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Main organizational models of primary and
lower secondary education
(ISCDE 1 and 2) are part of compulsory education in all European education systems.

• Single structure education. Education is provided from the beginning to

the end of compulsory schooling, with no transition between primary and
lower secondary education, and with general education provided in
common for all pupils.
• Common core curriculum provision. After successful completion of
primary education (ISCED 1), all students progress to the lower secondary
level (ISCED 2) where they follow the same general common core

• Differentiated lower secondary education. After successful completion of

primary education, students are required to follow distinct educational
pathways or specific types of schooling, either at the beginning or during
lower secondary education. In some countries students follow different
tracks in vocational, technical or general education. In others, they are
enrolled in different types of general education. At the end of studies
they receive different levels of certificate.
International Standard Classification of
Education (ISCED 2011)
 is an instrument suitable for compiling statistics on education
internationally. It covers two cross-classification variables:
levels and fields of education with the complementary
dimensions of general/vocational/pre-vocational orientation
and education-labour market destination. The last version,
ISCED 2011 distinguishes eight levels of education. Empirically,
ISCED assumes that several criteria exist which can help
allocate education programmes to levels of education.
Depending on the level and type of education concerned,
there is a need to establish a hierarchical ranking system
between main and subsidiary criteria (typical entrance
qualification, minimum entrance requirement, minimum age,
staff qualification, etc.).
ISCED 0: Early childhood education Programmes
at this level are typically designed with a holistic
approach to support children's early cognitive,
physical, social and emotional development and
introduce young children to organised
instruction outside of the family context. ISCED
level 0 refers to early childhood programmes
that have an intentional education component.
ISCED 1: Primary education Programmes at this level
are typically designed to provide students with
fundamental skills in reading, writing and mathematics
(i.e. literacy and numeracy) and establish a solid
foundation for learning and understanding core areas
of knowledge, personal and social development, in
preparation for lower secondary education.
Age is typically the only entry requirement at this level.
The customary or legal age of entry is usually not
below 5 years old or above 7 years old. This level
typically lasts six years, although its duration can range
between four and seven years.
ISCED 2: Lower secondary education
Programmes at this level are typically
designed to build on the learning
outcomes from ISCED level 1. Students
enter ISCED level 2 typically between
ages 10 and 13 (age 12 being the most
ISCED 3: Upper secondary education
Programmes at this level are typically
designed to complete secondary
education in preparation for tertiary
education or provide skills relevant to
employment, or both. Pupils enter this
level typically between ages 14 and 16.
ISCED 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education Post-
secondary non-tertiary education provides learning
experiences building on secondary education, preparing
for labour market entry as well as tertiary education.
Programmes at ISCED level 4, or post-secondary non-
tertiary education, are typically designed to provide
individuals who completed ISCED level 3 with non-
tertiary qualifications required for progression to tertiary
education or for employment when their ISCED level 3
qualifications do not grant such access. The completion
of an ISCED level 3 programme is required to enter ISCED
level 4 programmes.
ISCED 5: Short-cycle tertiary education Programmes
at this level are often designed to provide
participants with professional knowledge, skills and
competencies. Typically, they are practically based,
occupationally-specific and prepare students to
enter the labour market. However, these
programmes may also provide a pathway to other
tertiary education programmes. Entry into ISCED
level 5 programmes requires the successful
completion of ISCED level 3 or 4 with access to
tertiary education.
ISCED 6: Bachelors' or equivalent level Programmes at this
level are often designed to provide participants with
intermediate academic and/or professional knowledge, skills
and competencies, leading to a first degree or equivalent
qualification. Entry into these programmes normally requires
the successful completion of an ISCED level 3 or 4 programme
with access to tertiary education. Entry may depend on subject
choice and/or grades achieved at ISCED levels 3 and/or 4.
Additionally, it may be required to take and succeed in entry
examinations. Entry or transfer into ISCED level 6 is also
sometimes possible after the successful completion of ISCED
level 5.
ISCED 7: Master's or equivalent level Programmes at this level, are often
designed to provide participants with advanced academic and/or professional
knowledge, skills and competencies, leading to a second degree or equivalent
qualification. Typically, programmes at this level are theoretically-based but
may include practical components and are informed by state of the art
research and/or best professional practice. They are traditionally offered by
universities and other tertiary educational institutions.

Entry into ISCED level 7 programmes preparing for a second or further degree
normally requires the successful completion of an ISCED level 6 or 7
programme. In the case of long programmes that prepare for a first degree
equivalent to a Master’s degree, entry requires the successful completion of
an ISCED level 3 or 4 programme with access to tertiary education. Entry into
such programmes may depend on subject choice and/or grades achieved at
ISCED levels 3 and/or 4. Additionally, it may be required to take and succeed
in entry examinations.
Education in five European countries
The school systems of Poland, Great Britain,
Germany, France, and Spain.
Each country in Europe has a different education
system and curriculum. And these have evolved
over the centuries, based mainly on changing
economic, cultural, social, and political conditions.
So what does the education system look like in
Poland today? And how is this different from that
of England, Germany, France, and Spain?
Education in Europe
In the European Union, there’s no uniform educational policy.
No higher institution intervenes or imposes specific requirements
regarding education in these countries. Each country is entirely
responsible for its education system and curriculum.

Thus, education can look completely different in these countries.

Although the European Union supports education, even with
subsidies for projects or trips of gifted students, it doesn’t
interfere with the education system itself. In addition, the
development of teaching is undertaken by UNESCO, the 
Council of Europe, as well as the United Nations (especially the
sector of Education, Science, and Culture).
Education in Poland
Polish educational law clearly states that the core curriculum
must contain teaching content and skills tailored to specific
stages of education. Based on this, school evaluation criteria and
examination requirements are created. The curriculum itself,
however, is selected by specific teachers, based on approval by
the principal. However, the Ministry of Education determines
which subjects are taught in Polish schools.

The first, early school stage consists of eight classes: primary

school. The timetable contains about twenty hours of classes per
week. It includes Polish, mathematical, technical, artistic, and
music classes.
Education in Poland
From the fourth grade, a specific division into subjects, i.e., Polish, physical education,
or geography, is introduced. Pupils finish school with an eight-grade exam aimed at
assessing the knowledge acquired at this stage of education.

Secondary education covers general high schools, as well as technical and vocational
schools. Students can choose some of the subjects they will take. At the end of high
school, they must pass the matriculation examination. This is one of the most
important stages of education—obtaining positive results in high school facilitates
further education at universities and colleges.

Recently, the Polish education system has undergone major changes, i.e., in 2019,
junior high schools—three-year schools, intended for students aged 12 to 14—were
eliminated. In 2019, as part of the 2017 educational system reform in Poland, they
disappeared completely from the Polish school system, which is currently two-tier—
primary school and high school. The process of closing down junior high schools took
place gradually.
Education in Great Britain
The compulsory education system in Great Britain consists of four stages:
primary school, secondary school (equivalent to already closed junior high
schools), high school, and higher education. Children start learning at the
age of five.

Primary school consists of two levels: Key Stage 1 and 2. The program
itself includes English, math, nature, history, and physical education,
among other subjects. The subjects are thus similar to those in the Polish
education system.

At this stage, there aren’t specific grades—parents only receive a

description showing the strengths and weaknesses of the student, along with
data on their learning progress. Students take standardized exams, but
regardless of the results, move on to the next level of education.
Education in Great Britain
From ages of 11 to 14, children attend secondary school. Here,
they start to get graded. Unlike Polish schools, the UK has a
letter system. "A" means the highest rating, "F" the lowest.
This stage ends with an obligatory state exam.

The last level of compulsory British education is high school.

The curriculum already includes fewer subjects, and the focus
is mainly on the classes with which students want to pursue
further education in colleges. Education ends with an exam
comparable to the Polish Matura, called the GCSE (General
Certificate of Secondary Education).
Education in Germany
Education in Germany, like most European countries,
starts in primary school—Grundschule. Children
under the age of six start school. The main aim of this
stage of teaching is for students to begin to master
writing and reading, as well as basic math. After
completing this level, children receive a teacher's
recommendation based on their learning and skills.
This helps parents choose the right high school for
their child.
Education in Germany
After completing primary school in Germany, students can choose from
further education in three institutions:

Hauptschule/secondary schools: emphasizes preparation for a specific

profession. After graduating, students receive a Hauptschulabschluss
(secondary school diploma), which enables them to practice a craft or art ;

Realschule/secondary schools: intended mainly for people who are

interested in the economy or a specific job. The curriculum here mainly
includes science and foreign languages;

Gymnasium: most resembles a Polish high school. The wide range of

subjects aims to prepare students for college education. This stage of
education is completed with Abitur, i.e., the matriculation exam.
Education in France
Education in France is divided into three compulsory
levels: l'école élémentaire (elementary school), le
collège, and le lycee( high school). French Children
who are at least six years old go to primary school. It
consists of two stages: initial teaching and skill
development. Students acquire elementary skills in
writing, reading, and counting. After graduation, they
automatically move to another level of education.
Education in France
The second stage of study involves le college. This curriculum
consists of specific subjects. At the end, students must pass the
state le brevet exam, but this has no impact on the further
promotion of the child.

At this level of education, students have a choice of two

schools: a three-year high school (lycee) or a vocational school
(lycee professional). The high school is completed with a hl
diploma (baccalaureate) enabling further studies in higher
education. Vocational school prepares students for a specific
profession, but they can take the matriculation exam even at
this stage— they just have to complete an additional two years
of education.
Education in Spain
Education in Spain has two basic levels: educación primaria
(primary school) and educación secundaria (secondary school).
The first stage of education is divided into three cycles: lower,
medium, and higher. During each of them, one teacher
supervises the students, and teaches the basic principles of
social coexistence.

After completing the first level of education, the student

automatically goes to high school (secondary school). The first
stage of educación secundaria obligatoria mainly includes
lessons on elementary subjects, a foreign language, as well as
general vocational education.
Education in Spain
Students are assessed using points collected from tests and activity in
the classroom. The number of points determines the final assessment
at the end of the year. A school-leaving certificate at this phase
enables further education in a high school (bachillerato) or a
vocational school (ciclos formativos).

Bachillerato is designed to prepare students to study at university or

college. The main focus here is on lessons related to young people's
interests or future career plans. Education ends with passing the
matriculation exam. The final grade for the matura exam consists of
the results of the exam and an average of all a student’s high school


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