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• Understand the meaning of individual
• Comprehend types of individual differences
• Drever James:
• “Variations or deviations from the average of
the group, with respect to the mental or
physical characters, occurring in the
individual member of the group are
individual differences.”
• “The psychology of individual differences is largely
the study of group differences. This study
classifies individuals by age, traits, sex, race, social
class and so on, and observes the differences
within and between those groups. Physical,
mental, social and cultural differences etc. are
being studied, under individual differences.”

• – John P.De Ceeceo

Types of Individual Differences
• Physical differences
• Differences in intelligence
• Differences in attitudes
• Differences in achievement
• Differences on account of Gender
• Differences due to nationality
• Differences due to economic status
• Differences in interests
• Emotional differences
• Personality (Extrovert etc)
Causes of Individual Differences
1. Heredity
- Physical features
- Disease
2. Environment (physical, intellectual, social,
moral, family background, community
background, school etc)
3. Influence of caste, race and nation
• Why are Individual differences important in an

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