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Types of task 2
Types of Task 2

Types of Task 2
1. Opinion essay
1.1 Completely agree/ disagree
1.2 Partly agree

Types of Task 2

Types of Task 2

1. Opinion essay
1.1 Completely agree/ disagree
1.2 Partly agree
1.3 Outweigh essay

Types of Task 2

Types of Task 2

1. Opinion essay
1.1 Completely agree/ disagree
1.2 Partly agree
1.3 Outweigh essay

2. Discuss both views

Types of Task 2

Types of Task 2

1. Opinion essay
1.1 Completely agree/ disagree
1.2 Partly agree
1.3 Outweigh essay

2. Discuss both views

3. Two-question essay

3.1 Problems and Solutions 10



• Adverb: I’m packing for my trip, albeit hesitantly.

• Adjective: My English is actually quite good, albeit slightly accented.
• Noun: Technology has greatly added to our entertainment options,
albeit with some detrimental material.

Cha anh ấy rất là giàu, tuy nhiên không thân thiện

Anh ấy đã hoàn thành bài tập, mặc dù chậm
Tôi đã tốt nghiệp trường đại học, mặc dù với nhiều khó khăn

I eat a lot of food, albeit with a very thin body.

his ego is unbearable, albeit greatly talented
he spoke up about the issues that he had in school, albeit nervously 12
Cleft sentence
• What environmentalists concern most about is burning plastic
• What many people would like to see is peace
• It is the financial greed that I object to, not the economic growth
• Whether we should reduce some restrictions is a big question
• It is my mom that gave me the lucky money
Đó chính là chất thải từ nhà máy mà đã gây là ô nhiễm môi trường
Điều mà chúng ta cần làm bây giờ là đóng cửa trường học để kiểm soát sự lây lan của covid 19
Liệu rang chúng ta có thể đạt được điểm cao trong kì thi IELTS hay không phụ thuộc vào sự nổ
lực của chúng ta và thời gian chúng ta dành ra mỗi ngày để học.

Gerund = V-ing
• Cutting down trees will have damaging consequences for the entire planet.
• Increasing taxes would create significant difficulties for a small entrepreneurs
• Having been cyber bullied, I know how psychologically damaging this can be
• Having been released from prison, many people subsequently reoffend.
• Having done my homework, I went to bed
• Eating apples every day is healthy

That S + V + V

• That global warming is increasing at an alarming rate worries

• That my English is good is good for my future.

Justify/ necessitate

• Having a possibly well paid job in the future justifies the effort you
should make in learning IELTS now.

• Having good health in the future justifies daily eating vegetables


Students are studying too much. This prevents them

from enjoying their academic life
Students are studying too much, which prevents….

As/ Since/ Due to
Since students have to study a great deal, they cannot enjoy their academic life as they should.
Students cannot enjoy their academic life as they have to study a great deal.
Due to students’ hectic studying schedule, it is nearly impossible for them to enjoy their academic life
I eat because I am hungry
I eat due to being hungry
I eat due to my hunger
Since + S + V, S + V
S + V as S + V
Due to V-ing, S + V (nếu 2 vế cùng chủ từ)
Due to + N, S + V

By + V-ing

By reducing students’ workloads, schools can help to

ease students’ stress.

If 1

If more extracurricular activities are available at school,

students will be able to develop more crucial skills for later
Should more extracurricular activities be available at
school, students will be able to develop more crucial skills
for later employment. (không cần dùng đảo ngữ)

If 2

If history were optional, students would have more time to invest in

Were history optional, students would have more time to invest in self-

If I worked in Apple now, I would be rich

Were I to work in Apple now, I would be rich

If 3

If the USA had successfully invaded VN, English would have been our
mother tongue.
Had the USA successfully invaded VN, English would have been our
mother tongue.

Such as/ including

The majority of students, including me, do not enjoy

studying history,
Extracurricular activities, such as tree planting, team
work, and school trips, can help students explore
themselves better.


Students, especially those from low-income families, do

not have enough exposure to high-tech devices.
Students, especially those who are poor, do not have
enough exposure to high-tech devices.
Students are particularly fatigued, especially when final
tests are coming.

Regardless of + N/ Wh-question + S + V

Children, regardless of their background, should be

allowed to go to school.

Students, regardless of their age, should not smoke.

It is advisable that students should not stay up late,

regardless of when deadlines are due.

who you are

Not only but also

people should be not only environmentally conscious, but

they also need to take actions.
 not only should people be environmentally conscious,
Students are under mounting pressure from not only school
work but also their parents. This not only affects their
academic performance but also damages their physical
health. Therefore, parents should stay not only encouraging
but also open-minded because it helps students study not 26
Act as an incentive for/ act as a deterrent
Teachers should keep a close eye on students’ assignment because it
acts as a deterrent for them to finish their homework.
Teachers should keep a close eye on students’ assignment because it
deters students from not finishing their homework.
Teachers should give bonus scores or gifts for students who finish
their assignment on time because it acts as an incentive for students
to get their assignment done.
Teachers should give bonus scores or gifts for students who finish
their assignment on time because it incentivizes students to get their
assignment done. 27
Take steps to

Given the signifiance of assignment to help students

review their knowledge, teachers should take (more
significant/ urgent ) steps to offer more homework
after lessons.

In order to

In order to review lessons at home, students should

allocate a specific time during a day to look through the
lesson once more time.

Students should allocate a specific time during a day to

look through the lesson once more time in order to
review lessons at home,
Require/ be required to

Need to

To become a teacher, one is required to be patient and


Becoming a teacher requires passion and patience.

Be susceptible to

Parental indifference makes children more susceptible to autism

Students who do not learn wisely are also more susceptible to
poor academic performance

Be less reliant on (v) phụ thuộc vào

By helping students to develop self-study habit, students

will become less reliant on their teachers.

S + V, thereby V-ing từ đó

By helping students to develop self-study habits, students

will become less reliant on their teachers, thereby
becoming independent and possibly lifetime learners.
I want to study abroad
My parents disagree and say that it is very expensive.
My parents disagree, saying that it is very expensive
Be More/ less likely to …

Students are less likely to procrastinate when they

spend time planning out their timetable for the whole
week .

Tend to

Allow/ Enable = help

Learning English and acquiring good proficiency level

can allow students to become global citizens.

Learning English and acquiring good proficiency level

can enable students to become global citizens.

Lead to/Result in/ be resulted from

Overstudy can result in= lead to poor academic


Poor academic performance can be resulted from



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