Manger Au Restaurant

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Manger au Restaurant

How to order at a restaurant in France

Food and Food Culture Unit
Madame McCormack
Francais 1 Grades 9th-12th
A d a p t e d f r o m : B a s i c F r e n c h : F r e n c h R e s t a u r a n t V o c a b u l a r y
C a l i f o r n i a Wo r l d L a n g u a g e S t a n d a r d s :

• WL.CM 2.I Par tic ipate in real-

world, spoken, written, or
signed conversations related to

self and the immediate
environment. Create sentences
and strings of sentences to ask
and answer a variety of
questions in transactional and

some informal settings.

• WL.CL1.I Interact with

understanding in a variety of
familiar age-appropriate

transactional situations and
common daily and informal

Language Objective:

Objectives • Students will be able to order

drinks and food in French

Content Objective:

• Students will be able to create

short sentences to ask and
answer questions
Food and Food Culture

This lesson will focus on restaurant culture in France. We will

discuss basic restaurant etiquette, how to order food, and how
to ask for the bill /check.
Et Vous?

Think about the last time you ate in a restaurant. How were you
seated? Did someone seat you or did you seat yourself ? How did
you order food? Did someone take your order right away or did
you have to get their attention? Describe the food service. Was
the waiter/waitress attentive? Did you have to signal you were
ready for the check? Discuss with a partner and note your
experiences under American restaurant service in your notebook.
Where are you eating?

À la terrasse ? À l’intérieur ?
Getting a table
Bonjour ! Vous êtes
combien ?
Bonjour ! On est

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under
How to order
in a
Le Verbe Prendre

Irregular verb

Je prends Nous prenons

Tu prends Vous prenez

Il/Elle/On prend Ils/Elles prennent

Etiquette: Be polite
Greeting Ordering and End of meal
during the meal

• Always say • Excusez-moi… • L’ addition, s’il

Bonjour when • Je pourrais… vous plaît.
entering a • C’est possible • Merci, bonne
restaurant (or de…? journé e/apré s
any • Vous pouvez… midi/journé e !
establishment) s’il vous plaît?

Use Vous
Do not use Tu
Use the conditional (Voudrais/Aimerais) Do not use l’indicatif (Je veux)
Check for
Respond to the classroom poll at /r/M9HCLR3
Phrases to use when ordering

If you are Je voudrais/J’aimerais… I would like…

Je vais prendre… I will take…

If you are
ordering after Pour moi, ce sera… For me it will be…
More Phrases

• Qu’est-ce que vous nous conseillez? What would you recommend?

• Est qu’il y a des plats végétarien ? Are there any vegetarian meals?
• Vous pouvez nous apporter de l’eau, s’il vous plait ? Could you bring us some water,
Partitive Articles

• Refers to an unspecified quantity

Masculine Feminine
Du De la
De l’ De l’

Plural Des Des


• Je veux un gateau (I want a cake)  Je veux du gateau (I want some cake)

La Nourriture

Des croissants J’ai faim

Une pizza

Une salade avocat

Des sushis
Les Boissons

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under

This Photo by Unknown Author is
licensed under CC BY-SA
Une carafe d'eau J’ai soif
Un Coca

Un café Un thé
Now you try!
Wi th a pa r t ne r, ta ke t ur ns pra ct ic in g ord eri ng food. M ake
su re t o orde r at le a st one food it em a nd one dr in k it em .
Pra ct ic e u si ng th e p hra se s we j ust le a rne d.
Ending the Meal
D’accord ! Je vais la
Excusez-moi ! Nous apporter.
avons terminés.
L’addition, s’il vous

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under
Alerte ! Faux Ami !

•When fi nished with your meal say :

J’ai terminé/ Nous avons terminé.

• Je suis fi ni.e = I am dead.

More Restaurant Etiquette and Culture
Culture Comparison

Having written down information about French dinning

experience, create a double bubble map on a new page. Label
the lef t bubble “American restaurants” and the right bubble
“French restaurants” Include information about dinning culture
and etiquette of both cultures. We will then create a graph
together as a class.
Restaurant comic strip

Now that you have explored French dinning and made some
comparisons between America and France, you will create a
comic strip of an American tourist going out to eat with their
French friend. Include some “faux pas” the American might make
and their friend’s corrections. The goal of the comic is to teach
your audience the basic of restaurant culture in France. You may
work alone or with a partner.

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