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Similarities and differences between face-to-face and distance Learning

Differences face to face Similarities Differences online learning

• You get immedieate answer

• You are seated in the
and engagement, as well as the • Both online and
driver’s seat. You have
opportunity to form a support conventional learning
total control over the time
network with your classmates, need a significant
you spend studying each
teacher, and training provider amount of effort.
as a whole. • In both contexts, giving • You can learn in a location
• You must attend a set number and receiving feedback
that is most comfortable
of sessions in order to finish the is critical.
for you. This may take
course, you may find that you • Assignments are an
place at the kitchen table
keep motivated. This important component of
or on the couch.
'obligatory' attendance is what the learning process. • Distance learning is one of
motivates many students to • In any setting, the
the most flexible study
finish the course. difficulties and rewards
alternatives available to
• When it comes to successful are the same.
today's student, regardless
learning, some people find that • Both require students to
of their age, employment
face-to-face teaching and effectively manage their
position, or other factors.
learning is vital. time.

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