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Ô A mechanical device that is sensitive to
the presence of smoke or particulate material
in the air that transmits a signal to a measuring
or control instrument.

Ô Smoke detectors consist of two basic

parts: a sensor to sense the smoke and a very
loud electronic horn to wake people up.
screwed to your ceiling always.

ëypes of smoke detector





ëhe photoelectric type of smoke detector

utilizes light as a detection mechanism.
ëhere are two basic types of photoelectric
smoke detectors




ͻLight sensing photoelectric smoke detectors

depend on the ability of small airborne particles to
scatter light.
ͻScattering is due to absorption, reflection,
refraction, polarization, and diffraction.

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‡ the light emitted from the light source is not
detected by the photo sensor.
‡ When smoke particles enter the chamber,
some of the light is scattered toward the photo
‡ The amount of smoke that enters the chamber
increases, more incident light is scattered
toward the photo sensor.
‡ When the concentration of particles reaches a
predetermined threshold, an alarm will sound.

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ͻA projected beam photoelectric smoke detector can use a

single light source and photosensor to monitor a very large
ͻUse an IR LED or laser diode as a light source.
ͻsmoke detectors cover 900 sq. ft.

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‡ Detection of smoke by attenuated light.

‡ Uses a separate emitter and detector.

‡ Signals are processed and compared to a

reference level.

‡ When two consecutive signals exceeding the

reference level are received.

‡ Time delay circuit triggers the switch to

activate the alarm signal.

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Ionization smoke Detector
ͻHave ionization chamber inside the detector
ͻIonization chamber is simply two plate chamber with
voltage across them along with radioactive source of
ionization radiation.
ͻThe alpha particles generated by the americium   the
oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the air in the chamber.

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Ionization smoke detector (Cont.)
‡ Ionize means to "knock an electron off"
‡ À

 are created.
‡ The negative electron is attracted to the plate with a
positive voltage, and the positive atom is attracted to
the plate with a negative voltage.
‡ The electronics in the smoke detector sense the small
amount of 

  that these electrons and

ions moving toward the plates represent.
‡ When smoke enters the ionization chamber, it disrupts
this current.
‡ The smoke particles attach to the ions and neutralize
them. The smoke detector senses the drop in current
between the plates and sets off the horn.

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womparison of ionization &

‡ Detects fast, flaming fires
‡ Detects smoke produced by flammable liquids, loosely
packed light combustibles, and kitchen grease.


‡ Effective for slow burning, smoldering types of fires.
‡ Detects smoke caused by cigarettes burning in furnishings
and bedding.



‡ Active detector system.

‡ wentral detection unit draws air through a network of pipes to
detect smoke.
‡ The sampling chamber is capable of detecting the presence of
smoke particles suspended in air by detecting the light
scattered by them in the chamber.
‡ The air samples are captured and filtered, removing any
contaminants or dust to avoid false alarms.
‡ ASD systems actively draw smoke to the detector
‡ If smoke is detected, the systems alarm is triggered, and
signals then are processed through centralized monitoring
unit .


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System Overview
Transmitter (RMX-900-HP3)
Receiver (TMX-900-HP3)
Tone Generator (LM555wM)
Smoke Sensor (276-142, 279-143)
Temperature Sensor (LM235AH)
Low Battery Sensor

PIw Microcontroller (w Language)

‡ Deaths occur from breathing in smoke and toxic gases
from a fire, not from being burned by flames and
Poisonous gases created during a fire, like carbon
monoxide, can quickly cause a person to become confused
and disoriented

‡ Smoke alarms are purposely built to warn and

protect those inside buildings from potential fire accidents

‡ Night time Fire Safety

‡ Alerts

‡ Invisible Threats

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Statistics show that death or serious injury can
be avoided in households
where smoke alarms are installed and

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