Lecture 2 - Basic Effects ..

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More Effects…

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Steps for Guided Motion
• On layer 1, Draw circle type path with Oval Tool by giving outline color,
stroke and fill color as none. Name the layer as “Road” and lock it.
• On layer 2, Create a graphic symbol ‘Car’ by using tools such as rectangle ,
selection to modify it or drag a pre-existing graphic symbol from library onto
the stage. Name the layer as "graphic“.
• Right click on the "graphic" layer and select "Add Classic Motion Guide"
from the pop-up window.
• A new layer will appear on top of the "graphic" layer with the label
"Guide:graphic" along with the guide icon.
• Draw the path for your symbol in this new layer using pencil or line tool. For
example: I drew a circle for my car by choosing pencil mode as straighten.

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

More ….
• Select frame 60 of guide layer and press "F5" to insert frames.
• Now go to "Frame 1" of "graphic" layer and drag your symbol to
keyframe 30, rotate your graphic. While dragging, you will see a bubble
on the symbol. That bubble should go right below the path.
• Right Click between Frame 1 to Frame 30, Apply Classic Tween.
• Now go to "Frame 45" of "graphic" layer and press F6 to insert a new
keyframe. Drag graphic symbol and rotate it.
• Right Click between Frame 30 to Frame 45, Apply Classic Tween.
• Now go to "Frame 60" of "graphic" layer and press F6 to insert a new
keyframe. Drag graphic symbol and rotate it.
• Right Click between Frame 45 to Frame 60, Apply Classic Tween.
• Play it using Ctrl + Enter

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Steps of Fade In/Fade Out
• On Layer 1 , Import your picture on Frame 1.
• Select your picture and convert it to graphic symbol.
• Click on Properties – Select Color Effect – Alpha as 0.
• Insert a Keyframe at frame 30 and provide the alpha
value as 100.
• Right Click in between frame 1 to frame 30 and select
classic tween.
• Insert a Keyframe at frame 60 and provide the alpha
value as 0 again.
• Right Click in between frame 30 to frame 60 and select
classic tween.
• Repeat these steps for multiple images on multiple layers.

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja
Adding Filter in Flash
• In Flash , there is a wide range of visual effects
known as filters.
• It can be applied on movie clip , button and text.
• Types of Filters:
– Drop Shadow
– Blur
– Bevel ( provides 3D look)
– Glow
– Gradient Glow
– Gradient Bevel
– Adjust Color

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Transforming Objects
• Transformation refers to the process of altering
the shape, size or orientation of objects with
respect to stage.
• Menu Option – Modify -> Transform
• Options:
– Free Transform
– Distort
– Envelope
– Scale
– Rotate and Skew

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Button Symbol
• Button symbols have a timeline restricted to four frames ,
which are referred to as states.
• These states are associated directly to user interaction.
• Over – Represents the state of the button symbol when
the mouse pointer is placed on button symbol
• Down – Represents the state of the button symbol when
the mouse pointer is placed on the button symbol and
then the mouse button is pressed(but not released)
• Up – Represents the state of the button symbol when the
mouse button is pressed and then released with the
mouse pointer over the button symbol
• Hit – The button area that is respective to click of mouse
© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja
Creation of Button Symbol
• Open a new flash document
• Select Insert-> New symbol
• Type a name in name textbox of create new
symbol dialog box.
• Select the button option from dropdown list
of type.
• Click the ok button.

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Continue ..
• Draw a shape on the stage of Symbol. In our case,
we have drawn a circle using Oval tool.
• Right click the over frame and select Insert
• Select the symbol using selection tool and change
the color using paint bucket tool. And type text as
• Repeat last two steps for Down and Hit frames.
• Click the scene1 at the top of stage to exit from
symbol-editing mode
• Drag and Drop symbol from library panel and press
Ctrl + Enter to test your movie …
© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja
Working with Motion Preset ..
• Motion preset are preconfigured motion
tweens offered by flash which helps to apply
tween on an object.
• Menu Option -> Window -> Motion Preset
• Operations :
– Previewing
– Applying

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

• Masking is revealing portion of your picture,
graphic or text in the below layer.
• For spotlight effects and transitions, use a mask
layer to create a hole through which underlying
layers are visible.
• A mask item can be a filled shape, a type
object, an instance of a graphic symbol, or a
movie clip.

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Masking on Text
• Take a new document
• By Default , there is layer 1. Add some Text on to stage
and align text to center.
• Create a new layer – named as Layer 2 .
• On frame 1 of Layer 1 , make a rectangle.
• Create a keyframe at frame number 50 in both layers.
• Select frame number 50 of layer 2 and move rectangle
bar above the text.
• Right click between frame 1 to 50 frame of layer 2 and
select create classic tween.
• Right click on Layer 2 and select Mask
• Test your movie by pressing Ctrl + Enter

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Steps for Spot Light Masking on
• Inserting Layers and Naming them
– By default you will have a layer in your timeline window. Insert one more layer, totally you
need two layers to mask an object.
– Rename the top layer to "Mask" and the layer below that to "background".
• Creating Shape Tween
– Import your picture to the "background" layer.
– Using Oval tool from your tool box, draw a circle in your "Mask" layer without border
– Drag the circle to one end of your picture.
– Now go to"frame 40" of your "Mask" layer and press "F6" to insert a new keyframe.
– Now go to "frame 40" of your "background" layer and press "F5" to insert frames, so that your
background image is available all through your mask.
– Select "frame 40" of your "Mask" layer, that is your new keyframe, Keeping the playhead on
"frame 40" of "Mask" layer, drag the circle to other end of your picture.
– Now go back to "frame 1" of your "Mask" layer and select Shape tween in your properties
• Masking
– Right click on the "Mask" layer (the area where you named the layer not where the frames
exist) and select Mask.

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Masking Examples

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Masking Example 1

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Masking Example 2

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

Masking Text Example

© LPU :: INT22D – Multimedia and Applications :: Yashima Ahuja

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