Sap Basis Introductory Training Program Day9

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SAP BASIS Introductory Training

DAY 9 – SAP Client Administration, Introduction to Unix

Day 9 : Agenda
• 09:00 AM-10:15 AM – Client Concept : A refresher
• 10:15 AM-10:30 AM – Break
• 10:30 AM-01:00 PM – Client Administration Tools
• 01:00 PM-02:00 PM – Lunch Break
• 02:00 PM-02:30 PM – Concept of Support Packages
• 02:30 PM-03:15 PM – Applying Support Packages
• 03:15 PM-03:30 PM – Break
• 03:30 PM-05:00 PM – Introduction to Unix and Vi Editor
• 05:30 PM-06:00 PM – Exercise Break Out Session

November 6, 2021
Client Concept –
A refresher

November 6, 2021
What is a Client ?
A client is a self-contained logical unit in commercial, organizational, and technical terms,
with its own user master data and set of table key ranges.
• The Client concept allows an SAP system to perform multiple roles , such as a
development system , an integration test system , a customizing system etc with proper
table level security incorporated
• Customizing means the configuration of business processes in the system
• The configuration is achieved by updating and adding new entries in what are known as
customizing tables
• These tables are specific to a client , and can be identified by the field “MANDT” , which is
basically the client number
• There are certain tables where customizing is called cross-client , that means that they do
not have the MANDT field.
• Development objects are also called Repository or Workbench objects. These objects are
• Development objects are typically ABAP reports , Tables structures (not table entries) ,
Forms , Function modules etc.
• The client number is always a three-digit numeric value.Upon system installation , 000 , 001
and 066 are automatically created by the SAP installation program
• The client concept is realized physically in the SAP database by using the MANDT
field.Those entries which are client specific will ALWAYS have the MANDT field entry and
this field is a primary key for such tables
November 6, 2021
Client Architecture

November 6, 2021
Client View of Application Data

November 6, 2021
Standard Client Roles

• Client CUST, development and customizing, is the central customizing client where complete adaptation of the
SAP system to customer-specific needs takes place. All changes performed in this client are recorded so they
can be supplied to the other clients using the Transport Management System (TMS).
• Client QTST, quality assurance, is used to test and verify the new customizing settings in the application.
• Client PROD or production is the client for production activities, that is, where your company's business is
carried out. Customizing changes imported into this client have to be first tested carefully in the QTST client in
order to ensure that production operation is free of disruption.

November 6, 2021
Additional Client Roles

Additional clients within a system landscape may include:

• A sandbox client to experiment with transactions and settings.
• A test client to verify customizing changes against sample data in a more stable environment. This can be
done by 'copying' customizing settings from the customizing client to the sandbox client. This is called a unit
• An end-user training environment.
• A client that satisfies customer-specific requirements.

November 6, 2021

November 6, 2021
Client Administration Tools

November 6, 2021
Client Administration Tools
• System Change Options (SE06)
– Set restrictions for individual components
• Client Maintenance (SCC4)
– Maintaining system clients
– Creating new client
– Modifying attributes
• Client Copy
– Local client copy (SCCL)
– Remote client copy (SCC9)
• Special Functions
– Special functions (SCC1)
– Delete client (SCC5)
– Table Analysis (SCU0)
• Client Transport
– Client export (SCC8)
– Post-process import (SCC7)
• Client Copy Logs (SCC3)

November 6, 2021
Setting System Change Options

November 6, 2021
Client Administration using SCC4
• Options for Creating a New Client
• Options for deleting an existing client
• Modifying client attributes and protecting a client

November 6, 2021
Client Copy

Local Client copy Remote Client copy







November 6, 2021
Requirements for Client Copy

 Sufficient space in Database for Client Copy

 No user activity in source or target client

 Client Copy should be run in background

 Client-Independent tables should not be copied in Client copy to different SAP system

 Select Client Copy profile – SAP_ALL, SAP_CUST, SAP_APPL etc.

November 6, 2021
Client Copy Profiles

Copy Profiles Description

SAP_USR Copies user master records and profiles only.
SAP_CUST Copies all Customizing tables, including user profiles.
SAP_UCUS Copies all Customizing tables, including user data and user
SAP_ALL Copies all data belonging to a client.

November 6, 2021
Copying Clients Within the Same System
• Login to Target Client
• Choose Tools → Administration → Administration → Client admin. → Client copy → Local
• Select a copy profile that matches your requirements. If you want to use the selected
profile as a default setting, choose Profile → Save profile value.
• Enter the source client.
• Start the copy process.
• Normally, you should start this procedure as a background job. However, if you only want
to copy user data and profiles, you can run it online.

November 6, 2021
Copying Clients Between Systems
• Login to Target Client
• When you copy a client from one system to another, the data is transferred directly via the
RFC interface - there is no intermediate storage on hard disk:
• Choose Tools → Administration → Administration → Client admin.→ Client copy →
Remote copy.
• Select a copy profile that matches your requirements.
• Enter the RFC destination.
• Start the copy process.
• Normally, you should start this procedure as a background job. However, if you only want
to copy user data and profiles, you can run it online.

November 6, 2021
Transporting Clients Between Systems
• Login to Source Client
• Choose Tools → Administration → Administration → Client admin. → Client transport → Client export.
• Select a copy profile that matches your requirements
• Up to three transports are performed:

Transport Description

• The data export is performed automatically. The output of the export includes the name of the
transport requests that are to be imported.
• To adapt the runtime environment to the current state of the data, you may need to perform post
processing activities.
• Post processing After Client Import
– Choose Tools → Administration → Administration → Client admin.→ Client transport → Post
process import.

November 6, 2021

November 6, 2021
Support Packages

November 6, 2021
What are Support Packages ?
• A support package is a set of programs , tables , structures etc , i.e , ABAP objects for
different components of an SAP system that are corrections to the existing SAP source
• An SAP system consists of different software components. All of these components are
regularly updated using Support Packages; that is, errors are corrected and new functions
are provided using Support Packages, for example,due to legal changes.
• An SAP Support Package is a quantity of corrected or new SAP objects. Support
Packages are required to correct errors in various components. This is done by replacing
erroneous objects with corrected versions of these objects.
• A Support Package Stack is a combination of Support Packages, recommended by SAP.
• Each software component has a separate sequence of Support Packages.

November 6, 2021
Component View of Support Packages

November 6, 2021
Requesting for Support Packages
• Support packages as of ECC 6.0 have to be downloaded via the Maintainence optimizer
function of Solution Manager.
• This is applicable for any SAP installation that is based on either a AS ABAP 7.0 or AS
JAVA 7.0 Kernel

November 6, 2021
Applying Support Packages

November 6, 2021
Support Pack & Add-On Managers – SPAM/SAINT
• The Support Package Manager (transaction SPAM) is the tool for applying Support
• Before using the Support Package Manager, you should patch the tool itself with a
SPAM/SAINT update. This is a patch to enhance the functions of SPAM and SAINT, for
example when dealing with new attributes from new Support Packages.
• Transaction SAINT allows you to install and upgrade an Add-Ons.

November 6, 2021
Applying the SP via SPAM

November 6, 2021
Modification Adjustment using SPAU/SPDD
• On certain occasions , the customer would have made changes to some SAP standard
objects , for certain bug fixes etc , which are applied through SAP OSS notes
• When the times comes to apply a SP , it is noted that the SP may contain a later version
of the same object
• In such cases it becomes necessary to “ADJUST” the modification made by the customer.

November 6, 2021
A brief introduction to Enhancement Packs

• Support Packages provide only the bug fixes for existing SAP source code
• The strategy so far from SAP has been to introduce new releases like ECC 5.0, ECC 6.0 ,
whenever new functionality is developed and released for customers
• Enhancement Packages now deliver bug fixes AS WELL AS new functionalities in one
comprehensive set of packages
• This permits the customer to protect their investment in ECC 6.0 version and they need to
go for an expensive upgrade to a higer SAP release. This is SAP’s strategy to minimize
the costs associated with a functionality upgrade
November 6, 2021

November 6, 2021
Introduction to UNIX

November 6, 2021
Introduction to UNIX
• A fully featured modern operating system. It is available in a variety of flavors. It is comprised of simple
tools that perform a single function well. These tools can be used together to perform complex tasks
• UNIX Flavors
– Solaris: SUN Microsystem
– HP-UX: HP Version of UNIX
– AIX: IBM Version of UNIX
– LINUX: Open Source – Red Hat, SUSE

November 6, 2021
Components of UNIX
• Kernel
– Manipulate file on disk
– Start and run programs concurrently
– Assign memory and other resources
– Prevent accessing H/W directly
– Kernel tools  “System Calls”
• System Programs: needed to get the system working: Telnet
• Application Programs: for getting useful things done -> Word Processing
• Compilers and libraries  GCC
• Device drivers

November 6, 2021
UNIX Architecture

November 6, 2021
UNIX – Kernel Diagram

November 6, 2021
UNIX Shell
• The shell is the program that runs when you log in. It prints the prompt and reads what
you type, invokes programs, etc.
• It is your window to the Unix world.
• use “chsh <new shell>” to change your shell
• Bourne Shell ( C – Shell) or called csh
• Korn Shell (K – Shell) or called ksh

November 6, 2021
UNIX Directory Structure

November 6, 2021
UNIX Commands
• Unix commands are normally used in the form:
– <command> <one or more options> <arguments>
– Where the options are generally included with the – sign.
– Example
• ls -l –a /usr/local/bin/files
• ls -la /usr/local/bin/files
• If you want to do the command on multiple files you can use the * “wild card” character.
– Examples
• $ mv *.pl programs/perl/
• $ ls data/*

November 6, 2021
Unix Commands
•man (Purpose: Gives you the manual page for a given command)
– Example
– $ man pwd (This will give description of command pwd, i.e. path of working directory)
•id (Purpose: Tells you your username (!) and what group you belong to)
•exit (or ctrl-d) (Purpose: Logs you out from the system)
•mkdir (Purpose: Makes a directory)
– Common options -p (creates all the sub-directories in a path if they don’t exist)
•cd (Purpose: Changes directory. With no arguments changes to home directory)
•mv (Purpose: Moves or renames a file or directory)
– Common options
– -i (Asks confirmation before overwriting another file or directory)
•rm (Purpose: Deletes or renames a file)
– Common options
– -i (Asks confirmation first)
– -r (deletes all sub-directories of a directory (VERY DANGEROUS))
•cp (Purpose: Makes a copy of a file or directory)
– Common options
– -i (Asks confirmation first if overwriting another file)
– -r (copies all files of all sub-directories of a directory)
•ls (Purpose: Lists files and directories)
– Common options
– -t (sort by modification time)
– -l (long format, gives all details of the file (very useful))
– -a (shows file beginning with . (not visible with just ls))

November 6, 2021
File Permission
$$ ls
ls -l-l sapdba
-rwxr--r-- 11 oradba
oradba orapp1
orapp1 30720
30720 Mar
Mar 13
13 10:10
10:10 sapdba

– rwx r–– r––

Other users permission. Read, Write, Execute

Group permission. Read
File owners permission. Read
Special permission e.g. sticky bit, symbolic links
•Command :chmod
•Purpose: Changes the permissions of a file or directory. Only the owner of a file, or root, can
change the permissions.
•Common options: -R, changes all the permissions in a directory, including sub-directories

$ chmod u+x (make file executable for owner)

$ chmod g+w,o-w seq.dat (write access for group, no write for others)
$ chmod +r *.fasta (add read access for all)
$ chmod 777 *.prog (octal notation, here = +rwx for all; r=4,w=2,x=1)

November 6, 2021
Using the Vi EDITOR

November 6, 2021
Editing with vi
• vi is the standard Unix text editor and is present on every Unix system
• vi has 3 modes:
– Command mode
• For manipulating and moving through the the text
– Line mode
• For special commands and interacting with Unix.
– Insert mode
• For entering text, i.e. writing programs, entering data, etc.

November 6, 2021
vi – Command Mode
• Command mode – the usual and initial mode (i.e. when starting vi)
• Commands include
– ←↑↓→ arrow keys move the cursor
– hjkl same as arrow keys
– x delete a character
– dw delete a word
– dd delete a line
– 3dd delete 3 lines
– u undo previous change
– ZZ exit vi, saving changes

November 6, 2021
vi – Line Mode
• Line mode – entered by typing :, / , ? or ! .
• Commands include
– :q! save file, discarding changes
– :q quit
– :e filename edit a new file
– :w filename write with new filename
– :wq write file and quit
– :!cmd run Unix command
– /string look for string
• RETURN executes command and returns to command mode

November 6, 2021
vi – Insert Mode
• Insert mode – entered by typing any of the following in command mode
– a append after cursor
– i insert before cursor
– o open line below
– O open line above
– Rtext replace with text
• To exit insert mode, and return to command mode, type <ESC>.

November 6, 2021
Unix Commands used in SAP
Command Description

chgrp grp filelist Change the group that the file(s) belong to.

chmod 777 filelist Change the rights of the file(s). 777: owner-world-user. 7: read-write-delete (=111)

chown user filelist Change the owner of the file(s)

cp file1 file2 Copy file1 to file2

cp /dev/null file Clear all contents of file

errpt Hardware error-report (IBM-unix)

ls –ltr <dir> Show filelist, –parameters: l: show fileattributes , t: sort by time, r: reverse sortorder

more <dir>  

mv file1 file2 Move command

ps –ef Show all running processes, -e, -f

vi The famous vi-editor

kill <PID> Kill a process as if it is cancelled. Child processes are killed as well.

kill –1 <PID> Kill a process as if the user is logging out. Child processes are killed as well.

kill –9 <PID> Kill a process as brutal as possible. Child-processes are not touched.

kill –USR2 <PID> Increases TRACE by 1

kill –USR1 <PID> Decreases TRACE by 1. When TRACE = 0 all open trace files are closed and can be cleared using ‘cp /dev/null filename’.

lslv Show the logical volumes

lsvg Show the volumegroups

sappfpar check pf=<profile> Checks the profileparameter. Do they exist and do they have correct values.

set VAR VAL set environment variable VAR to value VAL

printenv prints the environementvariables

ps –ef |grep xxx Monitor processes with name containing xxx

ps –u <username> Monitor processes run by user <username>

November 6, 2021
• Client Administration
– Client Copy (Local, Remote, Transport)
– Client Copy Tools
• Introduction to Unix
– Architecture
– C & K Shell
– Commands
– Editor vi
– Commands used in SAP

November 6, 2021
Exercise &
Break Out Session

November 6, 2021
• Steps for Instructor
– Create a new client using SCC4
– Perform a test local client copy using SCCL with SAP_UCUSV profile to the new
– Perform a transport of a customizing request from client 001 to the new client
– Change the Client Changeability settings for the new client to “No changes permitted”
– Login into the new client.
– Try and make a change to the customizing entry created
– Note the result (System prevents the change)
– Download the SPAM update from the SAP market place
– Unpack the SAR file using SAPCAR command
– Demonstrate to the groups the method to import the SPAM update into the support
package manager queue

November 6, 2021
Q&A Session

November 6, 2021

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