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Understanding Culture, Society and


Code: UCSP11/12DCS-Id-9

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At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
identify aspects of culture and society;
prove that culture is a patterned social interaction,
integrated and unstable and requires language for social
interaction; and
explain the different patterns of social interaction.

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Process Question
1. What is unique with the Filipino culture?
2. What can you say about the culture of other

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Reflective Sharing
Learners will be grouped into four (4). Each group will
be given ten (10) minutes to discuss their
observations about the differences of culture of
people and their appreciation of those. Follow the
guiding questions above. They need to use a piece of
paper for writing their thoughts and insights.
After the group discussion, the leader of the group will
discuss in front what they have discussed. Each
leader will be given 2 minutes to present the group’s
collective ideas.

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Process Question
1. What is unique with the Filipino culture?
2. What can you say about the culture of other

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No part of this material may be copied or reproduced in whatever form without the express written permission of Mr. Michael T. Ardizone
Culture is the system of shared beliefs, values, customs,
behaviours and artefacts that the members of society
use to cope with their world and with one another and
that are transmitted from generation to generation
through learning.

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Aspects of Culture
1. Culture is Learned.
2. Culture is Symbolic.
3. Culture is Shared.
4. Culture is All-Encompassing
5. Culture is Integrated.

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Process Question
1. How are your interactions influenced and made you
understand culture?
2. In your own words, what do you think is the
importance of appreciating different societies and
cultures? Explain.

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Write a reflection paper of your understanding and
appreciation of different cultures and societies.
Follow the rubric below.
Form 20% (Grammar, Organization and Craftsmanship)
Content 30% (Main Idea/s and Supporting Ideas)
Impression 50% (Prognosis and Personal Reaction)

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Understanding Culture, Society and

Code: UCSP11/12DCS-Id-10

No part of this material may be copied or reproduced in whatever form without the express written permission of Mr. Michael T. Ardizone
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
identify the difference between ethnocentrism and
cultural relativism;
explain why and how cultural relativism mitigates
ethnocentrism; and
explain the importance of cultural relativism in the
proper understanding of cultures of other societies.

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Short Debate
Learners shall be grouped into two (2). They shall give
their own idea, discuss and debate about the situation.

How do you eat a fried chicken?

By hand or by fork? Why?

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Explain the Picture
1. What is the picture telling us?
2. What are your thoughts about the given picture?
3. Are the actions shown in the picture acceptable?
4. What is/are the positive and negative side/s of the
picture? What Filipino values did you consider?

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No part of this material may be copied or reproduced in whatever form without the express written permission of Mr. Michael T. Ardizone
No part of this material may be copied or reproduced in whatever form without the express written permission of Mr. Michael T. Ardizone
Explain the Picture
1. What is the picture telling us?
2. What are your thoughts about the given picture?
3. Are the actions shown in the picture acceptable?
4. What is/are the positive and negative side/s of the

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No part of this material may be copied or reproduced in whatever form without the express written permission of Mr. Michael T. Ardizone
Ethnocentrism is the idea
that one’s own culture is
above or superior than
others. It is also the belief
that one’s own culture is
the main standard by
which other cultures may
be measured and

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Cultural Relativism is the idea that all norms, beliefs
and values are dependent on their cultural context
and should be treated as such and when people
recognize that each culture is naturally different from
others and does not mean that we should
immediately accept and tolerate cultural differences.

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Journal Writing #4

Explore and Try It!

1. Do you think social media significantly affects and
influences our culture nowadays? Support your answer.
2. Give three personal stories wherein you have shown or
practiced cultural relativism or ethnocentrism.

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No part of this material may be copied or reproduced in whatever form without the express written permission of Mr. Michael T. Ardizone
Quiz (Essay)
1. Write an essay describing the uniqueness of our
culture (Philippine Culture). Substantiate your paper
by giving specific examples.

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No part of this material may be copied or reproduced in whatever form without the express written permission of Mr. Michael T. Ardizone

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