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How to Deliver
Presentation in

How to Deliver Presentation in English

• Think about the details in advance
• Do your homework
• Introduce yourself and set the theme
• Provide an outlinr or agenda of your presentation
• Explain when the listeners can ask questions
• Make a clear transition in between the parts of the
• Amaze your audience
• Make your data meaningful
• Summarize
• Practice

Think about the details in advance

• Location of the presentation
• Equipment
• Materials
• Timing
• Appearance

Do your homework
• Ask yoursef about what the presentation is about
• Think about who the audience is
• Figure out what your main message is
• Think about the structure of the presentation
• Use simple language
• Prepare yourself for questions
• Make the presentation simple
• Do not put large blocks of text in your presentation

Introduce yourself and set the theme

• Give your fullname, position, company name, contact
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming…”
“The topic of today‟s meeting is…”
“Let‟s get the ball rolling”
“Shall we get started?”
Provide an outline or agenda of your 7

• Providing an outline of the presentation is a must, as people
want to know why they should listen to you.
“I‟d like to give you a brief outline of my presentation…”
“Here is the agenda for the meeting…”
“My presentation consists of the following parts…”
“The presentation is divided into four main sections…”

Explain when listeners can ask questions

• A Question & Answer period (Q&A) usually takes place at
the end of the presentation, so you have enough time to
deliver the main message of your speech without being
interrupted by multiple questions.

“There will be a Q&A session after the presentation” “Please

feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions” “I will be
happy to answer your questions at any time during the
Make a clear transition in between the 9

parts of the presentation

• Using transition words and phrases in English makes your
presentation look smooth and easy to follow.
“I‟d like to move on to another part of the presentation…”
“Now I‟d like to look at…”
“For instance…”
“In addition…”
“This leads me to the next point…”

Amaze your audience

• When presenting, you should plan to amaze your audience.
Use adjectives and descriptive words as they will help to
attract the audience‘s attention and make your speech more
vivid and memorable.

“The product I present is extraordinary.”

“It‟s a really cool device”
“This video is awesome”
“This is an outstanding example”

Make your presentation meaningful

• If you need to present numbers or some comparative
analysis of algorithms for integration, use some visuals to
present it.

“Here are some facts and figures”

“The pie chart is divided into several parts”
“The numbers here have increased or gone up”
“The numbers change and go down (decrease)”
“The numbers have remained stable”

• At the end of the presentation, briefly summarize the main
points and ideas.

“Let‟s summarize briefly what we‟ve looked at…”

“In conclusion…”
“I‟d like to recap…”“I‟d like to sum up the main points…”

• Try rehearsing your presentation using the above tips.
Practice in front of a mirror or with your friends, parents or
spouse. The more you practice, the better you are.

Proper English
Phrases to Deliver
Proper English Phrases to Deliver 15

• Greeting your audience
• Beginning your presentation
• Transitioning to the next topic
• Providing more details
• Linking to another topic
• Emphasizing a point
• Making reference to information
• Explaining visuals
• Restating your point
• Concluding your presentation

Greeting your audience

• Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.
• Welcome to [name of event].
• First, let me introduce myself. Iam [name] from [company].

Beginning your presentation

• Let me start by giving you some background information.
• As you are aware, …
As you are aware, the expert of the industry has often said that
globalization is here to stay.

Transitioning to the next topic

• Let us move on to…
Let us move on to our second statement.
• Turning our attention now to…
Turning our attention now to the results of our 2016 survey.

Providing more details

• I would like to expand on…
Now I would like to expand on my point about increasing the
chance of cooperation.
• Let me elaborate further

Linking to another topic

• As I said at the beginning, …
• This relates to what I was saying earlier…
• This ties in with…

Emphasizing a point
• The significance of this is…
The significance of this is, if we complete this reserach project
on schedule, we will have more people available to work on the
next project
• This is important because…
This is important because any effort we put in now will help to
boost demand for our project in the long run.
• We have to remember that …
We have to remember that people are our most important

Making reference to information

• Based on our findings, …
Based on our findings, 74% of our product based on research
result is made up of teenagers who find our product line stylish
and upbeat.
• According to our study, …
According to our study, 63% of working people in this city go
directly to the Mall after work.
• Our data shows …
Our data shows that more than 23% of men in this town who
used to drive to work now prefer to save money and the
environment by cycling instead.

Explaining visuals
• I would like to illustrate this point by showing you…
I would like to illustrate this point by showing you a chart of
the number of people in each age group who prefer to consume
our product.
• This chart shows a breakdown of …
This chart shows a breakdown of the ingredients we use in our
gluten-free products.

Restating your point

• In other words, …
In other words, we need to change our current design to make it
more attractive to older children.
• To put it simply, …
To put it simply, we will need you to work harder at making this
launch a success.
• What I mean to say is …
What I mean to say is that we need to change the way we
market our products.

Concluding your presentation

• In conclusion, let me sum up my main points.
• Thank you for your attention. Now I am happy to answer
any questions you might have.


Any questions?

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