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Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Raihan afif ruselando. He's young but he's bit older than me. He has
a medium height. He's little tall than me. His body is quite big and
then his face look like wide with oval shape. But i think he has a
ideal body. His hair is really straight, raihan always has a short hair.
I never see he has a long hair yet. He has a thick moustache.. he has
a brown eyes like me..he has a slented eyes.. it will be look more
small when you look his smile.

Raihan is a good guy. I know him very well. When i came to unj for
the first time.. i met him, maliki and delvian. He is really confident, I
could see from the way he walked that always upright. He's also a
polite person it seems when he talked with other people. He has a
good skill to speak with many people. Raihan is funny, smart and
friendly.. but he's unique person i think. I always look him cried and
smile at the same time.. when he smile, he really easy fall his tears
Raihan has a two brothers. Both of them are still a high
school student. Raihan is a good figure and compassionate .
He always put the interests of his younger siblings. Raihan
also have a pet, his pet is a cat, and he named his cat as
komeng. Komeng already considered part of his family.
Komeng often slept with him. Raihan was not disturb about
that because he is generous person.
Pronouns atau pronomina merupakana kata ganti nouns
(kata benda). Berikut contoh dari Pronouns :
• Andrew didn’t come to school because Andrew was sick
(Andrew tidak datang ke sekolah karena Andrew sakit)
Kalimat di atas tidak enak diucapkan karena adanya
pengulangan kata Andrew. Untuk membuat kalimat
tersebut menjadi lebih natural, kita menyiasatinya seperti
ini :
• Andrew didn’t come to school because he was sick
Kata he di atas disebut pronoun atau pronomina. Artinya
adalah kata ganti untuk nouns.
The Type of Pronouns
Subject pronouns merupakan kata ganti untuk nouns yang terletak
pada subject kalimat.
Subject pronouns terdiri dari : I,you,we,they,he,she,it.
Contoh :
• Andi is ill. “He is ill”
‘Andi’ pada kalimat di atas terletak pada subjek kalimat. Ketika ingin
menggantikan subjek kalimat, bisa digunakan Subject pronouns.
Subject pronouns dari Andi adalah ‘he’.
Contoh berikutnya :
• “I have a cat and a duck. The cat and the duck want to eat.”
Agar kalimat di atas menjadi singkat kita bisa menggunakan subject
pronouns, subjek kalimat di atas adalah ‘The cat and the duck’.
Dengan kata lain kita bisa mengganti dengan subject pronoun ‘they’
• “I have a cut and a cuk. They are hungry.”

Object Pronouns merupakan kata ganti nouns yang terletak

pada objek kalimat.
Object pronouns terdiri dari :
Contoh :
• “I like my parents. I like them.”
Letak ‘My Parents” di atas berada pada objek kalimat,
ketika ingin menggantikan objek kalimat, digunakan Object
Contoh berikutnya :
• “Tom is my classmate. All of us hate Tom.”
Kalimat di atas bisa diubah menjadi lebih sederhana
dengan menggantikan Tom menjadi ‘him’, karena kata
Tom di kalimat atas adalah Objek.
Berikut adalah tabel Subject Pronouns dan Object Pronouns :

Subjek Objek Arti

I Me Saya, aku

You You Kamu, Anda, kalian

She Her Dia (perempuan)

He Him Dia (laki-laki)

It It Dia, itu, -nya

We Us Kita, kami

They Them Mereka


Possesive pronouns digunakan untuk nouns yang fungsinya kepemilikan.

Contoh :
“I lost my book. I lost mine.”

Meskipun ‘my book’ pada kalimat di atas menjadi objek, kita bisa
menggantinya dengan possesive pronouns, karena makna dari kata ‘my
book’ adalah buku milik saya (kepemilikan).

Contoh berikutnya :
“We have a dog and a cat. Our dog and cat are very cute.”

Kata ‘a dog and a cat’ mengalami pengulangan, agar kalimat di atas

menjadi lebih natural maka kita bisa ganti kata ‘our dog and cat’ dengan
menggunakan pronoun, walaupun berada di subjek kalimat, tapi dengan
kata ‘our’ menunjukkan adanya kepemilikan. Kalimat di atas dapat
dipersingkat menjadi :
“We have a dog and a cat. Ours are very cute.”
Pada possesive pronouns dapat disimpulkan bahwa Possesive
pronouns terdiri dari 2, yaitu :
• Bentuk dependen (ditempatkan sebelum suatu kata benda)
• Bentuk independent (ditempatkan sesudah kata kerja)

Berikut tabel
Dependent Independent

My Mine

Your Your

His His

Her Hers

Its Its

Our Ours

Their Theirs
• Reflexive pronouns digunakan ketika subjek dan
objek suatu kalimat adalah sama.
• Kata ganti ini mendapat akhiran –self untuk
bentuk tunggal, dan akhiran –selves untuk
bentuk jamak.
Reflexive Pronoun Arti

Myself Saya sendiri

Yourself/yourselves Kamu sendiri/kalian sendiri

Themselves Mereka sendiri

Ourselves Kami sendiri

Himself Dia sendiri (laki-laki)

Herself Dia sendiri (perempuan)

Itself Dia sendiri (benda atau binatang)

Contoh :
• I am teaching myself to play guitar
• You just bought yourself a present
• She is scratching herself
• He dresses himself eventhough he is only a child
• The cat licks itself
• We saw ourselves in the mirror
• They injured themselves during a Basketball
• You are Weir because you talk to yourself
5. Demonstrative Pronoun
• Demonstrative pronoun merupakan kata ganti
penunjuk berdasarkan kedekatan: dekat (this
dan these) dan jauh (that dan those). Contoh
kalimatnya sebagai berikut:
• This is my sister, these are my brothers.
• That pen is yours, those are mine.
6. Interrogative Pronoun
• Interrogative pronoun adalah kata-kata yang
mempertanyakan orang atau benda. Ini antara
lain: who, whom (siapa), whose (punya siapa), why
(mengapa), which (yang mana), dan what (apa).
• Contoh kalimatnya:
• Who did you call?
• What did you order?
• Why did you sell your motorcycle?
7. Indefinite Pronoun
• Indefinite pronoun adalah kata ganti yang
mengacu pada seseorang atau sesuatu yang
dianggap tidak tentu, seperti: somebody
(seseorang), something, anything (sesuatu),
everyone (setiap orang), dan everything (segala
8. Relative Pronoun
• Relative pronoun adalah kata-kata yang
merangkai suatu kata benda atau frasa kata
benda dengan klausa penjelasnya, seperti who,
whom, whose, which, dan that yang
diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia
menjadi kata yang.
• Contoh kalimatnya:
• Meong that I always feed everyday is my cat.
• This is Rembo whose brother you met last week.

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