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G I ES - 3
2 02 0-2 1
2- Understanding digital
strategies (12 hours)
2.1 / The basics of digital strategies

• Focus on buyer personas

• SEO & SEM strategies
• Content marketing

• Social Media Optimization strategy

2.2 / Introduction to advertisement in Social Media

• Advertising in Social Media

• Mobile marketing strategies
• Personnalised audiences - Retargeting strategies
2.1 / The basics of digital
How to draw a good picture of the target ?
What makes a marketing campaign successful? Knowing
your audience. Buyer personas can help you understand
the needs of those you serve (or want to serve)
A buyer persona is a fictional person who represents a company’s ideal
customer, based on actual customer data or extensive market research.
These personas can help you understand the needs of each audience
segment you serve, and get the right message in front of the right group
of people.

Think about each product or service you offer and the type of person
who would be a good fit for each one. Have them in mind yet? Great!
The characteristics of these people, who they are, where they live or
work, and their lifestyle and habits, represent your ideal buyer personas.
The buyer persona is a great
resource to help:
Determine your compelling message. You have a product
or service that offers great benefits. You’re passionate about!
Your marketing message should show that you’re confident
in what you can deliver and make people feel excited—so
much so that it makes them take immediate action. 
Discover the most relevant marketing channel. When
considering successful marketing campaign elements,
think about the delivery method. You’ve crafted an
amazing message and now it’s time to get it out into the
world on the most relevant channel.
Organize previous marketing campaign performance
data. Start with what you know about your audience and
what has worked well in the past. If you’ve had consistent
success launching your campaigns through a particular
channel, whether it’s email, online advertising, social
media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, or even snail
mail, leverage what works.
Understand your audience's preferred communication.

This is one of the most overlooked steps in the process of

planning a marketing campaign, but it’s certainly the most
important. Think about your target audience and where
you can reach them most effectively. Where are people
most actively engaging with you? 
Details matter!
It’s important to take a thorough look at everything about
who your ideal customers, clients, donors, or students
actually are when researching AND building personas.
You don’t have to have an answer for every question
before beginning to build your personas—start with what
you have and go from there.
Personas don’t have to ever be “done:” continue to tweak
and iterate on them as much as necessary.

Determine how you’ll research your personas and how you’re going to get
those persona-building questions answered. Print out a Buyer Persona
Development Worksheet for each persona you might have. This worksheet
acts as a framework for your persona & can guide your research.
Compile research and answers to your paraphrased version of questions on
the Persona Profile Checklist. Look for trends in the responses you get and
add these to the Persona Development Worksheet. Use the buyer persona-
building best practices to transform your worksheet into a complete persona.
Interview current customers

Survey your customers

Use HubSpot lead intelligence

Talk to you co-workers to make sure they agree with your

Interview customers
Best option is to set up in-person in a meeting

Set up focus group-based interviews

Use GoToMeeting,, or other web-based

conferencing tool if you do not have other options

Telephone interviews
Don’t have customers yet? No problem! Although
completed personas must be based on research, start with
educated assumptions then fill in those holes with research
when it becomes available.
Survey your current customers

Use a free service like SurveyMonkey to create an online

survey you can send out to your customers.

Look for trends in the responses you get!

Talk to your co-workers. Anyone who either is your
persona or talks to them on a daily basis can help you do
persona research and give their opinion.

As you do your research, collecting all data in one place

reveals trends and similarities in the types of responses
people give.
These trends or common responses are what should make
their way into your Persona Development Worksheet

Google docs

Microsoft Excel

Numbers for Mac


Whatever your preferred data organization tool may be!

Focus on motives behind behaviors: pay attention to not just what
someone is doing, but why they’re doing it

Choose one primary persona; all other personas are secondary Keep
personas fictional, but still realistic. No one has a one-size fits all

Don’t define your persona by describing just one real person. Tell your
persona’s story. Don’t just list facts about them

weave those facts into a detailed representation of who this persona is as

a person.
Focus on the motives behind
When doing research and building a persona, pay attention
to why someone is using a particular tool, looking for a
specific solution, or trying to reach a certain goal—and
not just the tools, solutions, or goals themselves.
Keep it fictional but realistic.
Personas are semi-fictional characters: make them
specific, but be sure your persona isn’t just describing 1 or
2 people who actually are that persona
Focus on one primary persona.
Assign one of your personas as “primary;” all others
become secondary.

Focus on researching, creating, and targeting this primary

persona first, then move on to other personas later.
Tell your personas’ story.
Don’t just list facts about them

weave those facts into a detailed representation of who

this persona is as a person.

Stories provide context and deeper understanding of who

this person is than a list of facts ever could.
Find stories:
Job and demographic information

What does a day in their life look like?

What are their challenges and pain points?

Where do they go for information?

Common objections to products and services

2.2 - SEO & SEM
Into the website
Crawl accessibility so engines can read your website

Compelling content that answers the searcher’s query

Keyword optimized to attract searchers & engines

Great user experience including a fast load speed

Share-worthy content that earns links, citations, and amplification

Title, URL, & description to draw high CTR in the rankings

Snippet/schema markup to stand out in SERPs

Our approach targets users first because that's what search
engines reward. Keyword research and other methods is
important to determine what your audience is seeking.
On site optimization
Use your research to craft your message.

It’s important to cover optimized design, user experience,

information architecture, and all the ways you can adjust
how you publish content to maximize its visibility and
resonance with your audience.
Technical SEO
Basic technical knowledge will help you optimize your site
for search engines and establish credibility with

By implementing responsive design, robot directives, and

other technical elements like structured data and meta
tags, you can tell Google (a robot itself) what your site is
all about. This helps it rank for the right things.
Link building
Turn up the volume.

Once you've got everything in place, it's time to expand

your influence by earning attention and links from other
sites and influencers.
The more popular and important a site is, the more weight the links
from that site carry. A site like Wikipedia, for example, has
thousands of diverse sites linking to it. This indicates it provides lots
of expertise, has cultivated authority, and is trusted among those
other sites.

To earn trust and authority with search engines, you'll need links
from websites that display the qualities of trustable sites. These don't
have to be Wikipedia-level sites, but they should provide searchers
with credible, trustworthy content.
Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines put a great deal
of importance on the concept of E-A-T — an acronym for
expert, authoritative, and trustworthy. Sites that don't
display these characteristics tend to be seen as lower-
quality in the eyes of the engines, while those that do are
subsequently rewarded. E-A-T is becoming more and
more important as search evolves and increases the
importance of solving for user intent.
Creating a site that's considered expert, authoritative, and
trustworthy should be your guiding light as you practice
SEO. Not only will it simply result in a better site, but it's
future-proof. After all, providing great value to searchers
is what Google itself is trying to do.
Links are earned or editorially placed

Editorial links are links added naturally by sites and pages

that want to link to your website.
The foundation of acquiring earned links is almost always through
creating high-quality content that people genuinely wish to
reference. This is where creating 10X content (a way of describing
extremely high-quality content) is essential! If you can provide the
best and most interesting resource on the web, people will naturally
link to it.

Naturally earned links require no specific action from you, other

than the creation of worthy content and the ability to create
awareness about it.
Set yourself up for success.

An essential part of any SEO strategy is knowing what's

working (and what isn't), adjusting your approach as you
go along.
2.2.B SEM
SEM, or search engine marketing, is a marketing tactic
where a marketer optimizes and advertises their website in
order to appear higher in search results.
What is the benefit of SEM?
While SEO allows you to optimize your website for a
greater chance in appearing higher in search results, and
online advertising allows you to send promotional content
to the target audience of your choosing, SEM combines
both benefits as your content is both optimized for higher
search rankings and is placed primarily in front of
audiences who are most likely to convert when they click
on your ads.
Search engine marketing (SEM) is the unsung hero — and
the secret weapon — for today’s growth marketing
Deliver Value Across the
Decision Journey
Who are the customers behind all those clicks?

New research from Bing Ads allows us to better

understand the five distinct stages all customers share:
Initiation: Getting background information and buying
landscape to become a more informed researcher.

Research: Exploring buying guides, recommendations,

and products that meet basic criteria.
Compare: Comparing a handful of products that meet the
customer’s criteria, including ratings, reviews, features,
and cost.

Transaction: Finding where to buy, then seeing pricing

and promotions, availability, and local stores.
Experience: Getting customer service, asking
maintenance questions, and making additional purchases.
Align Your Campaign &
Business Goals
Search can impact, and help you measure, your business

Be sure to align your SEM strategy with your campaign

Brand awareness and perception
Win new customers
Enter new markets
Expand Your Marketing
As our constant companion, search is no longer just a product — it’s a

We turn to search at all times and in all places, whether on our

desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones.
Understanding how people search at different points on their purchase
journeys opens the door to engage your brand with this new audience.

SEM also reinforces your conversion funnel and unifies disparate

marketing activities.
Take Audience Targeting to
the Next Level
Right-time, right-place engagement alone is no longer
enough to compel potential customers.
Step 1: Build richer buyer
personas that consider these
Behavioral: Past behaviors are useful for understanding consumers’
interests and their likelihood to purchase. To better measure user
behavior, analyze activities across websites, searches, and content.

Demographic: Buying preferences are influenced by elementary but

important factors that include age, gender, and location.

Contextual: Consumers often search in the moment. Analyzing

where, when, and how they search can provide useful content for
creating more impactful ad campaigns.
Step 2: Choose keywords that
align with the key stages and
mindsets of your target
Initiation: Keywords such as “What is” and “Benefits of”
work best at this stage.

Research: Keywords such as “Buying guide” and

“Models” work best at this stage.
Compare: Keywords such as “Reviews” and “Features”
work best at this stage.

Transaction: Keywords such as “Where” and “Coupon”

work best at this stage.
Experience: Keywords such as “Support” and
“Experience” work best at this stage.
Other Investments with Paid
Search and social: Customers who click your paid search and
social ads are likelier to buy and spend more.

Strengthen your keyword coverage to get more impressions, and

tailor your bidding strategy for commercial-related PPC campaigns.

Search and TV: Search volume spikes for days after a commercial

airs. In a Bing Ads study of the biggest commercial event of the
year, the Super Bowl, the increase in branded search volume
followed a consistent pattern across industries.
Search and display: Conversion rates increased by 52 percent
while display and search were running simultaneously. Not
only did conversion metrics increase, but campaign reach
(impressions) increased by 45 percent as well.

Search and other channels: When Bing Ads is alone in the

purchase path, purchases have a 27 percent higher order
average order value than purchases not including Bing Ads,
which also generate value when paired with other channels.
Separate SEM Impacts from
Other Channels
Other SEM & SEO
UTM code in the header ( t will be trackes into Google
Analytics )
Here you want to make sure to hit the four main fields.

Landing page


Campaign name

Adwords tips
Automate Your Bidding in your account -Here you tell
Google Ads how to manage events in your account, like
increasing your ad spend when the average cost per click is low.

Use Google Ads and Facebook to Drive Content Success -

Essentially, you’re paying Facebook and Google Ads to
increase organic rankings. You take good content, add paid
syndication, and watch keyword rankings go up on the search
Kinsta’s big goal with content promotion is to build traffic
and get as many eyeballs as possible.

Then they’ll use display retargeting and RLSAs on Google

Ads, targeting the people who just visited with lead gen
offers to start a free trial or a money back guarantee:
Put Your Message Match on Steroids -
Better message match = better Quality/Relevance
Scores = lower Cost Per Leads.
Upgrade Offers, not Buttons - Why? Keywords and intent!

That’s why the same old boring “Free Quote” landing page
works OK on Google Ads, but bombs on pretty much every
other channel out there.

The final ingredient separating double-digit landing

pages from sub 1-2% is the offer you’re using to draw
people near.
Split testing more than A to B testing - Put your video to
the test by making two different versions of the page and
seeing which one drives more conversions, the one with or
without the video.
Then you can even split test different types of videos or
demos”. ( video or content )
Device Targeting Can Make or Break Success in 2020 –

Device targeting can make or break your campaign’s offer


Landing pages need to be treated differently if they’re on

mobile vs. desktop.

One time, a Directive Consulting client had their form below

the fold on mobile devices. 
Stop Pushing Sales and Start Pushing Value - Google
has shifted to be more customer-centric and advertisers
need to as well. No longer are the days of pushing product
and being overtly salesly.

Instead of promoting your product as the best,

promote your brand as a value proposition
Test Different Bidding Models Like Affiliate Marketing – ex:
Marketplaces or content sites with:

With affiliate marketing, there are a few common types of payment

structures for affiliate marketers:

Pay per sale

Pay per lead

Pay per click

The Google AdWords auction is focused around keywords
– advertisers choose a list of keywords to target that are
relevant to their business offerings, the words that people
are most likely to use when searching for their product.
They then bid on these keywords, basing each bid on how
much they are willing to pay for a Google user to click on
their ad. This bid, combined with a Quality Score assigned
by Google based on the quality of your proposed ad,
determines which Google ads appear on the SERP. When
users click the ads, the advertiser pays a certain cost (the
cost per click, or CPC), which is calculated according to
the next formula:
The AdWords Auction

AdWords works on an auction system, which takes place every time a

user performs a keyword search.

To “win” the AdWords auctions and see your Google advertisement

appear for relevant keywords, you’ll need to optimize your Quality
Score and bid amount. The higher your Quality Score, in conjunction
with your bid amount, the better your ad positioning. The following
factors (among others) affect your Quality Score:

The relevance of your Google ad to the search query

The relevance of the Google keyword to your ad group

The relevance of your ad to its landing page

The historical click-through rate (CTR) of the ad and its

ad group

Overall historical account performance

There are also overall benefits to having a high quality

Lower costs– Google rewards advertisers with high Quality
Scores by lowering their cost per click (CPC), helping
improve ROI.

Higher exposure – When you have high Quality Scores,

your ads will display more often, in better positions on the
SERP—the top vs. the bottom of the page. This enables you
to get more clicks and conversions without having to raise
your bids.
Google Ads Costs

The cost of Google ads varies based on a number of factors,

including the competitiveness of your keywords and industry,
your geographic location, the quality of your advertising
campaigns and more.

In the US, the average cost per click for Google search ads across
all industries is $2.32. In other countries,
average costs for Google ads are often much lower.
content marketing is all about storytelling & SEO, and
humans have told stories for as long as they could speak.
Our attention will always go to those who tell great stories
and google will love those who choose good keywords.
content marketing is a long-term strategy that focuses on
building a strong relationship with your target audience
by giving them high-quality content that is very
relevant to them on a consistent basis.

Because storytelling has changed over the years, the

attention of people stretches to more places than a few
years ago, and marketers have to make sure that they tell
stories in the year we actually live in.
Its ability to connect with the public has raised this
technique to a new dimension. Its potential is enormous,
and its connection capacity is greater than with a
traditional "buy my product" message. In a scenario where
users feel saturated with marketing, looking for new forms
of communication that break the usual market trend is the
ideal solution.
Connects better with customers: It's a different way of
directing users to get these users to pay more attention to
what you tell them

It will give your own identity mark: Your stories will be

yours, there will be no one who can tell the same. Your
communication will become totally personal and unique. It
will help you to differentiate yourself from the competition
and place your brand as a benchmark in the sector
Help customers better identify your brand: They will remember what you say and
how you say it. A brand that chooses a message where it has something more to
tell than its desire to buy its products is an identifiable brand. It is important to
implement a system that will differentiate you and be an element that customers
can identify among others. Your brand will benefit by choosing a different way of
doing marketing

Updates the brand image: Storytelling is the way to tell stories of the 21st century.
It has triumphed in social networks and is the form of marketing that likes the
young people. Using this technique in your marketing strategy will allow you to
update your brand image and renew the perspective that users and buyers have of
It is applicable to all media: Storytelling has the great
advantage of being a form of transversal communication.
It is applicable to all digital marketing media. Its potential
is perceptible since it is used in landings, emails, banners
or social networks alike. It is a totally novel way of telling
things. It is not complicated to use, but requires planning
enough to avoid errors.
Brand values: You must be able to convey the principles
on which your brand is built. Your brand values are
necessary if you want to connect with the customers. In
addition to the emotional issue, important, it is also
important to say how you are and what you offer
Emotion: Emotion is the main resource behind storytelling. At
the end, it seeks to connect with the client, make something
move inside it and end up consuming. You must be able to
employ language based on emotions. Your goal is to end your
speech by captivating the customer, by calling attention to him
to buy. Emotion can be positive (joy or happiness) or negative
(pity or pity). Each brand has to opt for some kind of emotion
that they want to convey to the customer. But keep in mind,
your brand will be identified with that chosen emotion.
Product strengths: Just as you power your brand image
through the positive aspects or your brand values, you
must be able to highlight the product or service you offer.
Emphasize the good thing about buying your idea.
Something that engages: Along with emotion, your speech
must be able to articulate in a way that engages the client.
Your story should captivate and attract the attention of the
public. If it catches your eye and gets buyers to be aware,
you will have succeeded. Hooking on your stories, your
stories, is the goal behind storytelling. It draws attention
and captivates customers by hooking them to what you
have to tell.
It’s already clear that the demand for visual storytelling in
the content marketing industry is going to see tremendous
growth in next years.

This is predicated on the fact that content generates up to

94 percent more views when compelling visual elements
are incorporated
YouTube stands alone: From a visual storytelling point of view,
no platform is as powerful as YouTube. It’s the world’s second-
largest search engineand gives brands the opportunity to deliver
powerful content to massive audiences.

The rise of interactive visual storytelling:Look for interactive

visual storytelling to become a highly pursued strategy for big
brands. Papandrea (2017) calls this a hybrid form of interactive
content, in the sense that it contains multiple unique elements of
visual storytelling in a single, consolidated medium.
Virtual reality will put another foot forward: Mass
adoption of virtual reality (VR) technology –both on
business and consumer sides –is still a couple of years
away. Trendy brands will try to make a splash by
leveraging new VR tools at events and physical retail
locations. Tommy Hilfiger brand, for example, recently
did this when launching their 5th Avenue store in New
York City
Other aspects

Trans media

Story co-building



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