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Group Members
1. Ni Ketut Sri Andini (1912021046)
I Gusti Ayu Putu Suantari Pratami
Luh Rista Hardiantini
Luh Wulan Aprilianti
01 ACT

Speech act is an action in verbal

communication that has a message in
itself. It is an utterance that occurs,
and an act is a physical action.
Three Aspects of Speech Act
a. Locutionary act
Locutionary acts are the mere act of producing some
linguistic sounds or marks with a certain meaning and
reference (the act of saying, literal meaning).
Example: Luhut Panjaitan announced that the restrictions on
community activities had been extended until November 1 st. A
total of 54 sub-districts experienced a decrease in level to level 2.

[The sentence refers to the regulation of preventing the

transmission of Covid-19 in Indonesia.]
Three Aspects of Speech Act
b. Illocutionary act
It is performed as an act of saying something or as an act of
opposed to saying something. The illocutionary utterance has a
certain force of it.
Example: Luhut Panjaitan announced that the restrictions on
community activities had been extended until November 1 st. A
total of 54 sub-districts experienced a decrease in level to level 2.
[We can assume that the speaker wants to inform us that the
transmission of Covid-19 in Indonesia experienced a drastic
Three Aspects of Speech Act
c. Perlocutionary act
It usually creates a sense of consequences in the audience.
The effects can express as thoughts, imaginations, feelings,
or emotions.
Example: Luhut Panjaitan announced that the restrictions
on community activities had been extended until November
1st. A total of 54 sub-districts experienced a decrease in
level to level 2.
[It can be inferred that the speaker warns the listeners
that they must obey the health protocol well because
Covid-19 still exists in Indonesia.]
The term 'Deixis' comes from the Greek which means 'indicate'
and 'point out' something using language. Deixis is a term in
which the structure of the language and the context of the
language is used are related to each other.
Types of Deixis
Person, Time, Place, Social, Discourse

Person Deixis Place Deixis

Expression used to point out a person. It involves It focuses to pointing a location. To pointing a
the speaker (I), addressee (You), and other location we can use locative adverbs ‘here’ and
entities (She, he, they) ‘there’ and demonstratives pronoun ‘this’ and
 First person: Jenny said “I will see you as
 It’s too hot here in the sun, let’s take our
soon as possible”. drinks into the shade over there.
 Second person: “Congratulation, you win the
competition.” Said Bob to Carly.
 Third person: “I have a sister. She is a
Time Deixis Social Deixis
Time deixis refers to the time at which the Social deixis indicates the different of social
moment of the utterance is produce. rankings of participants and their relationship in
the society. For example:
(Mr. Mrs. Prof, Ma’am, Doctor, etc)
Ann: (on the telephone) “Hello, Carla. What
time do you come?”  “Let me bring your document, Mr. Tan.”
Carla: “Please wait a moment, I’m still on
the road now.”
Ann: “Okay, see you then.”
Discourse Deixis
Discourse deixis refers to the words that indicate the
relationship between the utterance and prior discourse.

(Therefore, in conclusion, actually, but, etc.)

“Della studied hard for the math exam. Therefore, she

got an A+.”
03 &
Reference is an action when the speaker shows an entity in a linguistic form which
aims to make the listener identify something.

Referring expression:

1. Proper nouns : John, Singaraja, Sunday.

2. Definite noun phrases : the first president, the old house
3. Indefinite noun phrases : a new bag, an expensive phone
4. Pronouns : she, he, it, I

Example: Sarah is so annoying.

Inference is the interpretation that created by the listener from the reference
expression spoken/written by the speaker.

The listener must have a prior knowledge of what the speaker is referring to.

A: Sarah is so annoying.
B: I don't like her either
Referential & Attributive Uses
a specific person is referred to, although his/her name or some other
description is not used.
I want to marry a beautiful woman(The beautiful woman is someone in speaker’s
Referential & Attributive Uses
whoever/whatever fits the description.
I want to marry a beautiful woman (can be any woman who is beautiful)
Co-text & Context
Co-text: The words surrounding a particular word or passage that help listener or
reader to determine meaning.
Example: “Indonesia won on Miss International 2020”

Context: the physicals environment or the surrounding situation in which a word is

Example: A couple of rooms have complained about the heat (hotel)
04 ES
Implicature can be defined as an implicit meaning an
utterance delivered by the speaker. In implicature what
is convey different from what is mean.
Types of Implicatures

Conversational Implicature
Conversational Implicature appears in the
conversation act. but what is meant often goes
beyond what is said.

Rani : What’s the weather going to be like today?
Tari : You should bring your umbrella.
Cooperative Principle
It is refers to the guidance in conducting conversations.
1.Maxim of Quantity
2. Maxim of Quality
3. Maxim of Relation
4. Maxim of Manner
A: What did you have your breakfast this morning?
B: I have a sandwich and a glass of chocolate milk
Types of Implicatures
Conventional Implicature
Conventional Implicature can be defined as an implications
which is general and conventional.

Laura is tired today but she is happy
Politeness is defined as the ability to recognize the expression on the face
of another person. Some factor determined the politeness:

1. Lexical choice: Use the word could, would, or etc.

2. Sentence structure: We can use a command sentence by using an
asking sentence.
3. Gesture and Posture: Use our part of body to support to our speech.
We cannot use freely all part our body to support our speech act.
4. Intonation.
a. Positive Politeness

It is concerned with the person's positive face will tend to show

solidarity, emphasize that both speakers want the same thing and that
they have a common goal. Example:

A : “I’m sorry to bother you, May I borrow your pen?”

B : “Yes, it’s for you”

b. Negative Politeness
It is concerned with negative-face of someone that usually intended
to avoid giving offense by showing deference and emphasized the
importance of the other’s time or concerns, and even include an
apology for the imposition or interruption.

A : “May I borrow your pen?”

B : “I am sorry but now I am using it too”

Face is a term that we usually use to talk with politeness. Face is a
positive image that people claim as a reflection of themselves in society.

a. Positive Face
Positive face shows a desire to be liked, appreciated, approved, and so on. It means that
people want to show their positive self-image during the interaction. For example:

Dolly : “Will you help me to fix my computer?”

Bob : “Yes, I will help you.”

b. Negative Face

Negative face refers to the basic claim to territories, personal preserves, rights to non-
distraction. Example:

Dolly : “Will you help me to fix my computer?”

John : “Sorry, Dolly. I’m busy right now”


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