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International Distinguished Shcolar Webinar Series World Class University

Mixed Reasearch Today

Prof. John W. Creswell
A Lana Onasis, S.T
Departement of Architecture and Planning
Universitas Gadjah Mada
What is mixed method reasearch?

• Mixed Method research adalah metodelogi penelitian yang

melibatkan pengumpulan, menganalisis, dan mengintegrasikan
Quantitative Qualitative penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam studi tunggal atau
Data Data penelitian ilmiah.
• Tujuan Mixed Method research adalah untuk memberikan
pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang masalah
penelitian/fenomena, daripada pemahaman yang diberikan oleh
INTEGRATED satu metode penelitain saja.

Key Components of Mixed Methods Reasearch

Questions Data Integration Design Insight

Quantitative Qualitative
Data Mixed Methods Data

• Generalize from sample to • Compare results of the • Understand the personal views and
population two databases experiences of participants in a study
• Have confidence in results • Explain quan results • Understan these views within a context
• Measure the magnitude of with qual data or setting
phenomenon or differences • Build a quan measure • Presents the complexity of a
among groups from qual data phenomenon
11 steps in designing a mixed methods study?
1. Determine if a mixed methods study is appropriate for you
2. Indicate your worldview
3. Draft a mixed methods title
4. Identify the research problem leading to your study
5. State quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods questions
6. List your quantitative and qualitative data to be collected
7. Identify your mixed method design
8. Draw a diagram of your design
9. Identify steps in your mixed methods data analysis integration, a joint display, metainferences
10. Consider a conceptual framework or theory for your study
11. Detail the validaty challenges in your design
Design (Tata Urutan )
Convergent Design Convergent Design with Data
Phase 1
Quantitative Qualitative Qualitative Quantitative
Data Data Data Phase 1 Data
Collection & Collection & Collection & Collection &
Analysis Analisis Analisis Analysis


Merge Interpretation

• Quan dan Qual dilakukan bersamaan (equal) • Quan dan Qual dilakukan bersamaan tetapi dengan tambahan
• Hasilnya dapat dibandingkan (triangulasi) quan assessment dari perspektif personal / qual data
Design (Tata Urutan )
Sequential = Berurutan

Explanatory Sequential Design

Phase 1 Phase 2

• Quan dilakukan terlebih dulu dari qual

Quantitative Qualitative • Menggunakan qual data untuk membantu
Data Data
Explained by Collection & Interpretation menjelaskan hasil quan
Collection &
Analysis Analisis • Menghubungkan data antara fase 1 dan 2

Exploratory Sequential Design

Phase 1 Phase 2

Quantitative • Qual dilakukan terlebih dulu dari quan

Phase- Quantitative • Mengeksplorasi terlebih dahulu sebelum menuju
Instrument Data
Build into Design, New
quantitative phase
Collection & Collection &
Variabels, or Analysis
• Menghubungkan data antara fase 1 dan 2


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