Marke Ting Di Gital Strate Gies: Esc / Pa U - 2020 - 21

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2 02 0-2 1
1-Introduction to E-
marketing (6 hours )
• Moving from transactional to conversational
• Marketing Automation
• E-mail marketing
• Search marketing

• E-Public Relationships
• Social Media Marketing and Social selling
2- Understanding digital
strategies (12 hours)
2.1 / The basics of digital strategies
• Focus on buyer personas
• SEO & SEM strategies
• Content marketing
• Social Media Optimization strategy
2.2 / Introduction to advertisement in Social Media
• Advertising in Social Media
• Mobile marketing strategies
• Personnalised audiences - Retargeting strategies
3- Cross-media marketing
campaigns (12 hours)
3.1 / Introduction to cross media campaigns

• Differences between BtoC and BtoB marketing x Cross-cultural marketing

• Developing a cross-cultural marketing strategy

3.2/ Reporting and helpful Tools

• Main digital targets

• Main digital Key Performance Indicators
• Statistic platforms for social networks and websites reporting x Monitoring
Examination coefficient : 30%
written test ; 70% practical
cases in group.
Aims of the course: The objective of the course is to help
participants to understand digital marketing methods.
A brief glance about history
From the caverns to the next 100 years

Non verbal to languages

Languages to writing

Religions and printing

New technologies
Web 1.0 –the basics

Web 2.0 – transactional to conversational

Web 3.0 – connected objects

Web ?.0 – Symbiotic man

Communication Scheme
One key fact: Going from transactional marketing to
conversational marketing can truly "revolutionise"
relationships with your customers
1. Create the link and a real
The customers of today no longer hide behind categories or targets,
but become people with an identity, preferences, habits...
Above all else, they are looking for a human relationship and an
experience that is more than a simple product or service. You
must give them value and touch their emotions by introducing a real
dialogue that is regular, transparent and tailored to their
expectations. Social networks, your points of sale, your website,
public relations at special events... are as many places for
establishing this dialogue and creating the link around your values.
For example, at each event at Stade de France, our
customers benefit from the intimacy and the privileged
environment of our private areas to establish a dialogue
with their guests. In addition to experiencing a fantastic
and unforgettable time them, they tell us that these few
hours spent together around an event allow you to get to
know them better, to strengthen links in a sustainable
manner and thus exceed the simple transactional
framework of the relationship.
2. Make your customers
It is better to keep a customer that to want to win a new one at any
price! The existing customer is in fact the source of increasing sales
and repeat purchases. They are also the first spokesman for your
business. They go from simple consumers to partners and even
ambassadors when you place them at the heart of the relationship.
This naturally contributes to the reputation of your brand. The words
and the approval of a customer are worth much more than when you
talk about your offer yourself. Creating the link with your customers
around your values is therefore the key to conversational marketing
promoting a win-win and perennial commercial relationship.
Conversation era
David Weinberger
The Cluetrain manifesto - The end of business as usual. A book written in

The Cluetrain Maenifetsto has expressed the"guiding principles of social media

for years before Facebook and Twiter even exist."

Its thesis: The end of the conventional business "as usual" in the markets : from
the simple transaction to prior conversation.

→ shift from "customers" to online "communauties".

→redistribution organizations / companies VS citizens / consumers-customers.

Used Generated Content Era
The UGC refers to the fact that content is generated
directly by users.

Recent revolution thanks to advances in technology such

as AI, Voice Recogniton, I to T and smart phones
contributes to enrich the conversation.
The "Conversaton Prism": created y Brian Solis in
2008 (in perpetual evolution ever since...)
In the center: you or a specific customer
On the first circle: it’s your main target. (Listen - Co-
creation – learn-engagement)

The outer circle : all other categories(Events, blogs,

Marketing automation is all about using software to
automate marketing activities. Many marketing
departments automate repetitive tasks such as email
marketing, social media posting, and even ad campaigns --
not just for the sake of efficiency, but so they can provide
a more personalized experience for their customers. The
technology of marketing automation makes these tasks
At its best, marketing automation is a combination of software and strategy. It should allow
you to nurture prospects with highly personalized, useful content that helps convert prospects
to delighted customers. 

But: Because of the popularity of marketing automation, a misconception has grown that
marketing automation software can be a salve for any slowdowns in marketing growth --
including the need to generate new leads. This misconception leaves many marketers with
sophisticated tools to automate the middle of their funnel, but no solution for generating new
leads to nurture in the first place.

The consequence is that marketers begin buying lists of email addresses to nurture instead of
generating inbound leads. While it seems like a quick fix, it's not a long-term solution, nor
does it create the fertile ground for a healthy, long-term relationship with your customers. 
When marketing automation operates in a silo like this,
points of friction are introduced that stall and strain what
could have been productive, long-term customer

Email remains the most profitable and cost-effective marketing channel. See more
of its advantages:

Low cost (also in time and effort) Huge ability to personalize

Possibility of frequent communication Easy user segmentation

Easy testing and monitoring

Possibility of tracking individual user’s responses Environmentally-friendly

Sales potential (when compared to social media, which mostly build engagement,
but don’t sell)
Customers love emails

58% of clients declare that email is their favorite way of getting offers and
marketing communication. At the same time, 32% of them would like to receive
fewer messages due to their repetitive character. Respondents in Adobe survey say
that they spend 6 hours per day checking their emails. Mostly they do it
simultaneously with other activities, when:

Watching TV (70%) In bed (50%)

In the toilet (42%)

During a phone call (43%) When driving a car (18%).

Grow your email list organically

50% of marketers admit that the quality of data they work on lowers
the efficiency of their campaigns. The condition of data problem stems
from quantity over quality approach when it comes to growing a list.
Organic methods, even if they don’t deliver spectacular effects
immediately, still work best in the long run as a solid ground for further
campaigns. On the other hand, the list full of bought contacts

or addresses of people who don’t want to get your messages can cause a
B. Segment your list

Using tags in your Marketing Automation Software, you

can easily group your contacts into segments and prepare
dedicated, precisely tailored campaign for each section.
For example, you can send a message to loyal customers
only, or to inhabitants of a given city, or to people who
bought a particular product or used a particular coupon.
C.Use dynamic 1-to-1 email

Dynamic 1-to-1 emails are delivered to an individual user

automatically and are related to her behavior. Examples?
Message with products from the abandoned cart or
discount for last viewed items.

They show 621% higher conversion, rates because they

match user’s needs at the moment.
D.Combine many forms of emails

Don’t drop your traditional newsletters yet! We talk a lot

about contact segmentation and personalized 1-to-1 emails
to let you see how many means of communication you
have at your fingertips. Combine many forms of emails,
including dynamic emails, Lead Nurturing messages,
newsletters to the whole database and more.
E. Choose a right moment for delivery
F. Skillfully adapt persuasion

According to Aristotle, to persuade somebody, a

speaker or writer must include 3 elements in her
speech or text:

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Ethos: or the speaker/writer herself. You must earn credibility
to convince the audience that listening to you is worth their
time. What can you show for yourself? Are you an expert?
Maybe some of your experiences make your case plausible? For
email marketers, it means that you have to earn trust and build a
reputation. You can do so with a systematic delivery of great
content, with showing reviews of satisfied customers or awards.
Why are you trustworthy is the first question your audience
asks, so prepare your answer.
Pathos, or emotions and empathy. To convince somebody,
you must show that you can feel for her, that you
understand her situation and can put yourself in her shoes.
Logos, or rational reasons. When user trusts you and feels
the emotional connection, you still need to give her
measurable, logical reasons to do what you want her to do.
The point of Aristotle’s idea was to refer both to emotions
and to the rational mind and to build your credibility. The
fusion of these 3 elements creates an irresistible creation.
33% of users make a decision about opening an email
basing solely on the subject line:
if it doesn’t seem interesting, they move the message to
the trash.
Write down 5 – 15 versions
of a subject Even if you developed
a pretty good line, prepare variations on it: move words, try synonyms. You can
get carried away with your imagination: don’t toss even most absurd ideas
away, just let your creativity work.

Make a list of words and numbers that must appear

in the subject line. See how they look in different configurations. 10 Ideas for
Increasing Sales, How to Increase Sales?, Do you cannibalize your sales too?,
Everything you wanted to know about sales but were afraid to ask, Secrets

of successful salespersons... Try how many combinations you can think of.
Run A/B testing

Check what your customers think, don’t rely on your judgment.

Personalize the subject line.

“Mark, do you cannibalize your sales?” Sounds like a personal

question. It’s a simple trick to engage the customer and gain strategic
advantage. Research confirm the thesis: emails with personal- ized
subject lines show 22.3% higher OR when compared to bulk
Characteristics of a great subject line A great subject line

Useful: refers to possible improvement or benefit for recipient

Specific: contains precise information Unique: shows


Urgent: demands an action right now.

Define the purpose

Aristotle taught us that each element of an email must serve a

precise aim, remember? Your message must have one in the first
place. What do you want the recipient

to do?
Should she download an ebook? Or take a look at the price list?
Register for an event?
Buy a product?
Call To Action
How to choose right software?

There is a vast array of platforms to choose from, with each of them

offering many options. Also, all of them are pretty sophisticated and
advanced tools, taking months to master, so investing in a wrong one
might cost you months of lost time. It all can be intimidating. Finding
the right platform for your compa- ny is a difficult task, but the tips
below might help.
Make sure that operating the system is intuitive for you. Ask how much
will it take to learn it.
Use the trial to test all the actions you will want to execute
Take mobile and other devices into consideration

No more than 600 px width. It’s optimal size for

convenient reading on various devices.

Use big font. The small font on a small screen will get ...
well, smaller.

Reduce your menu bar: it might be difficult to navigate

on mobile.
Take care of database hygiene

Each year 25% of your database decays naturally: people

change jobs, email providers, etc. It happens usually and
no reason to be scared: just prepare for it. We recommend
2 regular practices to address the problem: building your
list organically (so you won’t find random or inactive
emails) and data cleansing (e.g. with win-back
Subscription during the purchase. It’s the most efficient way of
obtaining email addresses,

Large and clear subscription form not only on your home page
but also on other pages,

Mobile app,

Registration on webinars and events, Contests requiring giving

an email address.
Don’t be a spammer

Permission: send emails only to people who agreed to receive your messages,

Say hi: welcome messages help customers remember that they subscribed,

Keep balance: between sales and edutainment. Sending offers all the time
won’t make user excited about your messages, but focusing only on delivering
valuable content might undermine sales,

Run list cleansing campaigns described above,

Personalize communication, so recipient feels that the message was crafted

especially for her.
Measure and Conquer

Most popular metrics for measuring successfulness of the

campaign. It tells you how many people clicked the link in your
email (to be precise: it’ the percentage of clicked messages to
opened ones). Marketers often use it for A/B testing.

OR: describes how many users opened your message.

Conversion rate: tells you how many users performed an

action we asked them to do (like purchase or registration).
Bounces: indicate to how many emails your message has not been
delivered. We divide them into soft bounces (when the reason
message can’t be delivered is temporal, like full inbox) and hard
ones (when the cause is permanent, like lack of such email
address). A number of bounces is a real acid test of the list quality.

Indirect metrics

Keep track of how Email Marketing campaigns influence the

overall performance of the company.
Best practices

Welcome message
74,4% % of customers expect welcome

message after subscribing to a newsletter. It helps prevent

the situation in which users get first emails two weeks
after subscribing and can’t remember the company.
20% of businesses send emails with
a content of abandoned shopping cart. It works, because of
a simple reason: we offer something that customer wants
to buy. She was motivated enough to put items in her cart.
Such messages show CTR higher even by 621% when
compared to traditional bulk messages.
Lead Nurturing

Educate customers, deliver valuable information and help

make well thought-through decisions, so they feel
comfortable and secure about their purchases.
Use customer’s name

That simple move improves customers’ mood in the spot

and helps you win time to persuade them. Use names in
subject lines and the content of an email.
Customer segmentation

Show your audience that you understand

their needs. Send different offer to loyal

Dynamic 1-to-1 email with offer of viewed products, or complimentary

products, or tailored to purchase history.

A couple of visits give you amazing insight into users’ interests. That knowledge
will allow you to deliver relevant content and offers to each contact. With dynamic
1-to-1 emails, you can send each user a dedicated message with offer tailored to hr
interests and to the history of bought and viewed product.
Dynamic 1-to-1 email with offer of viewed products, or
complimentary products, or tailored to purchase history.

A couple of visits give you amazing insight into users’

interests. That knowledge will allow you to deliver relevant
content and offers to each contact. With dynamic 1-to-1
emails, you can send each user a dedicated message with
offer tailored to hr interests and to the history of bought and
viewed product.
To come
Search Marketing

E-public relatioships

Next meeting

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