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Psychology Of Anger - Anger

“ Management

Submitted By- Submitted To-

Shubh Gupta 9919103022 Shikha Kumari
Abhinav Sharma 9919103107 Introduction to Psychology
Chirag Sharma 9919103108 15B1NHS432
Shreyash Rautela 9919103110 HSS Department 1
Naman Garg 9919103116 JIIT Noida Sector 128
What is Anger ?

Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism

toward someone or something you feel has
deliberately done you wrong. Anger can be a good
thing. It can give you a way to express negative
feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions
to problems. But excessive anger can cause
Types Of Anger

Assertive Behavioral Chronic

Assertive anger uses feelings of Behavioral anger is expressed Chronic anger is an ongoing,
frustration for positive change. You physically and is usually aggressive. generalized resentment of people,
express your anger in ways that You may feel so overwhelmed by frustration with certain
create change around you – your emotions that you lash out at circumstances, and anger towards
without causing distress or the object of your anger.  oneself. 

Judgmental Verbal Self-Abusive

Judgmental anger is usually a Verbal anger is a form of anger Self-abusive anger is a shame
reaction to a perceived injustice or that deeply hurts the target of based type of anger. If you have
someone else’s shortcoming.  one’s anger. Verbal anger may be been feeling hopeless, unworthy,
expressed as furious shouting, humiliated or ashamed.
threats, ridicule, sarcasm, intense
blaming or criticism. 
Physical effects of anger

Anger triggers the body’s ‘fight or
flight’ response. Other emotions that
trigger this response include fear,
excitement and anxiety. The adrenal
glands flood the body with stress
hormones, such as adrenaline and
cortisol. The brain shunts blood away
from the gut and towards the muscles, in
preparation for physical exertion. Heart
rate, blood pressure and respiration
increase, the body temperature rises and
the skin perspires. The mind is
sharpened and focused.
Health problems with anger

The constant flood of stress chemicals and associated metabolic changes that
go with ongoing unmanaged anger can eventually cause harm to many different
systems of the body.
Some of the short and long-term health problems that have been linked to
unmanaged anger include:
 Headache
 Digestion problems, such as abdominal pain
 Insomnia
 Increased anxiety 
 Depression
 High blood pressure
 Skin problems, such as eczema
 Heart attack
 Stroke.
Anger Management
Anger management is a psycho-
therapeutic program for anger prevention
and control. It has been described as
deploying anger successfully. Anger is
frequently a result of frustration, or of
feeling blocked or thwarted from
something the subject feels is important.
Some Theories on Anger Management
Management of anger has its significance because anger is said to be the most prevalent psychological
problem though not a mental disorder.
Historically, three main philosophies have dominated psychological approaches to anger problems over the
past several decades: ventilation, reduction and management. Ventilationists tend to view the core problem in
anger as emanating from people’s tendencies, under societal pressure, to suppress and repress their emotions.
Reductionists, on the other hand, focus upon people’s tendencies to be too strongly emotional rather than too
repressed in their emotions. Beck’s cognitive behaviour therapy (Beck, 1976) fits this model.
Recent years have witnessed a burst of programs designed to improve angry behaviour.Many psychological
models make theories about the causes of anger and aggression and the type of therapy that should be
employed to help individuals control anger. The following is a discussion of three theories for the
psychological models.
Behaviour Theory:- According to behavioural theory, individuals respond to situations on the basis of their
Some Theories on Anger Management
pervious learning in similar situations. Individual react to environmental cues in terms of stimulus-response
sequence.This model suggests that environmental cues may lead to aggressive behaviour because these cues
were present when aggressive acts were displayed.
Cognitive Behaviour Theory:- Cognitive behaviour theory (Beck, 1976) holds that cognitions are a
mediating factor between an event and one’s response to that event. The pattern of behaviour follows a
stimulus cognition response sequence, which is less complex than stimulus-response sequence proposed by
behavioural theorists.
Rational Emotive Behaviour Theory(REBT):- Rational emotive behaviour theory is specific type of
cognitive-behavioural theory, which tends to focus more on the behavioral aspect, although the cognitive
aspect is also considered very important.Albert Ellis based this theory on the philosophy of “people are not
disturbed by things, but by their judgments about things”.The use of REBT for reduction of anger and
aggression has been found to be relatively effective for adults, although most of these studies consist of
individual therapy and even single case studies.
Some techniques for
anger management
Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program
The Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) is a program that was
used in a study consisting of Air Force families. The families were assigned to either a
traditional multi-couple group format or a self-directed book version focusing on relationship
satisfaction and anger management skills. There was a significant main effect for time
related to both relationship satisfaction (pretest M = 49.8, SD = 17.6; post-test M = 53.8,
SD = 17.6, F(1, 76) = 6.91, p < .01), and anger management skills, (pretest M = 32.2, SD =
4.2; post-test M = 34.6, SD = 4.0, F(1, 74) = 31.79, p < .001).
The self-directed book version did not show as positive of results. Improving a couple's
anger management skills can be a vital step in ensuring there are no violent outbreaks
throughout the relationship.
Positive mentalization and personal development

This is a style that is commonly used in elementary schools for students expressing anger
outbursts. Researchers who have looked into the reason for young student anger have
found that one common reason could be the inability to adjust socially. Students that were
selected for this study received a daily one-hour session throughout one week of school.
The researchers of the mentalization program educated children through group therapy in
positive psychology and tried to do activities that put the child in a happy mood while
interacting. At the end of the week, research showed that there was a negative correlation
between anger and social adjustment. This process lowered the overall anger levels of the
students involved in social adjustment deficits.
Use of personal development (PD) led to higher views of themselves and more positive
self-esteem. Aggression has been shown to be a result of poor self-worth as well as
thinking that those around us do not care or support us, so this PD is vital in helping
change a person’s self-perception.
Anger journaling

Understanding one's own emotions can be a crucial piece of learning how to deal with
anger. Children who wrote down their negative emotions in an "anger diary" actually ended
up improving their emotional understanding, which in turn led to less aggression. When it
comes to dealing with their emotions, children show the ability to learn best by seeing direct
examples of instances that led to certain levels of anger. By seeing the reasons why they
got angry, they can in the future try to avoid those actions or be prepared for the feeling
they experience if they do find themselves doing something that typically results in them
being angry.
There is not sufficient evidence of this needing to be implemented in elementary schools,
but this activity is a common tool used in therapies, so it could lead to children writing down
their negative feelings and anger and help them to re-evaluate their position and take
personal time to cool down instead of lashing out and doing aggressive actions in person.
Impact of anger management on our personal and professional life

• Communicate your needs. Learn how to recognize and talk about things that frustrate you, rather than
letting your anger flare up. Knowing how to express yourself can help you avoid impulsive and hurtful words or
actions, resolve conflicts, and maintain positive relationships.
• Maintain better health. The stress caused by ongoing angry feelings can increase your risk of health
problems, such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, digestive issues, heart problems and high blood pressure.
• Prevent psychological and social problems linked to anger. Examples include depression, problems at
work, legal difficulties and troubled relationships.
• Use your frustration to get things done. Anger expressed inappropriately can make it difficult for you to
think clearly, and may result in poor judgment. You'll learn to use feelings of frustration and anger as
motivators to work harder and take positive action.
• Help avoid addictive escapes. People who always feel angry may turn to alcohol, drugs or food to decrease
feelings of anger. Instead, you can use anger management techniques to keep your cool and maintain control,
without adding an additional problem to your life.
Group case study:
Societal level

We have conducted a social survey using
google form to check how different
people are dealing with their anger
issues. Our survey consisted of few
questions to check whether they agree or
disagree as per the given situation.
We also asked people about their methods of anger management
and received many answers, some of the most common answers

• Taking deep breaths

• Meditation
• Listening to songs
• Isolation for some time
• Watch stand-up comedy
• Engaging yourself in some work
• Remembering good things/memories
“For every minute you are angry, you lose 60
seconds of happiness”

From the survey, we also noticed that many people

were not able to manage their anger. This anger can
be the reason behind depression and different
psychological problems. A healthy life starts with a
healthy mind, so keep calm and carry on……

Thank You!

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