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Isang paalala makinig at makilahok tayo sa

diskurso upang magkaroon ng makabuluhang t

Pag may tanong Klasmeyt,
wag magatubiling itanong.

:Group 1
Maligayang pagbabal
ik tanaw sa ating k
Tara! Samahan niyo kami siyasatin ang ating
Alam mo ba?

Did you know that! Magellan commanded the lead ship

Trinidad and was accompanied by four other ships: the San
Antonio, the Conception, the Victoria and the Santiago. The
expedition would prove long and arduous, and only one ship,
the Victoria, would return home three years
What is the purpose why Ferdi
nand Magellan and the rest of
his men travel across the wor

•He wanted to reach South-East Asia, where spices grew

and gems were to be found, by sailing westwards across
the Atlantic Ocean. He hoped to find a passage through
South America so that he could sail all the way from the
Atlantic to the ocean beyond the Americas (now known as
the Pacific).
Antonio Pigaffeta Fi
rst Voyage Around th
e World
Antonio Pigaffeta
•Italian scholar and explorer
from the republic of Venice
•He traveled with the portugese
explorer Ferdinand Magellan
and his crew by orderof the
King Charles 1 of Spain on
their Voyage around the world
•His work became a classic that prominent literary men in
the West like William Shakespeare, Michel de Montaigne
and Giambattista Vico referred to the book in their
interpretation of the New World.

•His travelogue is one of the most importantprimary sources

in the study of precolonialPhilippines.

•His account was also a major referent to theevents leading

to Magellans arrival in thePhilippines, his encounter with
local leaders,his death in the hands of Lapulapu’s forces
inthe Battle of Mactan and in the depature ofwhat was left
of Magellan’s Feet from theislands.
The First Voyage Aroun
d the World by Magellan
• The document reveals several insights not just in the
character of the Philippines during pre colonial period,
but also on how the fresh eyes of the European regard a
deeply unfamiliar terrain, environment, people and
• Published after Pigafetta returned to Italy.
• Antonio Pigafetta wrote his first hand observation and
general impression of The Far East including their
Experiencesin the Visayas.In Pigafetta’s account, their Feet
reached what he called the Ladrones Islands or the “Islands of
the Thieves”

"These people have no arms, butuse sticks, which have a

fihbone at the end. They are poor, but ingenious, and great
thieves, and for the sake of that we called these three islands
the Ladrones Island"
March 16, 1521
Pigafetta reported that they reach the Isle of Zamal, now Samar,
but Magellan decided to land in another uninhabited island for
greater security where they could rest for a few days.
After two days, March 18, nine men came to them and show joy
and eagerness in seeing them and welcomed them with food,
drinks, and gifts.
The natives gave them:
Palm wine ( uraca)
2 cochos
Rice (umai)
March 25
they saw two ballangai (balangay)
•A long boat full of people in Mazzava/Mazaua.
•The leader (king) (Raia Siagu) sent his men to the ship of
•The king offered to give Magellan a bar of gold and chest of
ginger, Magellan declined. Instead Magellan asked for money for
the needs of his ships. The king responded by giving them the
needed provisions and food in china ware.
•Magellan exchanged gifts of robes in Turkish fashions, red cap,
knives andmirrors.
• The two men expressed their desire tobecome brothers.
•Magellan also boasted of his men in an armor who could not
struck with swords and daggers. The king was fascinated and
remarked that men in such armor could beworth one hundred of
his men.
April 7 1521
•Magellan and his men reached the portof Cebu, the largest and the
richest of the islands with the helped of Raia Calambu.
•The king of Cebu (Rajah Humabon)demanded that they pay tribute
as it was customary but Magellan refused.
•Magellan said that he was the captainhimself and thus would not
pay tributeto the other king.
• Magellan spoke about peace and God. People took pleasure in his
• Magellan asked the people who would succeed the king after his
reign and the people responded that the eldest child of the king,
who happened to be a daughter,would be the next in line.
• People wished to become Christians through their free will and not
becausethey were forced or intimidated.
April 14

• The people gathered with the king andother principal men of the
• Magellan spoke and encouraged the.king to be a good Christian by
burningall the idols and worship the cross instead.
• The king of Cebu was baptized as Christians.
April 26
• Zula, a principal man from the island of Matan (Mactan) went to
see Magellan and ask him a boat full of men so that he could fight
the chief name SilaLapulapu (Lapulapu).
• According to Zula, Lapulapu refused to obey the king and was also
preventing him from doing so.
• Magellan offered three boats and went to Mactan himself to Fight
• They arrived in Mactan in daylight with 49 in numbers while the
islanders of Mactan were estimated to number 1500
•Magellan died in the battle.
•The natives perceiving that the bodies of the enemies were
protected wit harmors, aimed for their legs instead.
•Magellan was pierced with a poisonedarrow in his right leg.
•A few of their men charges at thenatives and tried to intimidate
them byburning an entire village but this onlyenraged the natives
•Magellan was specifically targeted because the native knew he was
the captain general.
•The king invited these men to a gathering where he said he
would present the jewels that he would send for the King of
•Twenty-four men attended while Pigafetta was not able to
joined because he was nursing his battle wounds.
• The natives had slain all the men except the interpreter and
Juan Serrano who was already wounded.
•The Fleet departed and abandoned Serrano.
• They left Cebu and continued their journey around the world.
•From the original Five ships set to sail( San Antonio,
Concepcion, Victoria, Trinidad and Santiago) only Victoria
returned to Spain.
•And from the original 237 men only 18men survived.
Key points
Magellan's voyage is important, because it was the first to
circumnavigate the globe and led to the formation of the
International Date Line
It opened doors in the places where they passed, where people,
ideas and goods were coming and going. It established
commercial contacts between East and West that remained for
And to us Filipino it opens our eyes about what really happen
during pre colonial period. And how it reflects to our identy,
characteristics as a Filipino.

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