Introduction To The Concept of Stem Cells

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Shahad Nasser Jasem& Mohammed Sadiq Sahib

Al- Israa university

What knowledge will you gather
from this seminar
 What make stem cell unique from other cells in the body
 The origins of the stem cells and the sources of them
 How can we use it to regenerate and heal the human body
 How to build new organs and tissue using stem cells
 How to combine 3D bio printers and stem cells therapy
 How to cure diabetes type1 and type2 with stem cells
What make stem cell unique from other
cells in the body
 It’s a cell with one nucleus with no (patches or spots).
 Stem cells can reproduce themselves multiple times.
 Stem cells differentiate into specialized cells with specific
jobs, as needed in the tissue.
 Stem cells can form many different structures of tissues.
The origins of the stem cells And the
source of them
In general stem cells are unspecialized cell
(undifferentiated) that mean its role in the body is not yet
determined, it gives rise for multiple cell types including
other types of stem cells.
There is five types of stem cells:
But for this seminar will take a look at the to main types
which mostly used the stem cells therapy.
They are:
1-Embryonic stem cells.
2-Somatic stem cell (adult stem cell).
1-Embryonic stem cells:
we can fined it in early embryonic development (in the
embryo). This type of stem cells is formed after 6-7 days
from fertilization. This type is (totipotent) means it has high
division potential and has the ability to rise over 200
different human body cell types.
embryonic stem cells cannot be found in fully develop
organism because it can be found only in early stages of
development such as (Blastocyst).
in some cases diminutive amount of embryonic stem cells
can be exported from (blastocyst) to different parts of the
mother’s body Which has injures or was damaged,
so the cells will heal these parts by create the same type of
the lost cells and rebuild the damaged ones.
There is low chance for this case to occur but it increases if
the mother has another child.
2-Somatic stem cell(adult stem cell):
this type of stem cells is present in small number in various
tissues of the developed adult organism,
It’s has many differentness from embryonic stem cells.
the most important one which is unlike embryonic stem cell
this type isn’t (totipotent) instead it’s (multipotent), that
means it can develop into limited and related range of cell
types and tissues within the organism.
Most of this type of cells usually found in bone marrow
(can rise white and red blood cells and platelets)
And in the (basal layer) of the skin ,to ensure constant renewal
skin, glands and hair.
How can we use it to regenerate and heal
the human body
Stem cell has high ability to replicate itself , that’s why we
can use it in divers thereby types but all of them share a six
majeure steps:
1- Stem cells get extracted from the wanted source
(embryonic stem cells) for example (from bone marrow by
2-The donor is given a medicine such as (Neupogen ® or
Mozobil®) to promote the growth and release (mobilize) of
stem cells from the bone to the bloodstream (peripheral
blood) ,where they can be easily collected.
3-The extraction will carry out by procedure known as
(Bone marrow harvest) ordinarily using a needle to extract
the stem cells from the site along with other cells.
Note: the donor might experience some flue symptoms and
that’s because the lack of stem cells that form immunity
cells such as white blood cells in the body.
4-The stem cells will be collected using special centrifuge
called (apheresis machine) or (blood cells separator).
5-The stem cells will be frozen and be ready to return to
the body later (it will take place later in the treatment).
6-More chemotherapy will use to fully or partially wipe out
bone marrow and immune system cell in the site.
7-stem cells return to the body using a dripper connected
to the blood stream.
8-The body recovers in period of 3-6 months and
sometimes more depends on the propose of the treatment.
How to build new organs and tissue using
stem cells
We can use stem cell to build new tissue or even organs as
the following:
A-Forming a tissue using stem cells:
-Firstly a parts (samples) of the cells from the wanted
tissue is taken from the a site relative to the damaged one
(because even the skin has different structure from area to
another in the body).
-About (50 to 100 micrograms) of tissue cells will get
extracted from the site then collect the tissue samples in a
growing medium (has suitable conditions from stem cells to
grow)the most known one is[Physiological 2D environment]
-It’s very important to know that only embryotic stem cells is
used in this operation (since it has more potential to
transform , reproduce and easily get effected by growth
factors and other stimulation substances).
-After leaving the stem cells with tissue samples in growing
medium most of the time in a mold for (different from type
to type of tissue) then we will have a living tissues with the
same properties of the wanted tissue so we can use it to
heal or cover the damaged tissue.
B-Forming an organ using stem cells:
The same stages of tissue development is followed
The only difference is the platform that use as base to build
the tissue of an organ on.
The platform will be parts or sections from the same organ
structure , we can also use artificial materials to make
structure like net and late the stem cells for the living tissue.
But we can build small form or structure of an organ that
mimic the properties and functions of normal organ
because the latest scientific research didn't build full human
organ but they did for lab rats already.
We can use the small structures which can simulate human
organs in science research such as :
using them as test subjects to study the activity and side
effects of [Drugs, vaccines, antibiotics and other medical
Keep in mind that a single drug research will took 12 years
and will cost 2billion dollars to get accurate results.
Unlike using the small bio structures which simulate the
function of normal organs, you can form the many test
subjects in the laboratory and test the drug right away.
How to combine 3D bio printers and stem
cells therapy
Three dimensional bio printing technology allows us to
build even more complex living tissue when used with stem
simply because we won’t relay only on stem cells to grow
and form the tissue instead we will use the bio printer to
modify and form the living structures.
The proses can be describe as following:
Firstly the biological printer begin to form layers with height
by micrometer precision consist of stem cells combine with
many other substances such us (Serum or blood plasma
and growth stimuli).
Then the biological printer use a laser beam to modify the
layer by removing a certain parts of the layer by using
(computer navigation) or (3D models for the living
structures), After that the printer will form another layer
(from the same materials) above the modified layer, and so
How to cure diabetes type2 and type1 with
stem cells
The main problem is 50,000 diabetic person need to
receive treatment by insulin injections and only 15 person
per year can receive a transplant .. if we didn't consider the
lack of donors.
There is a long term solution which is (pancreas transplant)
but the lack of donors and costs that came with this
solution make it inefficient to look for.
That’s why we start using stem cells to for the pancreas
cells especially (Beta cells) or (Insulin production cells).
The proceeds will start by turning totipotent such as
(Embryonic stem cells) into (Pancreatic progenitor cell)
cells by the following path:

Embryotic stem cells > Activin-A > Wnt-3a > FGF-10 > KGF/FGF-7 > Pancreatic
progenitor cell

A B c

which has the potential to become only the cells of the
pancreatic islets ,unlike specialized cells (Pancreatic
progenitor cell) are still able to reproduce them selves.
So we can use that type of cells to grow a bran new
pancreas in the laboratory and use it in graft procedures
unshed of relaying on donors only and that will make a lot
of differences in the future of treating diabetes.
Thank you all for joining us today
We hope you giant a lot of useful informations today
Index & Sources

The Science of Stem Cells

Introduces all of the essential cell biology and developmental biology background
for the study of stem cells
Edited by
Jonathan M. W. Slack

This edition first published 2018 © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A book by Jonathan M. W. SLACK

This edition first published

2018 © 2018
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The Science of Stem Cells

Introduces all of the essential
cell biology
developmental biology
background for the study of stem cells

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