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× Emotional intelligence
× IQ Vs EQ
× Creativity
Meaning and importance
Steps in creative process
Methods for enhancing creativity
Ways of killing creativity

×@ form of psychotherapy that deals with how
people interact and how their interactions
reinforce attitudes, expectations and ³life
× Thomas Harris, author of I¶m OK- U¶re Ok
one of the four basic life positions or ways of
perceiving relationships with others.
× Even though some of us have become adults ,we
might continue to see ourselves as dependant
× @ major goal of T@ is to help people adopt the
life| position

of I'm OK ± U¶re OK in which they

accept others as well as themselves.
£sychiatrist Eric Berne,described our personalities as
containing three ego states
£arent ± a moralistic ego state
Child ± an irresponsible and emotional ego state
@dult - a rational adaptive ego state.

Transaction in T@ - an exchange between two people

Complementary - a transaction is said to be fit when
an exchange follows the same lines i.e. the ego
states of two people interact harmoniously.

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× @ 








Seligman¶s test how people respond to setbacks -
optimistically or pessimistically
1. You owe the library Rs. 50 for an overdue book
a. When I am really involved in what I am reading, I often
forget when it¶s due
b. I was so involved in writing the report that I forgot to
return the book
 @ friend says something that hurts your feelings
a. He/she always blurts things out without thinking of others
b. My friend was in a bad mood and took it out on me.
You are penalized for submitting your project reports late
a. I always put off preparing the project report
b. I was lazy about collecting, compiling the information
and preparing the project.
× The people with more b¶s are able to
overcome bad sales days, recover
more easily from rejection, change
jobs less frequently.

× It may be a dimension of predicting effective
× High EQ persons seem to have empathy and
graciousness as well as the ability to read a
social situation ( non verbal)
× Daniel Goleman lot of men learn to be more
emphatic from their wives and that it can also
be learnt through business training
× Emotional skills can be learnt at any point and
you¶ll lead a happy and successful life


× It stands for intelligent quotient
× It is a numerical test score
× Frenchmen @lfred Binet and Theophile Simon worked
towards the Binet Simon scale which yielded a score
called the mental age (M@).
× The M@ shows the intellectual level at which the child
is functioning
× Binet also assumed that intelligence increased with
× Binet included a series of age-graded questions and he
arranged them in order of difficulty

üevel Item




üevel Item

  ×point out verbal absurdities
In an old cemetery a scientist unearthed a skull which he
thinks was that of Rajeev Gandhi when he was five years
of age
×Show fluency with words
×Can you tell me a number that rhymes with snore or a
color that rhymes with glue
@  ×Show knowledge of meanings of words and conceptual
thinking by correctly explaining the differences between
sickness and misery, house and home.
×Show spatial skills ³ if a car turned right to head north,
in what direction was it heading before it turned? 
! !!

× It was used with children aged 2 to 16.
× It yielded an IQ rather than an M@
× The IQ reflects the relationship between a child¶s mental
age and actual or chronological age.
× Use of this ratio reflects the fact that the same M@ has
different implications for children of different ages.
× German psychologist Wilhelm stern
IQ o x 100
@ child with an M@ of 6 and a C@ of 6
would have an IQ of 100.
Children who can handle intellectual
problems as well as children older children
will have IQ¶s above 100.
children who do not answer well have scores
less than 100.
Intelligent tests measure traits that are
required in modern high technology
The determinants of intelligence are
 Genetic influence
Environmental influence
It is the ability to formulate unique approaches to problem
solving and decision making.
It is acknowledged as a requisite skill and ability.
Is the ability to generate novel combinations of existing
The gift and discipline that provides the competitive edge.
@ccording to Steinberg,Creative people are perceived as
Willing to take chances
Incepting of limitations, trying to do the impossible
@ppreciating art and music
Capable of using materials to make unique things
Questioning social norms and assumptions
Willing to take an unpopular stand
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@ creative person may be more capable of solving
problems to which there are no preexisting solutions,
no tried and tested formulae.
It is the ability to make unusual,remote,associations
to the elements of a problem so that new
combinations that meet the goals are generated.


Creative people show



Sometimes but not always go hand in hand

£ersons low in intelligence are often low in creativity as
well, but thigh intelligence is no guarantee of creativity.
Therefore tests that measure intelligence are not useful
in measuring creativity.
One aspect of creativity is the ability to associate freely
to all aspects of a problem.

For each set of three words try to think of a
fourth word that is related to all the three

Charming student valiant

Food catcher hot
Hearted feet bitter
Dark shot sun
Canadian golf sandwich
Tug gravy show
@ttorney self spending
| @rm
  coal peach 

Type ghost story

Divergent Convergent autistic
Thinking thinking thinking
Divergent thinking
Creativity demands divergent thinking
The problem solver associates more fluently and freely to the various
elements of the problem.
It has a variety of thoughts involved,e.g.. newspaper
Convergent thinking
Thought is limited to present facts as the problem solver tries to
narrow thinking to find the best solution.
@utistic thinking
| are
 private meanings given to words, images, lines, forms

colours etc.

1. £reparation :Getting an idea

2. Incubation : no thought process, idea
3. Insight : knowing what to do, sudden
reaction to the things which can be
4. Evaluation


Two critical dimensions that help unleash creativity

£ersonal flexibility and
a willingness to take risks
One other factor that helps and contributes to
creativity is
Willingness to accept failures.
Only if failures are seen as feedbacks will it give room to creativity.


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