Cost Accounting: Sixteenth Edition, Global Edition

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Cost Accounting

Sixteenth Edition, Global Edition

Chapter 14
Cost Allocation,
Analysis, and
Sales-Variance Analysis

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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
14.1 Discuss why a company’s revenues and costs differ
across customers
14.2 Identify the importance of customer-profitability profiles
14.3 Understand the cost-hierarchy-based operating
income statement
14.4 Understand criteria to guide cost-allocation decisions
14.5 Discuss decisions faced when collecting and allocating
indirect costs to customers

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Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
14.6 Subdivide the sales-volume variance into the sales-mix
variance and the sales-quantity variance, and the
sales-quantity variance into the market-share variance
and the market-size variance

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Customer-Profitability Analysis
• Customer-profitability analysis is the reporting and
assessment of revenues earned from customers and the
costs incurred to earn those revenues.
• The analysis reveals why differences exist in the operating
income earned from different customers.
• This information is used to ensure that customers with
large contributions to operating income receive a high level
of attention from the company and that loss-making
customers do not use more resources than the revenues
they provide.

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A Five-Step Decision-Making Process in
Planning and Control-Revisited
1. Identify the problem/uncertainties
2. Obtain information
3. Make predictions about the future
4. Make decisions by choosing between alternatives
5. Implement the decision, evaluate performance, and

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Customer-Revenue Analysis
Let’s look first at customer-revenue analysis, then we’ll review
customer-cost analysis.
Generally two variables will explain revenue differences across
• The number of products purchased, and
• The magnitude of price discounting.
 A price discount is the reduction in selling price below list
selling price to encourage customers to purchase more
Tracking price discounts by customer and by salesperson helps
to improve customer profitability.
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Customer-Cost Analysis
• The second aspect of customer-profitability is a customer-
cost analysis. We’ll go back to the cost hierarchy first
introduced in Chapter 5.
• The customer-cost hierarchy categorizes costs related to
customers into different cost pools on the basis of different
types of cost drivers or cost-allocation bases, or different
degrees of difficulty in determining a cause-and-effect or
benefits-received relationship.
• Let’s look at the five categories.

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Customer-Cost Analysis; Five
Categories (1 of 2)
1. Customer output unit-level costs—these are per unit
2. Customer batch-level costs—cost per customer order, for
example, or per delivery
3. Customer-sustaining costs—cost to support individual
customers regardless of number of units or batches
4. Distribution-channel costs—these costs relate to the
distribution channel rather than to each unit of product,
each batch of product, or specific customer. For example,
we might have a wholesale distribution manager’s salary
and a retail distribution manager’s salary.

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Customer-Cost Analysis; Five
Categories (2 of 2)
5. Division-sustaining costs—costs that cannot be traced to
a product, customer or even a distribution channel. An
example would be the division manager’s salary.
To understand how this works, let’s walk through the
example for Provalue Division from the textbook.

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Provalue Division Cost and Cost Driver
We’ll base our customer costs on this information:
EXHIBIT 14.2 Marketing, Administration, Distribution, Customer Service Activities, Costs,
and Cost Driver Information for Provalue Division in 2016

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Provalue Quantity of Cost Drivers,
Select Customers
Next, we must determine how much of each resource the
various customers consumed. That information is reported

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Customer-Profitability Analysis for
Provalue-Wholesale Customers
• Now that we’ve identified the activities that drive costs and
determined the usage for those activities for our select
customers, we can calculate profitability by customer.
• In this example, we’ll look at Provalue’s 4 wholesale
customers and compare profitability.

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Provalue Customer-Profitability
Exhibit 14.3 Customer-Profitability Analysis for Provalue Division’s Four Wholesale-
Channel Customers for 2016

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Customer-Profitability Profiles
(1 of 3)

• Customer-profitability profiles are a useful tool for

• Cumulative customer-profitability profiles provide
information that shows what percentage of operating
income each additional customer contributes.
• Customers are presented in order of contribution to
operating income so any customers in a loss position are
highlighted at the bottom of the analysis.

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Customer-Profitability Profiles (2 of 3)
Customer-profitability profiles can be presented in graphical form as
well as table form.
Exhibit 14.5 Panel A: Bar Chart of Customer-Level Exhibit 14.6 Income Statement of Provalue
Operating Income for Provalue Division’s Division for 2016 Using the Cost Hierarchy
Wholesale-Channel Customers in 2016 Panel B:
The Whale Curve of Cumulative Profitability for
Provalue Division’s Wholesale-Channel Customers
in 2016

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Customer-Profitability Profiles
(3 of 3)

• Managers must explore ways to make unprofitable

customers profitable. When doing so, they should include
factors other than the current profitability level including:
– Likelihood of customer retention.
– Potential for sales growth.
– Long-run customer profitability.
– Increases in overall demand from having reference
– Ability to learn from customers.

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Using the Five-Step Decision-Making
Process to Manage Customer
Profitability (1 of 2)
1. Identify the problem and uncertainties: How to manage and :
allocate resources across customers.
2. Obtain information: Managers identify past revenues generated
by each customer and customer-level costs incurred in the past to
support each customer.
3. Make predictions about the future: Managers estimate the
revenues they expect from each customer and the customer-level
costs they will incur in the future. In making these predictions,
managers consider the effects that future price discounts will
have on revenues, the effect that pricing for different services
(such as rush deliveries) will have on the customer demand for
these services, and ways to reduce the cost of providing services.

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Using the Five-step Decision-Making
Process to Manage Customer
Profitability (2 of 2)
4. Make decision by choosing among alternatives.
Managers use customer-profitability profiles to identify
the small set of customers who deserve the highest
service and priority and also to identify ways to make
less-profitable customers more profitable.
5. Implement the decision, evaluate performance, and
learn. After the decision is implemented, managers
compare actual results to predicted outcomes to evaluate
the decision they made, its implementation and ways in
which they might improve profitability.

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Cost Hierarchy-based Operating
Income Statement (1 of 2)
• We’ve assigned customer-level costs to customers but
what about corporate costs, R&D and design costs, etc.
• Customer actions do not influence these costs which
raises two important questions:
1. Should these costs be allocated to customers when
calculating customer profitability, and
2. If they are allocated, on what basis should they be
allocated given the weak cause-and-effect relationship
between these costs and customer actions?

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Cost Hierarchy-based Operating
Income Statement (2 of 2)
• Some managers and management accountants advocate
fully allocating all costs to customers and distribution
channels because all costs are incurred to support the
sales of products to customers.
• Sometimes only those corporate and other costs that are
widely perceived as causally related to customer actions or
that provide explicit benefits to customer profitability are
• Let’s take a look at some criteria to guide cost allocations.

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Criteria to Guide Cost Allocations (1 of 2)
Cause and Effect: Using this criterion, managers identify the
variables that cause resources to be consumed.
Benefits Received: Using this criterion, managers identify
the beneficiaries of the outputs of the cost object.
Fairness or Equity: This criterion is often cited in
government contracts when cost allocations are the basis for
establishing a price satisfactory to the government and its

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Criteria to Guide Cost Allocations (2 of 2)
Ability to Bear: This criterion advocates allocating costs in
proportion to the cost object’s ability to bear cost allocated to

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Fully Allocated Customer Profitability
• Recall that the first purpose of cost allocation is to provide
information for economic decisions, such as pricing, by
measuring the full costs of delivering products to different
customers based on an ABC system.
• Cost categories can be summarized into:
– Corporate costs
 Corporate advertising costs
 Corporate administration costs
– Division costs
– Channel costs

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Overview Diagram for Allocation of
Corporate, Division and Channel Costs (1 of
Follow the arrows to determine how the costs are allocated:
Exhibit 14.9 Overview Diagram for Allocating Corporate, Division, and Channel Indirect
Costs to Wholesale Customers of Provalue Division

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Overview Diagram for allocation of
Corporate, Division and Channel Costs (2 of
Beginning with the last row in the prior screen, we continue with the

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Issues in allocating Corporate Costs to
Divisions/Customers (1 of 2)
Let’s take a look at two questions, then we’ll
contemplate the better answers:
1. When allocating corporate costs to divisions,
should a company allocate only corporate costs
that vary with division activity or assign fixed
costs as well?
2. When allocating costs to divisions, channels,
and customers, how many cost pools should be

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Issues in allocating Corporate Costs to
Divisions/Customers (2 of 2)
Companies should look to their particular situations, but the
probable best answers to these questions are:
1. To make good long-run decisions, managers need to
know the cost of all resources (variable or fixed in the
short-run) required to sell products to customers, taking
into account only relevant costs for the specific decision.
2. Managers must balance the benefit of using a multiple
cost-pool system against the cost of implementing it.
Advances in IT technology make it more likely that a
multiple cost-pool system will pass the cost–benefit test.

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Sales Variances
• Level 1: Static-budget variance—the difference between
an actual result and the static-budgeted amount.
• Level 2: Flexible-budget variance—the difference between
an actual result and the flexible-budgeted amount.
• Level 2: Sales-volume variance
– Level 3: Sales-quantity variance
 Market-share variance
 Market-size variance
– Level 3: Sales-mix variance

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Flexible-budget and Sales-Volume
Variance, Example
Exhibit 14.11 Flexible-Budget and Sales-Volume Variance Analysis of Provalue Division for

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Sales-Mix Variance
The sales-mix variance is the difference between the budgeted contribution margin for the
actual sales mix and the budgeted contribution margin for the budgeted sales mix.

Units of Actual Budgeted Budgeted
Variance = All X Sales-Mix Sales-Mix X Contribution
Products Percentage Percentage Margin per Unit

Recall that the sales-quantity and sales-mix variances are level 3 variances that subdivide
the sales-volume variance.

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Sales-Quantity Variance
Units of Actual Budgeted Budgeted
Variance = All X Sales-Mix Sales-Mix X Contribution
Products Percentage Percentage Margin per Unit

Presented here is the formula for the sales-quantity

variance. This variance in conjunction with the sales-mix
variance explains the sales-volume variance.

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Sales-mix and Sales-Quantity
Variances, Example
Exhibit 14.12 Sales-Mix and Sales-Quantity Variance Analysis of Provalue Division for 2016

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Market-share and Market-size Variances
The market-share variance is the difference in budgeted
contribution margin for actual market size in units caused
solely by ACTUAL MARKET SHARE being different from
The market-size variance is the difference in budgeted
contribution margin at budgeted market share caused solely
by ACTUAL MARKET SIZE IN UNITS being different from
Managers should probe the reasons for the market-size and
market-share differences for information regarding whether
or not the differences are likely to continue, economic
factors, shifts in consumer preferences, etc.
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Sales Variances Overview
Exhibit 14.14 Overview of Variances for Provalue Division for 2016

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Terms to Learn
Composite unit 601
Customer-cost hierarchy 581
Customer-profitability analysis 580
Homogeneous cost pool 598
Market-share variance 603
Market-size variance 603
Price discount 580
Sales-mix variance 601
Sales-quantity variance 602
Whale curve 587

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