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Information Security

Review Version: 1.1

HPL Information Security Policy Version 1.1

 HPL Information Security Policy 1.0 in Brief.
 Why Revision is necessary?
 Types of Security Policy.
 Information security management systems (ISMS)
 ISO/IEC 27002 Standard.
 Revised Policy

HPL Information Security Policy Version 1.1

HPL Information Security
Policy 1.0 in Brief.
◇ HPL has an Information Security Policy signed on
date: April’04, 2018.
◇ The policy covers security for the following areas:
 Access Control for Electronically held information.
 Usage of Network/Local/ Removable Drives
 Protection of IT facilities.
 Use of Electronic Mail
 Internet usage policy.
 Users should not do.
 Definition of Inappropriate Materials.
 Disciplinary Action.

Necessity of Revision
(ISMS) has defined policy standard as “ISO/IEC
27001:2013 ” which is not fully covered by the existing
 Data backup policy is very narrowly described in the
1 existing policy.
 Data recovery and restoration policy is absent.
 E-Mail policy requires to be reviewed.
 Proper definition of inappropriate material.
 Absence of monitoring policy of the existing policy
 Absence of IT audit.
Types of Security Policy
There are 3 types of security policy in the terms of organizational
 General Security Policy (will be covered by ISO/IEC

 Issue Specific Policy
 System Specific Policy.

Issue Specific Policy
Issue Specific Policy (ISSP) will cover the following areas:
 Electronic mail
 Use of the Internet
 Specific minimum configurations of computers to defend against worms and
 Prohibitions against hacking or testing organization security controls.
 Home use of company-owned computer equipment.
 Use of personal equipment on company networks
 Use of telecommunications technologies (FAX and Phone)
 Use of photocopy equipment.
 Use of Printer

System Specific Policy
System specific policy will cover the following areas:
 Access Management.
 Data Backup Policy.
 Data Recovery and Restoration Policy.

Information Security
Management System
ISMS policy is a standardized policy for organizational security.
Why Should we implement this?
 Secures your information in all its forms.
 Increases your resilience to cyber attacks.
 Provides a centrally managed framework.
 Creates a new way of thinking about information security
 Offers organization-wide protection
 Improves company culture
 Protects the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data

ISO/IEC 27002 Standard
 ISO/ICE 27002 is the established policy standard for ISMS.
 HPL can maintain the standard and apply for certification.
 Implementation of this policy will improve the organizational culture and value.

Revised Policy-I
Security of information and content:

 Company is the owner of any sort of information held.

 No one is allowed/ attempt to delete/ modify/copy/transfer any
information without the prior approval from the authorized
 Any information if company feels to be confidential/ vulnerable
then company can encrypt the information as per requirement.
 Encryption method may vary based on the weightage of the

Revised Policy- II
Review suggestion for access control:

 Passwords are highly confidential property.

 Password must not be shared with anyone except for support
purpose with IT/ MIS dept.
 It is advised to change the default password as soon as the
device is handed over from IT /MIS.
 Password should be at least 8 Characters.
 Password will be combination of alpha-numeric characters.
 Password should be changed in an interval of 90 days.

Revised Policy- III
Revised Usage of Information Technology Resources:

 Employees can use IT resources for occasional personal usage..

 Such work must not interfere with the execution of their duties.
 It is strictly prohibited to use company’s IT resources for personal
financial gain.
 No such activity should perform which can affect company’s
 With out proper permission from top team or MIS/IT dept no one is
allowed to connect company’s IT resources to internet via dial up,
wireless or modem.

Revised Policy- III (Cont)
Revised Usage of Information Technology Resources:

 Each and every IT resource provided by the company will be

under active directory.
 Company can monitor the activates any time.
 Installation/ use of private software on company’s IT resource is
strongly prohibited.
 Employees are instructed to lock their monitor while leaving work
station during office hour.
 After office hour or leaving work station for more than 2 hours the
device must be shut down.
 Employees are not allowed to take their devices (ie: laptop/ note
book) out of office premise.
Revised Policy- III (Cont)
Revised Usage of Information Technology Resources:

 If somehow it is necessary to take the resources out of office

premise then that employee must take permission from head of IT
/MIS through the proper authorized channel.
 The security of Cloud storage information will be just like any
other stored information.

Revised Policy- IV
Revised Usage of Information Technology Resources:

 Employees must not create/use/edit/spread any information/

news/ message using company resource which is against the law
of People’s Govt. Bangladesh or violate cyber security law.
 Company will always has the authority to block any service/ site
seems dangerous for company and it’s resources.
 Employees are requested to monitor their anti- virus activity. And
instructed to report IT/ MIS dept in case of observing any
abnormal activity.

Revised Policy- V
Revised Usage of Network/Local/ Removable Drives:

 Inserting any sort of USB flash device (pen drive, portable HDD),
CD/DVD, SD card is strongly prohibited on company’s device.
 To enable these sort of device to company device permission from
MIS/IT will be given after the recommendation of manager. the
concerned person is requested to take written approval from
supervisor mentioning the justification and submit to Head of IT

Revised Policy- VI
Revised Personal Device Policy:

 Employees are allowed to bring their own devices.

 To connect the devices (laptop/ network) to company network
permission from MIS/IT will be given after the recommendation of
 Employees should not perform any activity using their own device
which can jeopardies the security of the company’s security
(security of data and instinctual property) .

Revised Policy- VII
Data Back up Policy:

 Employee will be responsible for the security and storage of their

operational and functional data.
 Employee will remain fully responsible for the regular backup of
important data on the disks of personal computer and the other
 Using Cloud storage is always welcome.
 Data and information that are held on the portable notebook or
laptop computers must be kept to a minimum only for the duration

Revised Policy- VII
Revised Mail Policy:
 Employees must use the official mail ID for communication.
Response form any other sort of mail ID will be considered as
 Attachment from any unknown source via e-mail must not be
 Reduce acknowledgement emails or cc’ing people unless
 Set clear subject lines with key words that aid identification of the
 Keep to one subject per email
 Consider alternatives to attachments, such as a link or copying
relevant text.
Revised Policy- VIII (cont)
Revised Mail Policy:

 address is advised to use only for official use. Employees are

requested not to connect official e-mail ID with any social network.
 Employees are requested to regularly delete message according
to the current record management schedule.
 Official e-mail address is advised to use only for official use.
Employees are requested not to connect official e-mail ID with any
social network

Revised Policy- IX
Revised Printer Policy:

 An employee must know his/her default printer.

 Print outs must be collected immediately after finishing.
 While printing larger documents announcing it will be considered
as a good practice.
 If for some reason IT/ MIS operation has to change/ relocate any
printer from the domain then must give the users prior notification.

Revised Policy- X
Review suggestion for Controlling and Monitoring:

 There should be a governing committee for controlling and

monitoring the established policy.
 Committee will be responsible for periodic IT audit.
 IT audit can be preformed bi-annually.
 All the audit results must be stored.

 Employees are instructed to report any abnormal and
unseal or suspicious activity on network or devices
connected network to MIS/ IT Dept.
 Must follow this Information Security Policy and ICT
act developed by GoB.

Any questions?


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