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Rational Test Manager
Rational TestManager
Rational TestManager
A Test Management Tool

What is Rational TestManager?
Rational TestManager is a testing tool that encompasses all aspects of test analysis
from test management to execution to reporting

It supports all kinds of testing from pure manual test approaches to various
automated paradigms including unit testing, functional regression testing and
performance testing.
Who uses Rational
TestManager automates and simplifies crucial tasks. This lets the
testers design all kinds of tests to run on the software.0
Who uses Rational

Helps developers keep track of what features have been tested, and
ensure no requirement goes untested.
Who uses Rational

Testing allows project managers to determine whether the system

the team is building matches the design model and to keep track of
Rational TestManager
Planning tests

Designing tests

Implementing tests

Executing tests

Evaluating tests
Planning Tests

What and Where?

Requirements, visual models,

and other test inputs tell you
what to test and where to run
the tests.
Planning Tests


Test plans, iteration plans, or

project plans tell you who
performs the testing activities.
Planning Tests


Test inputs tell you why you are

going to do certain tests. For
example, tests may be performed
to validate system requirements
Planning Tests


Iteration plans tell you when the

tests must be run and must
Designing Tests
How am I going to perform the testing?

A complete test design informs readers

about what actions need to be taken
with the system and what behaviors
and characteristics they should expect
to observe if the system is functioning
Implementing Tests
The activity of implementing tests involves the design and development
of reusable test scripts that implement your test case.

After you create the implementation, you can associate it with the test
Executing Tests
The activity of executing your tests involves running the test
implementations to ensure that the system functions correctly.

In TestManager, you can run any of the following:

• An individual test script

• One or more test cases

• A suite, which runs any combination of test cases and test scripts
cross one or more computers and virtual testers.
Evaluating Tests
Determining the validity of the actual test run. Did it complete? Did it
fail because preconditions weren’t met?

Analyzing the test output to determine the result. In performance

testing, you look at reports on the generated data to see if the
performance is acceptable.

Looking at aggregate results to

check coverage against test
plans, test inputs, configurations,
and so on. This can also be used
to measure test progress and to
do trend analysis.
Rational TestManager
Rational TestManager
Rational Administrator Project
Rational Administrator Project
Start Rational Administrator by clicking:
Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational Administrator
Rational Administrator Project
Create a new Project: Enter a project name
Choose File >New Project (TestManagerTutorial) and path
Rational Administrator Project
•Click okay on the warning window and do not set a password, just click
•Ensure that Configure Project Now is checked on the summary page.
Rational Administrator Project
To configure the test datastore For this Tutorial, MS Access will
that will be part of your project, be sufficient, however for
click Create… in the Test projects involving more than one
Assets group. person, Rational recommends
using Sybase SQL Anywhere.
Rational TestManager
Rational TestManager
Creating The Test
Test Plan - Specifying Inputs to Test
Rational TestManager can retrieve Requirements from both Microsoft
Excel as well as Rational RequisitePro.
• Open up Microsoft Excel and create 4 columns called “Requirement
Name”, “Description”, “Status” and “Last Modified” and set the
formatting on the last column to a format supporting Data and Time. Fill
up the table as shown in the screenshot below.

•Save this Excel document as TestManagerTutorial_Requirement in

the same location as the project (C:\TestManagerTutorial)
What is a Test Plan

•A test plan is the method of organizing and creating the test cases in
Rational TestManager.

•A test plan can be created stand-alone, ie without reference to test

inputs, or starting with test inputs and creating test cases for each

• The advantage of linking test cases and requirements (test inputs) is

that we have the ability to report on test progress against the
Starting Rational TestManager
•Start Rational TestManager by clicking “Start > Programs >
RationalSoftware > Rational TestManager”
•You must log into a Rational Administrator Project to continue. Select
the “TestManagerTutorial” Project we created earlier. Projects are
created with Admin user with a blank password.
• Just click “OK” to use the Admin username
Test Plan Structure
•When TestManager opens, click •Double click on the Test Plan to
“Plans” on the bottom of left pane. open it
•Expand the Test Plans folder and • Right click on the default folder
right click “Test Plan 1” and to delete it
rename it to “Classics Online”
Test Plan Structure
•Right click on the Test Plan name Repeat the previous steps to
and click “Insert Test Case folder” create the following Test Plan
• Name the folder “Verify Customer Structure
Name”, enter a description and
click okay
Test Plan - Connecting to the Excel Spreadsheet
• Click Tools > Manage > Test Click the Sources Tab and Click
Input Types Insert
•Select Microsoft Excel and click
Test Plan - Connecting to the Excel Spreadsheet
•In the New Input Source • Click the “Set Configuration”
window, type the name button and click yes on the Save
Application Requirements dialog box that pops up
•Click the Connection Data tab • Fill the dialog window with the
and in the Data Path field, click values shown below and press
browse, and browse to the okay
Excel Spreadsheet we created
Test Plan - Viewing the Test Inputs
•To view the test inputs, Click • You can right click on a
View > Test Inputs. requirement and click properties
to view its details
•Click the “+” next to the
Application Requirements to
view the requirements.
Test Plan - Creating the Test Cases
•Test Cases hold information • Type in a name (Customer
about the tests to execute. Right Name Verification) and select
click on the “Customer Name” the “Verify Customer Name”
requirement and click “Insert Test Case Folder
Test Case”.
• Ensure that the “Edit
Properties Now” checkbox is
checked and click OK.
Test Plan - Creating the Test Cases
• Enter a brief description of the • The test case opens beneath
test case and click OK to save the requirement. Repeat this
the test case. procedure for the other two
requirements to have something
like the following screenshot
Rational TestManager
Rational TestManager
Creating a Test Script
Test Script - Test Implementation Type
•TestManager allows you to attach a whole array of Test Scripts to
your test cases.
•Test Scripts can be automated scripts written in Rational Robot or
Functional tester, or even custom tests written in Java, Visual Basic,
or any language that can be executed from the command line.

•Test Scripts can also be Manual

scripts that contain a description of
steps to perform and verification
points that determine whether the
test passed or failed.
Manual Test Script
• Open Rational ManualTest by clicking Tools > Rational Test >
Rational Manual Test.

• Steps/Procedures are indicated with black text with a shoe-step

icon on the “Type” column, and Verification points have blue text
with a check mark on the Type Column
Manual Test Script
•Type in the steps required to verify the UserID in Classics Online.
•When a step ends with a “?” it is automatically converted to a
verification point.
•To change type manually, click on the type field.
Manual Test Script - Implementing the Test Case
•Now, we can attach or Test Script to a test case. This is known as
implementing the Test Case
•Open the Test Plan Window again
•Right click on the Test Case “Customer Name Verification” and
select properties.
Manual Test Script - Implementing the Test Case
•Click on the Implementation Tab and click Select in the Manual
Implementation group
Manual Test Script - Implementing the Test Case
•In the Select Script window, •You should end up with the
click on the “Customer Name Test Plan window looking like
Verification” script and click OK the following screenshot.
•The “pointing finger” icon refers
to a manual script attached to
the test case, while a “gear” icon
shows a automated test script.

•Now repeat the same for the

“Order Status Verification”
Rational TestManager
Rational TestManager
Executing the test Script
Single Test Case Execution
•You can run a single test
script by itself. This is good for
a quick execution of a small
number of test cases.

• (Do not do this now) You can

do this by simply right clicking a
test case and clicking Run…

• However, for a more efficient

solution to testing your
application, you can create a
“Test Suite” that will run tests
for multiple Test Cases
Creating a Test Suite
• To create a Test Suite, click
the “Execution” tab on the left
pane.• Right click on the Suites
folder and click “New Suite…”

Click the select button on the

Step 1 Window and on the Test
Case Selection Window, select
our to test cases with scripts
attached to them and click “OK”

• On the window that opens,

select “Functional Testing
Wizard” and click OK.
Creating a Test Suite
•You should come back to the •Click “Finish” on the Step 3
Step 1 Window looking like the window. The script will be
following: created as follows:

•Click “Next” on the Step 2

window as we do not need to Click File > Save and enter the
attach any stand alone scripts. name “Classic Online Test Suite”
Running the Test Suite
• Make sure the options are set
• To run the test suite, click on according to the following
thetoolbar button that looks like screen-shot
a running man
• The following window opens:

• Click “OK” on the Options

window and on the Test Suite
• Click the “Options” button
window to begin running the suite
Running the Manual Test
• This brings up the first ManualTest script.

•Normally, we would perform each step with the program to be tested,

marking each verification as pass or failed, but for our tutorial, let us
simple pretend we have actually done each step
Running the Manual Test
•On the First ManualTest script, mark each step with a check mark
under results, and the verification point as Pass as shown and click
Running the Manual Test
•On the Second ManualTest script, mark each step with a check
mark under results, but mark the verification point as Fail as shown. •
•Under Result Details, fill out a detail like “The order history did not
match the order”. Click “Done”

• This will bring up the Test Log with the results displayed.
Analyzing Test Results
•The Test Log with the result of the test will come up.
•Since one of our tests passed and the other failed, this will be
reflected in the Test Log
•Even if a single verification point fails in a test, the entire test will
reflect as Failed.
Analyzing Test Results
•Click the Details tab at the bottom of the Log.
•You can expand the test cases to see the steps and exactly which
Verification point failed.
•You can also right click on a failed verification point and click
properties to see the failure details.
Analyzing Test Results
•After reviewing the test results, click the “Test case Results” tab at
the bottom of the Log
•We can now promote the results for reporting. To do this check the
“Promoted” check boxes

•Close the Test Log, and when prompted to save the test case
results, select “Yes”.
Rational TestManager
Rational TestManager
Report & Monitor Test progress
Predefined Reports

•TestManager has several predefined

reports that can be run to keep track of
testing progress and results.

• To see a list of predefined reports

available, click the Analysis tab on the
Left Pane
Test Distribution Report
•Expand the folder called “Test Case Distribution”

•These reports provide information on test progress against test

inputs or the test plan.

•Right click on the report titled “Test Input Development Coverage”

and select Run
Test Distribution Report
•This will bring up the window shown
•This report shows the requirements we
wrote earlier along with the number of
Test Cases for each requirement and the
number of these that have been
Test Case Results Report
•Expand the folder called “Test •In the Select Test Logs
Case Results Distribution” window, expand until you see
our Test Suite “Classics Online
• These reports provide Test Suite” and move it to the
information on results of the Selected Test Logs group.
Test Cases we defined.
•Right click on the report titled
“Test Plan Execution Coverage”
and select Run
Test Case Results Report
•The following report will be generated for you.

•This report shows you the number of Test Cases implemented in

the particular suite as well as whether the passed or failed
•You can also create custom reports to generate reports according
to the requirements of your specific project
Rational TestManager
Rational TestManager

•Plan a Test from Requirements (Test Inputs)

•Create a ManualTest Script
•Implement a Test Case by associating a script
•Executing both single tests as well as entire test suites
•Analyse the results of the test using the Test Log
•Create reports to monitor Test Progress and Results

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