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Ms . Risuli Hutauruk
Do you still remember about
Conditional Clauses, our previous
topic? What does it talk about?
Do you still remember about
Conditional Clauses, our previous

It talks about cause and effect.

Chapter 6

In Contrast to the Good Side

Look at this picture of food!
Pathway, pg. 87

Are all food good for


Also in everyday life conditions:
-There are positive and negative things
in our life.
-The advantage of the positive and
negative conditions is to make our life
5. Basic Competence:
6. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan pertentangan dan kebalikan,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
even if ..., unless ..., however, on the other hand, in contrast, nevertheless)
7. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan pertentangan
dan kebalikan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan metode diskusi siswa dapat:
●menganalisis penggunaan Conjunction (whether or not, in contrast, no matter, on the
other hand, even if, nevertheless, unless, however)
●menerapkan penggunaan Conjunction (whether or not, in contrast, no matter, on the
other hand, even if, nevertheless, unless, however)
●menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks yang
menggunakan Conjunction (whether or not, in contrast, no matter, on the other hand, even
if, nevertheless, unless, however)
●membuat teks lisan/tulis yang menggunakan Conjunction (whether or not, in contrast,
no matter, on the other hand, even if, nevertheless, unless, however)
demi terciptanya kehidupan damai di masyarakat dengan kerja sama yang baik, rasa
ingin tahu, kreatif, percaya diri, dan penuh tanggung jawab.
How to express
contrasts and

-I love sweet food but my sister loves savory dishes.

-The students in my school love burgers and fries.

Similarly, my sister’s friends often buy fast food in
their campus canteen.
• It is used to express
oppositions. Ex.:
• It is sometimes called It’s getting bright in the
adversative conjunction. morning. However, my
brother was still laying on
• When it is used at the
his bed lazily.
beginning of the sentence,
they are called conjunctive In contrast to her
adverbs. sister, Nelly is a charming
• A comma follows.
Kinds of Contrast Conjunction

 nevertheless  however
 Some people say this is a  Fast food can save time.
good idea. Nevertheless, However, it increases the
others don’t agree with it. risk of cardiovascular
 even if diseases.
 Even if Ely had time and
money, she still wouldn’t go
on a cruise.
Kinds of Contrast Conjunction

 in contrast to  on the other hand

 In contrast to the good  Social media offers many
side, aviation technology advantages such as
creates serious connecting us to other
environmental problem. people from different
countries and promoting
events/product. On the
other hand, many people
are getting distracted by it.
Comparing and contrasting
 Comparing means making a  Contrasting means making
comparison. We note either a contrast. We note only
similarities, or similarities and differences.

Contrast Connectors Comparison connectors

 however  in the same way
 on the other hand  like
 in contrast /in contrast to  unlike
 nevertheless  similarly
 even if

• A conditional sentence with if expresses an action or situation

that will happen after the other one happen first.
• The action in the clause following if is the action required before
the desired outcome in the main clause can occur.

First Action Second Action

If Clause Result Clause


First Action Second Action

If he brings his camera, Edi will take a picture of me.
If I ask him a favour, will he help me?
If you don’t ring the bell, the driver will not stop the

• A conditional sentence with unless expresses an action or

situation that will happen if the other one does not happen
• The action in the clause following unless cannot occur for the
desired outcome in the main clause to occur.
First Action Second Action

Unless + Clause Result Clause


First Action Second Action

Unless he brings his camera, Edi cannot take a picture of
Unless I ask him a favour, he will not help me.
Unless you ring the bell, the driver will not stop the
Cultural Awareness

• A set of phonological Example

features signalling a division greenhouse green house
between words ice cream I scream
• Pronunciation: slowing down icing I sing
at the end of the first word turnout turn out
and quickening at the a great ape a grey tape
beginning of the next a lovely plum a lovely plump
pie eye

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