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Dual Watermarking for image

tamper detection and recovery

Anil jaiswal:AN-02
Ankur kulhari: AN-04
Mahesh Gour: AN-14
Piyush Shrivastava: AN-20
Pranshu jaiswal: AN-21
Digital watermarking???
• Digital watermarking is a technique to embed a digital
signature(data string) into an image for the purpose of image
integrity and authentication.

It is of two types:
• Percetible watermark
• Imperceptible watermark
• Perceptible Watermark: It is an message or
institute logo which can be recognized together
with the host image.

• Imperceptible watermark: Information hidden

in the image and this information or may logo
or message which denotes ownership of image,
parts of host image or even full copy of image
itself which can later extracted.
Imperceptible watermark can be classified based
on functionality as:
• Fragile :sensitive to all kind of modifications,
so used for image integrity
• Semi-fragile: It can locate modified regions in
an image and extract remaining watermark
from undamaged regions so capable of image
authentication even after manipulation.
• Robust : It is designed to resist attacks that
attempt to destroy the watermark in an
image. Its main purpose for ownership
authentication or copyright protection.
Method for watermark generation
Earlier approach of tamper detection

Lin’s method :It uses 3 level hierarchical structure.

• It is storage effective.
• It only requires secret key and a public algorithm to
recover a tampered image.
• Too sensitive to error pixels.
• No Second chance for block recovery.
• Blocky effect
In this algorithm there are two copies of watermark
for each non overlapping block in the image.
Algorithm contains three steps:
• Watermark embedding: It hides watermark of each
pair of partner block to another two mapping block.
• Tampered block detection : It is done through 3
level hierarchical error block checking.
• Tampered block recovery: It is done through 2 stage
error block recovery scheme.
Watermark Generation
Watermark Generation
• Block mapping sequence is needed for one to
one mapping sequence
X’=[f(X)=(k*X)mod N]+1
It is known as 1-D transformation
Where X,X’([∈ 0,N-1]) are block number, k (a prime number
∈ Z-{N’s factors} is a secret key and N (∈Z-{0})is the total
number of blocks in the image.
• A lookup table is used to record the mapping
addresses of each block.
• Block watermark generation:
– Calculate average of each of the partner block
– Now calculate representative information
Block Watermark embedding
Block Watermark embedding
• Using 12-bit watermark of each pair of partner
block, the three LSB of each pixel of the block
are used for watermark embedding.
• Before physically changing the value of a pixel
in the mapping block, a smoothing function is
applied to minimize the difference between
original and watermarked pixel.
Detection of tempered blocks
Detection of tempered blocks
A 3-level hierarchical tempered Algorithm is as

Level-1 Detection: For non- overlapping block B of size

2×2 pixel in image
1. Retrieve the 12-bit watermark information of block B.
2. Get the parity check bit p and v from the watermark.
3. Calculate the exclusive- Or value of the first 10- bit of
watermark , denoted as p`.
4. If p= p` and p!= v, mark block B valid, otherwise mark it
Level 2 Detection : For each block B which mark valid after level-
1 detection , check following four triples neighboring block
situations (N NE E), (E SE S), (S SW W), (W NW N) . The 3×3
blocks-neighborhood of central block B can be denote by
compass directions;
If all blocks in any of the four triples are marked invalid, Mark
block B invalid.
Level -3 Detection : For each valid block after
level-2 detection, mark this block invalid if
there are five or more than neighboring
blocks in its 3×3 block-neighbourhood that are
This technique introduce much less false
alarms because we use small block size (2×2).
Recovery of tampered blocks
Recovery of tampered blocks
• After the tamper detection process, all blocks
are marked either valid or invalid.
• Only those invalid blocks need to be
Method of recovery of tampered blocks
• A two-stage recovery scheme is applied for
tamper recovery as follow:
• Stage 1:
• For each non-overlapping block B of size 2x2
pixels which is marked invalid.
1. Find the mapping block of B from the look-up
table, denote by B’.
2. If B’ is valid then B’ is the candidate block, go to
3. Find the mapping block of B’s partner block, denote by B”.
4. If B” is valid then B” is the candidate block: otherwise stop, leave
block B alone.
5. Retrieve the 12-bit watermark information from the candidate block.
6. If block B locates in the upper half of the image, the 5-bit
representative information of block B starts from the 1st bit (the left
most bit) of the 12-bit watermark: otherwise, it starts from the sixth
7. Pad three 0’s to the end of the 5th representative information to
form a new 8-bit intensity.
8. Replace each pixel in block B with this new 8-bit intensity and mark
block B as valid.
• Stage 2:
• The darker pixels surrounding the block(which
is being processed) are used for stage2
recovery process.
Thank You

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