Steel Piping Codes II: Tim Pengampu MK. Kode Dan Standart Perpipaan

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Steel Piping Codes II

Tim Pengampu
MK. Kode dan Standart Perpipaan
What are the key differences
between Oil/Liquid Codes and Gas
The key differences:

Oil & Liquid product lines Gas lines

No account of population Density Account taken of population
along the route. density along the route.

No proximity distances From Proximity distances in some codes

buildings. some codes but not B31.8

Maximum design factor 72% SMYS. Maximum design factor can be as

low as 30% SMYS.

Lower standard of Inspection. Higher standard of inspection.

The key differences:

Key differences between Oil codes:

ANSI \ ASME B31.4 BS8010
Design factor calculated on nominal Design factor calculated on
wall thickness tolerance. minimum wall thickness tolerance.

Minimum depth of cover 3ft but 4ft Minimum depth of cover 900mm
for LPG liquid and ammonia lines. for all substances.

Other wise no distinction between Products \ substances are

products. categorized some requiring more
stringent designs.
The key differences:

Key differences between Gas codes:

ANSI \ ASME B31.4 BS8010\IGE TD\1
Design factor calculated on nominal Design factor calculated on
wall thickness tolerance. minimum wall thickness tolerance.

Minimum depth of cover varies Minimum depth of cover 900mm

with location and ground type. for all substances in all locations.

Population density is determined Population density is determined

by the number of buildings. by the number of persons.
• Introduction to BS 8010
Part 2.8 Pipelines in Steel for Oil and Gas
Introduction to BS 8010- Part 2.8 Pipelines in Steel for Oil and Gas

Not really needed for oil pipelines.

Significant differences existed between the existing BS 2010 and IGE/1 for

Serious anomalies existed in all codes over the treatment of substances such
as Ethylene, LPG, Hydrogen and Ammonia.

LPG and Ammonia pipelines were usually designed to ANSI/ASME B31.4 even
though the Hazards resulting from them are more serious than for Methane;
whereas Methane pipelines were designed to the more stringent B31.8 or

LPG pipeline incidents in the USA represented only about 16% of the
accidents but resulted in around 90% of the Fatalities
Objectives of Part 2.8
It should reflect the current best practice.
It should combine Oil, Gas, Chemicals and ‘Gases from Air’ in one self
consistent code.
It should have a logical basis for relating the standard of design to the level of
Hazard in the event of an accident..

It should combine the best practices of the Gas, Chemicals and ‘Gases from
Air’ industries with the best aspects of existing international codes.
It should be simple and workable.
It should not be a design manual.
Part 2.8 Key Technical Area
1. Categorisation of substances.
2. Classification of location:
Proximity to occupied buildings.
Population density.
3. Selection of design factor.
Part 2.8 Categorisation of Substances

Water based substances Flammable or Toxic liquids at STP
BS8010 Part 2.2 Oil
D Oil products
Flammable or Toxic gases at STP but Toxic liquids
conveyed as liquids or gases
1 Ammonia C
Non Flammable gases at STP
2 Butane/Propane/LPG
1 Air 2 Argon
3 Chlorine 4 Ethane 5 Ethylene 3 Carbon dioxide 4 Nitrogen
6 Hydrogen 7 Methane 5 Oxygen
Part 2.8 Classification of Location

Class 1 location
Population Density < 2.5 Persons /Hectare
Class 2 location
Population Density > 2.5 Persons /Hectare.
Extensive developments with Houses, Schools and Shops.
Class 3 location
Central areas of Towns and Cities with High population and building
density, multi-story buildings and dense traffic.
Part 2.8 Design Factor

Max. Allowable Stress/Specified Min. Yield Stress.
Substance category.
Location classification.
Consistent approach
Problem Set…
Problem Set:

1. Are process plant water lines considered pressure piping

2. For what fluid service category may a hydrotest be waived per
3. What is the difference between a pipe elbow and a bend?

4. A project award has been made. At the kick off meeting, the PM
advises that piping design will be to B31.4. The facility is steam
piping in a refinery extending from the boiler to the tank farm. What
do you do or say and why?

5. What flange specification would you expect to reference for a gas

pipeline facility?

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