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Fa cul ty o f Agricultural Technology S eptember 20 21

D e v e lo p m e nt
in Ind o ne s ia
1.Revalina Miftahul
Rahmah 21510050711006
2.Sekar Elok Mahanani
3.Rediana Putri Nurochma
4.Alfina Farah Nabila
S eptember 20 21

As an important part of the application of technology

Biotechnology is the biological child of science the
in area of biology, a wide area of biotechnology
and technology. extendsfrom various living systems to
S eptem ber 20 21

The 20th century is the milestone

biotechnology revolution generally referred
to the birth of a baby first from the womb
of In Vitro technology Fertilization (IVF) in
D e v e lo p m e nt o f B io t e c hno lo g y in
Ind o ne s ia
1985 1994

Indonesia allows the emergence of the

Indonesian Biotechnology Consortium formed
program biotechnology in IPB, UGM and ITB

1995 1998

The goverment's guiding the development of

Indonesian goverment provided funds of 500 billion for
bioindustry and support R&D
research of biotechnology
D e v e lo p m e nt o f B io t e c hno lo g y in
Ind o ne s ia
1999 20 13

The Eijkman institute in collaboration with PT. Indonesia cooperates with germany to develop
Biofarma developed a hepatitis B vaccine biotechnology for drug manufacture


Indonesia became the center of excellence for the

development of vaccines and biotechnology
products for countries that are members of OIC
C o nc lus io n

Biotechnology in Indonesia
• The lack of research funding in the field of biotechnology
• Low human resources, facilities, and government policies

Impact of Biotechnology
• Agriculture, improve food quality and increase the amount of agricultural production.
• Medicine sector, can diagnose a genetic and non-genetic disease and treat certain diseases
• Environmental field, biotechnology can improve the quality of polluted environments
1 S eptmber
20 21


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