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LECTURE :Nora Donita Dewi, M.Pd
Khairunisa Batubara,

Arranged by :

Elyda M. Manurung ( 5183144035 )

Jillian Piolin Silitonga ( 5183144029 )
Natalia Sinaga ( 5183144030 )
Riski Kristina Sinaga ( 5181144010 )
Suwana Prancisca Rahayu ( 5181144009 _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts


Every woman is always attention and desire to have appreance very perfect, not just in clothes
but health and beauty to be priority in appreance. The one attention ia Hair, because hairs is
beauty crown. Every woman doing Hair Treatment with Hair Spa, Hair Mask and Hair Colori
Hair Coloring is the act of changing hair color. Modern coloring has three main process that is
: Hair tingting, Hair lightening and Bleaching. Hair dying is a popular method of hair modific
ation that changes natural hair color. There are many different types and styles of hair colorin
g, including all-over coloring, highlighting and frosting.
Frosting adds a subtle salt and pepper look, blending light and dark hairs. Highlighting also bl
ends light hair with dark but not in the muted way frosting does. Frosting and highlights are d
esigned to blend in with the natural hair color and are easier to maintain than fully colored hai
1)Explain indefenitionabout Frosting ?
2)Describes the usage technique Frosting
in Hair Color ?
Problem Identification 3)Explain thedefenitionabout Highlight
Hair ?
4)Describes the usage technique about
Frosting and Highlight Hair ?

1)Giving knowledge to us about Frosting.

2)To give knowledge about usage
technique Frosting in Hair Color.
Use 3)To give knowledge about Highlight Hair.
4)So that we know the technique Frosting
and Highlight Hair .


Frosting a process of lightening trends of hair while leaving the adjacent hairs untre
ated.A highlighting cap may be used with this technique. Hair is pulled through
holes in the cap and that hair is then lightened. The effects of this can give the hair a
look that is "salt and pepper" with a decent amount of hair left untreated. 


Highlighting is the process of coloring hair in which part or all of the new hair color is lighter
than the original color. This coloring technique is favored by young Indoesian women who
want to explore with appearance. The choice of hair highlight color should be adjusted with
skin tone to make someone look elegant. The more diffic-ult the process, the longer it will
take to create perfect highlights . 

Hair dye was introduced to the world in 1909 by Eugène Schueller.

Archaeologists found that hair dye or hair dye had been used since
Neanderthal times, when humans used various means to change hair and
skin color. By the 1800's, silver nitrate was used. as a hair dye intended to
darken, until the wearer's hair is purplish. The purple color then led to the
creation of the first synthetic hair dye, It was also during this time that
hydrogen peroxide was discovered, and was declared a chemical that is
gentle and safe for hair coloring.
Highlights have been around forever, although not used in the
traditional sense. Different methods have been used for
centuries.Highlights were believed to be first used in Ancient Greece as
early as 4 BC During this time resources were extremely
limited. Ancient Greeks used ointments made of olive oil, pollen, and
gold flakes. Then, the person sat in the sun for long periods of time.
  Modern Highlights were developed in the early 1900's. During this
time period modern caps were first used. With this method the cap is
applied to the head and strands are fed through the various holes in the
cap. These caps separated the desired strands from the rest of the hair
allowing stylists to achieve a look without excessive bleeding. During the
1980's we saw a trend explosion in highlights. This is when foils are first
introduced into the mainstream. With foils, people were able to place
highlights where ever they wanted. This is around the time we first start
seeing low lights. Frosting and chunking also popularize during the
Work Step :
1. Clients are welcome to sit down and applay a towel on the shoul
der. Then, comb the hair until it is neat.
2. Apply a froasting cap to the top of the head where the hair is.
3. Pull the hair through the holes in the froasting cap one by one, wi
th as many strands as desired.
4. After finishing do the combing on the hair
5. Wear rubber or plastic gloves.
6. After that, tep bleaching on the part of the hair will
be highlighted. Which lies on the frosting cap
7. After applying the liquid bleach to hair, cling warp f
or 30 minute.
8. Remove cling warp after 30 minute notice the level 9 bleach.
9. Wash hair without opening cap froasting.
10. Then dry your hair with a hair dryer.
11. Apply hair dye in the desired color, on the hair tha
t has been bleach.
12. Rinse hair with water.
13. Apply shampoo and condisioner.
14. Then, dry your hair with a hair dryer.
15. Lastly, do the styling on the hair.
15. Done

A more precise definition of highlighting is a handful of hair tha

t is a lighter color than the original hair color. So for example, if
your real hair is dark brown, then you dye your hair with a highli
ghting technique, so the result is that some of your hair will be li
ght brown. Or for example, real honey blonde hair after highlight
ing will have beautiful golden blonde strands on the hair.
Highlight is a hair coloring technique with a lighter hair c
olor than the original color. Highlights are not usually applied to
the entire hair, but only to a few sections of the hair. Meanwhile,
Ombre is a coloring technique with a color gradation effect on t
he hair where the color of the ends of the hair is usually lighter t
hen slowly darkens the top of the hair.

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