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Portfolio in Science

1 Grading


Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
What did I learn in Science this Quarter? Science reveals how our surroundings operate or
don’t operate. I learned how a microwave oven uses rays with a smaller wavelength than a
lightbulb. One thing I learned about physics is that it’s all based on math. Having a math
disability puts me at a disadvantage against all other students. I understand material better
especially if the lesson is taught to me one-on-one and I also don't have a very good
memory which doesn't allow me to remember material as fast and easier as others. Let me
start off with I know about physics. What I have learned about physics is that this subject is
the study of the physical properties that surround us. Physics is how things move and what
makes them move.
For example, measurements such as velocity and acceleration and how they are
used in physics is a major piece of the class. Also, physicists study the forces of
gravity, electrical currents, and other numerous forces that hold everything
together. Physics is also the study of very large things and very small things.
Scientists study the stars, planets, and all other galaxies made up of matter.
They also study the smaller pieces of matter such as atoms and electrons.
During this year, I have learned the study of sound, light, and waves. We also
studied the energy, heat, and radioactivity amongst objects. Physics not only
helps us understand how objects move, but also how they change form, go from
hot to cold, and what they are made of. One example of what we learned this
year is the motion of an object. Motion can be portrayed as using displacement,
distance, velocity, acceleration, time, and speed. We had focused on the lesson
of Newton's first law: an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays
in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by
an outside force.
To be honest this Quarter seemed fairly easy for me since Science is my favorite
subject. And I have learned so many things this quarter and I am looking
forward to learn more in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of this school year.

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