Nutrition and Fitness

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Nutrition and Fitness

Nutrition particularly refers to the science of food and how the body
uses and maximizes its purpose in health and disease.
Food can keep the body strong in as much as it can also be the cause of
your diseases.
Did you know that what you eat directly affects your body’s energy
Are you a fan of meat or vegetables?
Do you like caffeinated or colored drinks more than water?
How much water do you consume in a day?
• Choosing the right food and fluids every single day could actually
determine your stature for a healthy and good quality of life.
• Why do you have to monitor your food choices?
• What is its exact role through your fitness journey?
• Starvation vs. Thirst
• It is said that your body can last up to seven to ten (7-10) days without food
but only three (3) days without water. Water is such an essential component in
the body which fuels the proper circulation of blood. This then promotes
efficient functions of the internal system.
The answer is very simple, you always have to constantly monitor your
food choices to:
A. maximize your fitness goals
B. protect you against many forms of diseases

• How can you do this and how can you be successful in making the
best food choices for yourself?
• 1. Knowledge about food nutrients
• Simply by having a great deal of knowledge about the necessary nutrients
available in food and the right amounts to take in, you will be successful in
making the right food choices for yourself.
• Your body requires two main nutrients called, macronutrients and
micronutrients, as well as fluids to function at its optimum, later in the
module, these fluids and nutrients will be discussed in detail.
• 2. CHOOSING the RIGHT diet.
• Another thing you need to learn about nutrition is to choose the right diet that
you appreciate, that is affordable, and that is available anytime you need it.
• Having a right or proper diet is an area of your life which you have total
control of.
• Nutrition is focused at requiring you to absorb all the essential nutrients that
your body can get from different kinds of food and fluids; because, unlike
plants who can make their own food by absorbing compounds from the soil,
your body is very much not capable of this.
• Once food has been taken into the body, the process of digestion begins.
Digestion is the process in which the body breaks down the food into usable
• This energy comes in the form of calories. Your body requires certain
amounts of calories in a day to function effectively, later you will find
out the effects of taking in the right amount of calories as well as the
lack of it.
• All nutrients absorbed within the body through the process of
digestion can be of good use for growth and the proper functioning of
several processes within your body.
• Today, you will discover how much amount you are supposed to take
in and how much calories you should avoid in order for you to have a
healthier life.
• Observing the right amount of food is also a step for you to achieve
success through your fitness journey.
I. Basic Food Groups
Are you familiar with the basic food groups that your body needs on a
daily basis?
• Basic Food Groups refer to the classification of the different kinds of
food based on the type/s of nutrients and energy that they can provide
the body. These food groups are known as and are usually illustrated
in the form of a Food Pyramid, just like the picture shown below.
These basic food groups can then be
classified into three (3) different categories
which are known as:
• I. Macronutrients
• This classification of food group may contain:
• A.Proteins
• B.Fats
• C.Carbohydrates

• These are all direct sources of energy that your body can absorb and use for
several internal processes (e.g. transport of blood, organ system functions) and
for you to be able to function properly.
• II. Micronutrients
• While micronutrients on the other hand, are food groups which contain
vitamins and minerals that your body needs in little amounts. These things
work hand-in-hand with other macronutrients taken from food and fluids to be
synthesized and processed into usable energy forms that your body can utilize.

• III. Fibers
• Fibers are indigestible substances found in food---usually it comes from plant

• They are a specialized type of nutrient that are very essential for digestion.
They serve as cleansers of the intestinal tract because they aid in the passage
and absorption of food in the body.
• I.A. Macronutrients – Proteins
• Aside from being taken from food sources, the organ systems found in your
body are actually composed of different kinds of proteins.
• These proteins are made up of amino acids that pack together to form tissues
and organs. From your hair, nails, skin, and organs, proteins are the most
essential component or structure that make-up these tissues.
• Aside from this, when amino acids bind together, they can be responsible for
tissues to heal and to repair. This allows your body to recover from any form
of diseases, traumas, or injuries.
• Our bodies require twenty (20) different types of amino acids which
work best in supporting the different processes that occur in small or
large scales within our bodies.
• The functions of proteins are complex, so much so that, our bodies can’t
be able to fully produce them in large quantities over a certain period of
• This is where food (an exogenous source), takes a huge role in providing
the body with the necessary amounts of proteins.
• Do you know any protein-rich food?
• Can you identify some of the protein food you consume on a regular
• Are you eating this type of food daily?
• In nutrition or in your regular diet, proteins come in two (2) different
forms, which are known as:
• Complete Proteins
• Complete proteins are a type of protein that contains all of the essential amino
acids you need for your tissues.
• This type of protein is very much abundant in food sources like: fish, pork,
beef, poultry, and eggs.
• In short, complete proteins are usually found from animal sources that people
have been consuming for generations.
• These types of food give the body the enough nutrients it needs for
different important bodily processes like, effective muscle contractions and
internal organ functions.
• Without complete proteins, the body’s tissues, particularly the muscles,
will waste away and lose its size and integrity.
• Incomplete Proteins
• The second type of protein found in food are called incomplete proteins. These
types of proteins come from plant sources that have low or very little traces of
essential amino acids.
• Vegetables and fruits are the main sources of incomplete proteins and they can be
mixed or paired together with complete proteins for you to have a balanced diet.
• Some examples of food that have incomplete proteins are: spinach, broccoli, nuts,
and grains.
• Both of these proteins (i.e. complete & incomplete) come from different food
sources that are readily available in the market for your consumption daily.

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