it?
The rule is simple: if the material drops in front of him or is hit by it-
The it is meant for him!
Formulate seven or more statements
and put them in a matrix. Ask students
to answer

Explain the lesson. Ask students to re-

answer the matrix after the discussion.
Check against the actual answer.

Analyze whether discrepancy occurs in

the answers before and after the
discussion. If there exist, focus revisit
the main idea.

Before Instruction After Instruction Actual

Statements Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
The Easter Egg Challenge
(Explain the answer)

Linguistic Existential
(Say the answer) (relate values)

Visual Naturalist
(draw the answer) (symbolize it)

kinesthetic Intrapersonal
(dance the answer) (personal reflection)

musical interpersonal
(sing the answer) (get a partner and
answer together)
What Say Them
The characters in the cutouts or graphics are

The students must be challenged to put words into

the mouths of these characters through blank
dialogue boxes based from the lecture or topic of
Telling a story becomes
predictable! Stereotype!


Involve the students in the story!

but don’t sacrifice the content pls!


Old Woman

Interactive Story Telling

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a spider; 
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her!
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a bird; 
How absurd to swallow a bird!
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a cat; 
Imagine that! She swallowed a cat!
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady that swallowed a dog; 
What a hog, to swallow a dog!
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a cow; 
I don't know how she swallowed a cow!
She swallowed the cow to catch the dog,
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a horse;
...She died, of course!

is a no no!!!

Pass the hat, crown, Einstein's

wig or anything that can mean
bright idea.
Employ a thematic music and
when it stops who ever receives
the cap shall wear it and answer
the question.
1. Ask a question.
2. Challenge the students to
answer in a required MI
modalities through cubing
3. Be more creative in using the
- An instructional tactic where the
students are asked to think for
the moment first, then pair up to
compare their experiences /
thoughts then share to a larger


Each student on the team

becomes an EXPERT on
one topic by working with
members of from other
teams assigned the
corresponding expert topic.
Upon returning to their
teams, each one in turn
teaches the group and
students are all assessed
on all aspect of the topic
Structures in Cooperative Learning

- Each student moves to a
corner of the room. Students
discuss within corners, then
listen to and paraphrase ideas
from other corners

- Label each corner with: SA, A,

- Students move into the corner
which best represents their
view of the issue
- Students in each corner
discuss among themselves
- Students then report their
insights per corner
Philips 555

1. Ask the class to group themselves into 5

2. Give the questions which can be answered together or individually.

3. Give 5 minutes to accomplish the task/ answer the questions.

4. Allow them to share their ideas.

(people, events, places, sentences)

Two BIRDS in a row!

Ask the students to form pieces

of puzzle and analyzing the
content, the students are
expected to share some
insightful thoughts regarding it
News Headlines… Ansabe?
Present to students some
updated news headlines that
are related to the lesson (may
be used as motivational acts)

Prepare an improvised

Project like a field news


Conduct AMBUSH interview

Prepare objects or materials Now You See Them.. Now
related t your topic (terms,
formula, pictures, realia etc.) You Know Them
Prepare a TABLE. Everything
must be on the top of the table.
Challenge the students to
observe the objects and cover
the table with the cloth

The teacher can ask questions

based on his topic and the
answer can be identified with
the object on the top of the

Do this as long as all objects

are identified correctly. Have
Who said comics are not intelligent readings?

The teacher can begin his talk with c/komiks

Even as
a happy life cannot
reference for discussion be without a measure of
darkness, and the word
'happy' would lose its
Choose strips that are related to your lesson
meaning if it were not
Then challenge your students into criticalbalanced
and by sadness.”
creative thinking
- Carl Jung

Conceptual Kinesthetic

Lesson: Human Blood

1. Right heart
2. Pulmonary artery
3. Lungs
4. Pulmonary veins
5. Left heart
6. Body parts

If the students cant learn by telling (auditory) or

showing (visual) them, then…
MOVE it!
Just make use of your body gestures for mastery
learning of the concepts or processes
Wacky Aphorism

Aphorisms are maxims, sayings, slogans etc.

The teacher can use aphorism but they are:

NON-conventional; irreverent; problem

Hand Held Response Cards

Distribute standardized cards that can be held aloft as

visual responses to teacher questions.


Green Card – TRUE

Blue Card - FALSE
Basketball Review

This review game gets

students involved as a team
while allowing them to win a
chance to throw the ball 'in
the hoop'.

•Write 'easy' and 'hard' review questions.

•Make a small ball
•Set up the room with a (clean) garbage can in the front. This will be the 'basket'.
•Place a piece of masking tape on the floor approximately 3 feet from the basket.
•Place a piece of masking tape on the floor approximately 8 feet from the basket.
•Divide the students into two teams.
•Keep score for the questions. Easy questions are worth 1 point each and hard
questions are worth 2. “People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace.
•If a student gets an easyThey
chase correct, theyaddictions,
idle dreams, have a chance
shoot for people,
other an 'extra
point'. They will shoot from the to fill the
tape emptiness
mark that plagues
that is furthest fromthem. The irony is the only
the basket.
•If a student gets a hard place they correct,
question ever needed
search was within.”
a chance to shoot for an 'extra
- Ramona L. Anderson
point'. They will shoot from the tape mark that is closest to the basket.
My Friend…My Graffics

Let each student seek a Learning


Then assign them – Student A

and Student B

With coloring materials, Student A

visualizes ideas based on the
assigned topic while Student B in
turn draws the idea

The teacher calls for a partner to

show and discuss their creative

Students sit in a group of 6-8 around a

table or in a circle.
Questions or problems should be well
explained and understood by each
Each participant privately makes one or
more sketches and passes the sketch to
the person on the right when it is finished
or when a brief set time has passed.

Participants develop or annotate the

sketches passed to them, or use them to
inspire new sketches which are also
passed in turn.
POETIC Topic Social Responsibility

Integrity of creation
After an activity, the teacher can
challenge the students to form small Values of recycling
Man-made calamities
Each member of the group must jot
down on a piece of paper a particular
learning or idea derived from the topic Balance in nature

The teacher then collects the papers and

distributes them to other groups

The challenge now is to come up with a To keep the balance in nature

poem using the words written in the A social responsibility for all
papers Man-made calamities can be remedied
Relate and connect the words and add Through values of recycling
possible fitting ideas to compose a poem Celebrating integrity of creation

Now each group has a poem regarding

the topic . What an intelligent way to
Terms of Endearment

Ideas written in cards placed on top of

a BILAO can be passed around

Allow the students to choose any of the PARASITISM MUTUALISM

cards they prefer and encourage them
to explain something about it
This strategy can give the students
more freedom to express their thoughts
in easy and relaxed moments COMPETITION PREDATION

Also, it can give the teacher easy

recognition what to review and
emphasize to them - again
Pick A Hole

Questions are to be prepared (MCQs,

True or False)
Student picks a hole.

Insert his finger or arm

Pull specific card to reveal the answer


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