10 Most Common Job Interview Questions

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10 Most Common Job

Interview Questions
By. Indira Sari Paputungan, M.Ed
Q.1. Tell me a little about yourself
• If you're the candidate, talk about why you took certain jobs. Explain why
you left. Explain why you chose a certain school. Share why you decided
to go to grad school. Discuss why you took a year off to backpack through
Europe, and what you got out of the experience.
• e.g. “I have enjoyed working with computers since I was nine years old
and have always been adept as using them. Throughout school, friends
and relatives were always asking me for help with their computer
problems, so no one was surprised when I chose computing as a career”
Q.2. What are your biggest weaknesses?
• For example: "My biggest weakness is getting so absorbed in my work that I lose all track of
time. Every day I look up and realize everyone has gone home! I know I should be more aware of
the clock, but when I love what I'm doing I just can't think of anything else.“
• A better approach is to choose an actual weakness, but one you're working to improve. Share
what you're doing to overcome that weakness. No one is perfect, but showing 
you're willing to honestly self-assess and then seek ways to improve comes pretty darned close.
• e.g. “Time management used to be a bit of a problem for me – not that I was always late but
rather that I often took on too many tasks to complete at once. I went on a time management
course and learned to apply a simple prioritization and scheduling plan to all my projects. Since
doing that I find I always get things done on time.”
Q.3. What are your biggest strengths?
• Even so, if you're asked, provide a sharp, on-point answer.
• Be clear and precise.
• If you're a great problem solver, don't just say that: Provide a few
examples, pertinent to the opening, that prove you're a great problem
• If you're an emotionally intelligent leader, don't just say that: Provide a
few examples that prove you know how to answer the unasked question
Q.4. Where do you see yourself in five years?

• Assume that you will be promoted two or three times in five years, so your answer should
state that you see yourself working at whatever job is two or three levels above the job in
which you are applying for.
• Avoid brash statements such as that you will be “running the company” or “sitting in your
shoes” in five years!
• You might want to add that you understand your promotions will be earned through hard
work and that you don’t assume you will be promoted on the basis of the number of years
you’ve spent with the company. You could also mention that you would like to be building
on existing skills, develop new ones, hold a position of more responsibility, etc.  
Q.5. Out of all candidates, why should we hire
• A good answer focuses on how you can benefit the company.
• You can best do this by researching a company before the interview and
be ready with examples of how your skills, talent, etc., might help to
tackle some of the challenges faced by that particular company.
• Do you have a unique selling point that will make you stand out from the
other candidates?
Q.6. How did you learn about the
• So don't just explain how you heard about the opening. Show that you
heard about the job through a colleague, a current employer, by following
the company ... show that you know about the job because you want to
work there.
• Employers don't want to hire people who just want a job; they want to hire
people who want a job with their company.
Sample answers
• I’ve been looking actively for jobs and found it on a job board/careers website/while
searching jobs on LinkedIn, etc., and that’s how I first saw the job. I know STAR
Enterprise is known as leading company in the field of game producer.
• I have a colleague/friend working in STAR Enterprise and suggested me to apply or
mentioned that the company is hiring.
• I have been using some of the softwares produced by STAR Enterprise for some
times and went to the website and “Careers” page specifically to look for a job
opening because I really want to be part of this company’s team.
Q.7. Why do you want to work for this
• Don’t answer this question with, “because you advertised for an X at
monster.com”. Your answer should state a passion to work for the organization
because of the characteristics of it that most appeal to you.
• e.g. because it is on the cutting edge of technology” or “because you are the
industry leader”.
• The research you do on the company to prepare for the interview should help you
to prepare an answer to a question like this. Give specific examples that prove you
have carried out your research, e.g. because you have a comprehensive training
programme that includes x, y, z.
Phrases to start with…
• “I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting/forward-
thinking/fast-moving company/industry, and I feel I can do so by/with my
• “I feel my skills are particularly well-suited to this position because … ”
• “I believe I have the type of knowledge to succeed in this role and at the
company because … ”
• “I’m excited about this job opportunity, as it would allow me to … ”
Sample Answer
• I have used your software for many years and am consistently impressed with the innovation and developments made in the space.
I would love to be a part of this innovative team and use my skills to continue the groundbreaking work you are doing here.
• I've seen your company consistently listed as one of the top places to work. I've read employee testimonials and heard of your
enthusiasm for encouraging employee growth through education, training, and vast resources. I would love to join your innovative
team, continue to create great work, and grow within the company by learning new skills.
• I’ve heard of your reputation in the industry, and I would be proud to work for a company with such an excellent track record and
a strong example of leadership in the industry. I have a friend that works in the accounting department, and he told me that the
culture here is top notch and that management supports continuing education and learning on the job while rewarding hard work.
Based on his assessment and encouragement, I think that I would fit in perfectly with the team here to make an immediate impact.
• This organization is internationally known for the technology products you create, and my experience in technology and
developing new products has me intrigued by this position. I saw that last year you won multiple awards for the new processor you
designed, and I would love to be on a team that is collaborative, hardworking, and resourceful. 
Q.8. What do you know about our company?

• You should always research a company before the interview. Learn about
their products, services, size, future plans, current events, competitors, etc.
Much of this information should be on their website. Do an internet
research of their latest press release.
Go to company’s website and find
• What do they sell or how do they make money?
• Who is their typical customer?
• Approximately how many employees do they have?
• When were they founded?
• Who are some of their biggest competitors, and do they do anything to
differentiate themselves?
• Do they have a mission statement on the company website? What is it?
Sample Answers
• “I read on your website that you’re one of the top data security companies in the US, and that you serve more than
40 Fortune 500 companies including some of the biggest tech companies like Microsoft and IBM. I also read a
recent news article that mentioned you’re looking to expand into providing these services for financial institutions
as well. Is that right? And can you tell me more about that?”
• “I know you’re one of the biggest providers of payroll software, and you were founded in 2012 when your CEO
realized many small businesses spend far more than they should on payroll, which hurts their growth. The story on
your website’s “about us” page was interesting, and it seems like there’s a big need for this product based on how
quickly you’ve grown. I read that you doubled in size last year, and you are on track to do it again this year.”
• “I know that your company is one of the largest investment banks in the US. Your headquarters is in Raleigh, NC,
and you have 25,000 employees worldwide based on what I read on your website. I’ve known about your company
for a couple of years now because I’ve been working in this same industry. Your company is one of the names I
think of in this industry, which is why I was excited to apply for this job when I saw it posted on your website.”
Q.9. Why do you want this position?
• Again, your answer should state a passion to work for the organisation
because of the characteristics of it that most appeal to you. More
responsibility and opportunity are good reasons to offer. Do not focus on
remuneration (salary):
• e.g. “Because it pays more” is not a good answer but stating “The position
offers more responsibility, challenges and interesting opportunities”
Phrases to start with…
• 'This opportunity is really exciting for me as I will be able to…'
• 'I see the role as a way of developing my career in a forward-
thinking/well-established company/industry as…'
• 'I feel I will succeed in the role because I have experience in/softs skills
that demonstrate/ I’ve taken this course…'
• 'I believe my skills are well-suited to this job because…”
Sample Answers
• I want this job because it emphasizes sales and marketing, two of my greatest
skill sets. In my previous job, I increased sales by 15 percent in what was at the
time considered a flat industry. I know I could bring my ten years of sales and
marketing experience to this company, and help you continue your years of
• This job is a good fit for what I've been doing and enjoying throughout my
career. It offers a mix of short-term projects and long-term goals. My
organizational skills allow me to successfully multitask and complete both
kinds of projects.
Q.10. Do you work better alone or as part of a
• If the position you’re applying for requires you to spend lots of time alone, then of course,
you should state that you like to work alone and vice versa. Never sound too extreme one
way or another.
• Don’t say that you don’t like working with people and would “die if you had to work with
others” nor that you “will go crazy of you’re left alone for five minutes”! A healthy balance
between the two is always the best choice. If you have previous experience illustrating the
fact that you can work alone or with other then offer it.
• e.g. You might state that in previous jobs that you spent a significant amount of time alone
while travelling, or that you have learned how to get along well with people in the
workplace by working in numerous team projects.
Sample Answer
• I feel more motivated when I work with a group. I enjoy having other people around to bounce
ideas off of. I find that one person can say something that jogs your mind and
prompts you to come up with a completely new creative thought or idea. I enjoy that kind of
experience. Plus, I feel that everyone has something different to contribute to an effort because
we all come from such diverse backgrounds.
• I prefer to work independently or with a single partner. In my opinion, there are too many factors
that can be missed when people congregate together in groups of three or more. Also, if I am
going to be held accountable for the final result of a project or assignment, I want to be sure that
the work is done well and that it meets my standards. While this may sound egocentric, I see it as
taking pride in my work and having a desire to excel.

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