Pmis Chapter II

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Planning for Hardware and Software Resources

It is essential to understand hardware options available before the IT

infrastructure is implemented.
Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is the most complex
component of the computer system and one of the most important
determinant of the capacity of the computer system. It has two
functional units called 1. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) and 2. Control.
Primary Memory: Is also called main memory of the computer system,
holds the data and instructions to be executed; intermediate results of
processing done by the CPU and final results to be sent to the output
devices. The primary memory is often called as RAM ( Random Access
Memory). There are other types of storage available to CPU. 1. ROM and
2. CACHE ( is a hardware or software component that stores data so that
future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a
cache might be the result of an earlier computation or a copy of data
stored elsewhere)
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
Input Devices: There are two basic ways of entering data
into computes
1. Terminal Data Entry: Personal Computers, Point of Sale
Terminals, Financial Transaction Terminals, Portable Terminals.
2.Direct Data Entry: Bar Code Readers, Optical Character
Readers, Magnetic ink character readers, Scanners and
Pointing devices.
 Mass Storage Devices: These play an important role in
business information system, because they store and use
large volume of data. They are of two kinds
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
1. Direct Access Storage: Magnetic Disk Drives, Compact
Disk Drives.
2. Sequential Access Storage Devices: Ex: Tapes
Out put devices: Soft Copy Output Devices and Hard Copy
Software Needs: Software needs can be defined under three
broad categories.
System Software: 1. Operating Systems, 2. Translation
software ex. COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL and C++.
Application Software: Ex. MS Office
Interaction/query software: SQL ( Structure Query
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
Planning for Application for Software: Planning for application
software involves two basic decisions.
Make or Buy Decision
Selection of Application Software: A buyer of package software
must look for and evaluate each package in the light of the
following characteristics.
Operating system requirements
Equipment requirements
Access method for input/output of data
User friendliness
Data organization
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
Commercial Experience
Cost of the package
Customer support
The process of developing an application software is also
popularly known as system development. The process is similar
in the process of building any other major system. Traditionally,
the process of system development has been described in terms
of a sequence of the following steps:
1. Identification of users requirements.
2. Analyzing the present existing system, by identifying the
detailed requirements of the users.
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
3. Designing a new system, by restating the
requirements in terms of method, procedures and
controls to facilitate coding of a system.
4. Coding the various programmes in the system using a
particular programming language and linking them
together to make a complete software.
5. Testing the system to ensure that it meets the
specified requirements.
Main Players in Development System:
Zachman identified three main participants in the
development of any major system namely, The Client,
Designer and Builder.
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
Managers Involvement in System Analysis and Design:
A manager role in the process of system development may be
confined to the following broad questions:
1. What does the system process
2. How does it process
3. Why develop the application software
4. Where will the data be processed, and
5. When must a given data processing function be performed.
Sequential Vs Modular Approach
Fertuck suggested that the traditional sequential process of steps in
system analysis and design should give way to the new process
that incorporates the feedback at several stages of development.
The traditional and modern processes are presented in the
following figure.
Sequential Vs Modular Approach
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
The traditional process system analysis and design was sequential and
completion of one stage was prerequisite for beginning of the other stage.
The modern approach overcomes these limitations and uses modern
software tools to offer flexibility during the entire development period.
The work on the each of the modules in the process can begin almost
simultaneously and testing of the each module can be completed
Each module here would involve three basic tasks.
•Analysis of the system
•Designing the new system
•Testing and modifying the system
Enterprise Module: This section of the system analysis and design effort
takes an over all view of the enterprise. It identifies the entities that an
organization collects the information about and groups them on the
basis of their interrelationship.
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
Database Module: The enterprise module provides the basic
framework of data requirements. The database module works out
the detailed design of database.
Interface Module: In this module, the screen format for input are
defined using the screen generators. Similarly, the format for the
reports that the users would need are specified.
Application Module: This module identifies the processes that
must be performed by the application. These processes also help in
defining the exact scope of the application.
Implementation: The implementation process includes the whole
gamut of activities such as testing the system, entering the basic
data, training the users, installation, maintenance and post
maintenance evaluation of the system.
In house Development Vs Outsourcing.
Planning for Hardware and Software Resources
Benefits of outsourcing Application Development Services
Access to professional services
Benefit of third eye view
Focusing on core activity
Demerits of Outsourcing Application Development Services
Exposure of sensitive business process
Higher costs
Undue dependence

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