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I am Joey Marsonia Pilapil

Preparation before the Day of Tutorials
 Choose the different topics for Elementary
 Print the learning materials.
 Ask the permission of the parents of the
 Set, schedule the time, date and place.
At the end of the day tutorial duty is able to:
a. Identify the consonant and vowel sounds.
b. Combine different sounds to form a word.
c. Use a word to create a sentence.
d. Interpret the pictures being presented.
e. Review the topic from the beginning up to the
Information of the tutee
Name: Jerald A. Pilapil
Grade level: Kindergarten
Address: Quezon,Cataingan, Masbate
Age: 5
Sex: male
Routine before and after tutorial
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Recapitulation of the previous topic
 Introduce new topic
 Give an example as always
 Evaluation after the discussion
First meeting of the tutee:
 I introduced myself to the tutee.
 Explained why I conduct a blended tutoring.
 I gave her some advantages of having a blended
 The day started with a prayer
 I had read the objectives what the tutee is able to
 I introduce marungko as opening of the tutorials.
Reading the consonants and vowels sound
 I gave him a hard copy of the topic.
 I let him to read the Aa, Bb, Cc sounds.
 I guided him along the period
 I thaught him very well in mastering the different
 The tutee always curious the topic.
 I assessed the learning after the discussion through
giving her a short quiz.
Review and Drills
 I presented a flashcards with a different letters.
 There are some sounds are not pronounced
 I reteached the T, C, N, G, P and F sounds.
 I shown him a thing as an examples.
 I let him to read again with my guide.
 There are still letter pronounced incorrectly.
 I gave him a copy of the topic.
Our next meeting
 The day is started with a short recapitulation.
 I always gave him a reinforcement like "very good"
everytime he got the correct answer.
 I introduced sets of letters which he has a hard times
to understand.
 I presented letter a, e, i, o and u.
 I read those vowel sounds again and again.
 He followed me and participated very well.
Undergo assessment in the previous topic
 The day started with a prayer.
 We had a short energizer entitled I've Got the Joy
in my Heart.
 He cooperated me until the period end.
 We had 10 items spelling about consonant sounds.
 I only read and pronounced the letter twice.
 He got 6 out of 10 items.
In the other next day
 The day started with a prayer.
 Followed with greetings, and recapitulation of the
previous topic.
 I introduced new topic about sounds combination.
 Here are some examples:
n + a = na p + a = pa
l + a = la
 I had introduced and discussed him some examples
aside from examples above.
 I read first the given examples before him.
 I let him write some of the examples in his
 We had a short drill after 5 minutes.
 There are some, read incorrectly.
 I tried to correct him after the drill.
 He participated me all along.
 He was also ask different questions like "why we
need to read those correctly?"
Follow the routine before introduced new topic.
 This day September 20, I gave him a hard copy of the
 I asked him when the time he experienced or
thaught about reading alphabet.
 We sang together about the reading alphabet.
 He participated and sang nicely.
 I introduced a new topic about letter A, B, C, D, and
 And presented a different pictures that starts with A,
B, C, D, E.
 Here are some examples:
 I presented some examples aside from the
examples above with a pictures.
 I let him identify the sounds in every example.
 I let him also give an examples aside from the
given examples.
 I praised him every time he did it better.
 I ask him that, "did he learn something from the
 Based from his performance I can say that he
improves a little bit.
 We had a short quiz this time.
 I let him understand the consonants sounds
being used in the word.
In the other next day I introduce new topic
 Prayer, Greeting, and Recapitulation.
 There are some in the previous topics are
 That's why I have to review some of those.
 He forgot about l + a, n + a, and etc.
 After the review, I introduced new topic about a
combination of an alphabet.
 I used this technique called "fuller."
 Examples of this are: can, cat, tan, and many
 I gave him a hard copy of the topic.
 I read the following words:
-can -van -bet
-fat -cat
 He followed me reading those.
 I let him read the given examples.
 He wasn't read some of those words especially
in pronouncing bet from bit.
 He has difficulty in reading words in English.
 I tried to insert tagalog words like, bata,
mama, sama at iba pa.
 He can read those correctly.
 Then I tried to focus him on learning English
 He has the presence and willing to learn.
In the other next day
 We started with a prayer.
 I printed some learning materials about fuller.
 I gave him a copy of it.
 I showed him how to read the words correctly
based on their sounds.
 From c-a-n, f-a-t and etc.
 Then we combined the sounds each other.
 There are some that he cannot perform well like
 I read the word fat and any words with the same
sounds of fat repeatedly.
 I let him to read after me.
 After a minutes he can pronounce it well.
 He can read those but there are some aren't
pronounced correctly.
 Then, I took the chance to pick those words which
the tutee has difficulty.
 I listed and gave those to him to study.
October 6, 2021
 I presented new topic but still related to the fuller.
 Before the discussion, we had a short review from
the previous topic.
 He forgot some of those but I was amazed
because he can read at here age.
 I started the new topic the following examples:
-in -et
fin, win, let, net
 The discussion run smoothly.
 After the discussion we had a spelling.
 He got five out of 10 items.
 We had a short review about the topic.
 We had another spelling 5 items has to know
that she is learning.
 I praise handclap his scores.
Last day of blended tutoring
 First, we had a long recapitulation of all topics.
 We conducted an overall assessment.
 I read once those mistakes of the tutee during
 Then I congratulated him for being amazing tutee
to the entire period of tutorial.
 I gave him a simple souvenir, a keychain.
 I'm motivated him as to take the path in the next
chapter in his life.
 I was gladly and amazed him cooperation and

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