Mitosis Dan Meiosis: DR I G K Nyoman Arijana, M.Si - Med

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Mitosis dan Meiosis

Dr I G K Nyoman Arijana, M.Si.Med

Cell cycle
Ada 4 fase cell cycle
• Mitosis
• G1
• S
• G2
Mitosis (prophase dan prometaphase)
• Prophase:
– DNA replication and each consists of two very close
sister chromatids.
– Two microtubule-organizing centers, the
centrosomes, have moved apart and each is
associated with microtubules forming the mitotic
• Prometaphase:
– Chromosomes attach to spindle microtubules at their
kinetochores and begin to be moved.
Mitosis (Metaphase dan Anaphase)
• Metaphase:
– Chromosomes have become aligned at the middle of the
spindle, near the cell equator.
– Kinetochore microtubules attach to each sister chromatid
and to opposite poles of the spindle. 
• Anaphase:
– Sister chromatids separate from each other to become
individual chromosomes that are pulled toward the spindle
– The poles move apart and the kinetochore microtubules get
Mitosis (Telophase dan Cytokinesis)
• Telophase:
– The two sets of daughter  chromosomes arrive at
the spindle poles. 
• cytokinesis:
– A contractile ring of myosin-associated actin
filaments forms a cleavage furrow that pinches the
cell into two daughter cells, each with one nucleus
and a complete set of chromosomes ready to
undergo another round of DNA replication
• 2 cirinya:
• (1) Early in the process the homologous chromosomes of each pair
(one from the mother, one from the father) come together in an
activity termed synapsis. During synapsis double-stranded breaks and
repairs occur in the DNA, some of which result in reciprocal DNA
exchanges called crossovers between the aligned maternal and
paternal chromosomes. Crossing over produces new combinations of
genes in the chromosomes in the germ cells so that few if any
chromosomes are exactly the same as those in the mother and father.
• (2) The cells produced are haploid, having just one chromosome from
each pair present in the body’s somatic cells. The union of haploid
eggs and sperm at fertilization forms a new diploid cell (the zygote)
that can develop into a new individual
Learning Task 1
• Sebutkan 3 fase dalam interphase
• Sebutkan 3 pemeriksaan dalam cell cycle
• Fase saat centrosome mulai terbentuk dan
• Fase mikrotubule terbentuk dari centrosome…
• Fase saat DNA sudah direplikasi….
• Fase kromosom menempel pada mikrotubule
dan bergerak…..
• Fase saat kromosom berbaris di equator sel..
• Fase saat masing2 sister kromatid berada pada
kutub berlawanan….
• Fase saat sister kromatid bergerak ke kutub
berlawanan menjadi kromosom terpisah….
• Fase saat kromosom baru berada di kutub
• Fase saat terbentuk sel baru….
Learning Task 2
• 1 sel mitosis menghasilkan … sel diploid /
• 1 sel meiosis menghasilkan … sel diploid
• Synapis terjadi pada fase….
• Haploid mulai terjadi pada fase….
• Terima kasih atas perhatiannya

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