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Taslima Nasreen
Taslima Nasreen
 Highly controversil writer of Bangladeshi
 A Number of her books are banned in
Bangladesh and LAJJA is on of those books
 Extremist in Bangladesh wanted her death at
one time
 Though she survived the Islamic
Organizations but was forced to leave her own
country and were denied with all her rights as
a citizen of country
 The word LAJJA means ‘SHAME’
 This book is set in the backdrop of Babri
Masjid demolation saga in the year 1992
 It caused a strong religious,political and
social impact
 Resulted in riots between Hindus and
Muslims in sensitive areas throughout the
 The Babri Mosque was a mosque in
Ayodhya,a city in the Faizabad district of
Uttar Pradesh
 The mosque was constructed in 1527 by the
order of Babur,the first mughal emperor
 It was destroyed in 1992 when a rally
developed into a riot involving more than
1.5lakh people
 Mosque as destroyed despite being a
commitment made to the Indian Supreme
Court by the rally organizers that the
mosque would not be harmed
 In that riot more than 2000 muslims were
killed and this spread the riot in delhi and
 The stage is set in Bangladesh and the tale
revolves around an extremely patriotic hindu family
caught in the fires of the riots that stormed
 Suranjan is a middle aged man with little or no
accomplishment in his life to boast about
 He is a son of a doctor named Sudhamoy who is a
man with strong national values
 He supported his clan during the National
movement and has worked for the cause of the
 In return his own countrymen for whom he stood for
treated him very badly
 Suranjan despite of being deprived of
opportunities due to his religious background
,very much like his father, loves his motherland
 Sudhamoy’s wife Kiranmoyee is a very kind and
lovable lady who stand by her husband and her
family during the tough testing times
 Their daughter Maya ,a vvacious lady is
distraught with compatriot’s attitute towards them
and her family idealism to remain in the country
during the time of riots
 Sudhamoy’s family is proud to be Bangladeshi
citizens but are caught in the entanglement of the
inner crisis and the patriotism for their country
 Though they have the feeling of patriotism but
still they struggled to establish a home of their
own in their country and at last failed to do so
 They even lost their daughter Maya during the
communal riots
 Their faith in their nation is shattered and finally
after thirteen days of hell the family sans the
missing daughter decides to leave the country
and migrate to India
 We have just enough religion to make us
hate, but not enough to make us love each
other- JONATHAN SWIFT said this after
reading this book
 LAJJA literaaly means shame and true to
its title I believe that after reading this book
every right human would be ashamed of
the religious fanatism that exist in our
 We belong to a country where religion is politicized,politics is
criminalized and crimes are nationalized.
 This is indeed a shame and the book very accurately potrays
the pain of hindus who were the victim of these riots
 All sort of crimes are carried out in the name of religion and
this is not jus the scenario of that time but same is the case
presently also
 Recently we have heard of AYODHYA verdict which clearly
shows politicians doing politics on the name of religion
 Now its on the citizens of the country that
they should not get carried away by the

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