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What is expressing intention?

o An intention is a goal, or vision, that guides

your activities, thoughts, attitudes, and
o The purpose is to express the intention or
hope or to express the plans and activities that
we are going to do.
Asking Plan and Intention Expressing Plan and Intention
What would you like to do ......... ? I would like to ...
What will you be doing tonight? I'm going to ...
What do you plan to do? I am planning to ...
What are you going to do in the summer? My intention is to ...
Are you going to go to library? I will be ...
What will you do in the summer? etc....
Language Features

To express intention , we usually use :

• Simple Future Tense
• Would like …
• Would rather…
Language features
1. Simple Future Tense
Definition : Simple future tense is the kind of tenses which is
used to express or show a future action / an action that will occur
in the future.
Formulation :

S + SHALL/WILL + be + non verb

Example :
I will be a teacher
Language features
Formulation :

S + SHALL/WILL + V1 (based form)

• Shall → I and We
• Will → He, She, It, They and You
• Note :Usually will is used for all subject

S + to be + Going to + V1 (based form)

• I → am
• She, He, It → is
• We, You, They → are

o She is going to cook a cake

o We will go to Bali next holiday
o We will celebrate our anniversary by flying to
New York next month
o We are going to practice baking cookies
Thank you....

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