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 Problems
 Changes
 Discussion Questions
 Brian France wanted to change the image of NASCAR Due to:
 The Death of the drivers as there was less safety requirements which in

turn causes the company lost their Fans though it served to heighten the
appeal the sport as exciting and dangerous but to retain the existing Fans is
most important part of NASCAR.
If Brian France just decide to provide safety requirement would be less
appealing for the fans who just come for the speed, danger and excitement.
There must be a balanced approach to feel the fans excited about it because
the Company’s Top management had a goal of making the sport grow in a
way that Refresh their hard-core fans and to make attractive to the people
who want to sample racing.
 Car and Driver safety requirements.
 More late-afternoon and Night Races.
 Added TOYOTA – to the craftsman truck series.
 Changes in the Points system.
 Drivers series rankings.
 Also decided to go after the new fans which can also attract more
Discussion Questions
1. How do you think good decision making has contributed to the success of
Based on the text there are some criteria to consider while a manager makes a
decision for the company’s success. If we consider NASCAR’S success, I think
that there must be some good decision making processes going on to get the
unlimited success for the NASCAR company.
I believe it was a good decision making because in my opinion by Providing safety
requirements to the drivers only would be risky as there was the probability that
the fans might have lost the excitement and thrill because the untimely deaths of
drivers Adam Petty in 2000 and Dale Earnhardt in 2001 only served to heighten
the appeal of the sport as exciting and dangerous. Therefore, Brian brought up the
balanced change by providing safety requirements to the drivers and implementing
the later afternoon and night races, changes in the points system and the drivers
series rankings earnings which added the excitement for the fans as well.
2. A decision to go after a new market as Brian is doing is a major
decision. How could he have used the decision-making process to help
make this decision?
I think, Mr. Brain has realized that, though his company hit the high
success of sports car market, it really necessary to have a change using this
reputation. So he has come up with an additional plan based on the
existing product. The idea of making change is to create driver safety
requirement. In this way Mr. Brain follows some decision making process.
First of all, he identifies the problem, which is the driver safety. Mr. Brain
also decides to get in touch with new fans by launching new product and at
the same time increase the revenue. After defining the problems, he
considers the criteria. These are safety driving, getting new customer and
the market diversity. The criteria will give him alternatives. He might pay
attention on two alternatives that which will give him a better out come.
He should develop the pros and cons for each alternative, than analyses the
options by researching information. After he has done all these work, he
will know that which would give him a better opportunity of success.
However, by implementing the alternatives he would focus on his goal and
achieve the success.
3. What criteria do you think would be most important to Brain as he
makes decision about the company’s future?
Criteria help people to making their decision effectively. Before selecting
an alternative, Mr. Brain should really pay attention on all criteria because
decision criteria will help him what relevant in a decision. There are
different criteria in his decision such as developing foreign market,
launching a new product but I think, he should consider to develop foreign
market because without developing foreign market there would be a lot
more risk to launching his new product. Market research will give him the
customer’s interest and their expectation from NASCAR’s product. So Mr.
Brain must use market research to make his decision about the company’s
4.Would you characterize the conditions surrounding NASCAR as
conditions of certainty, risk, and uncertainty? Explain your choice?
I would characterize the conditions surrounding NASCAR as conditions of
risk, and uncertainty by keeping following points in mind:
As they have decided to provide the safety requirements and one of the
requirement would be of Speed limit to the drivers there is a risk for their
existing customers and fans as there are many customers who like to drive at
high speed and similarly there are many fans who like high speed racing
because it makes them more exciting and dangerous. Therefore, the customers
who like danger, speed and fun driving might not like the new addition.
As they decided to go to the new market it will be uncertain whether they will
get profit or losses. In my point of view, The NASCAR Company is now
facing uncertainty, because they are going to launch a new market strategy.
They don’t know about outcomes. They will get profit or loss that is uncertain,
so I can say that NASCAR Company is facing uncertainty.
5. What could Brian learn from the concept of highly reliable
organizations to help him be a better decision maker?
The highly reliable organization, which expertly sports the unexpected
when it crops up and then quickly adapts to the changed environment. The
highly reliable organization concept comes from Karl Weick, an
organizational physiologist. He says that highly organization has five
habits. First, they are not tricked by their success. Secondly, they defer to
the experts on the front line. Third, they let unexpected circumstances
provide solution. Forth, they embrace complexity and fifth, they anticipate
their limits. I think all these 5 steps will help Mr. Brain to be a better
decision maker. By the help of these 5 steps he will enable to take the risk
for his new addition of the NASCAR car, adapt the change quickly and
shows customer a positive outcome for safe driving. Moreover he might
prepare his company NASCAR to provide the solution based on the
circumstances. I think, all these 5 steps would give him a strong fit back to
launch his new product in the market.

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