Will It Happen?

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Will it happen?

What is that date

What is going to happen that day
Everyone say’s day is a
Day of greatest disaster in
history of human civilization
which clear the human race
Why that date
There are so many reasons for
beleiving the day as a doomsday.
Among all the reasons main is

Mayan Civilization
The Mayan civilization was one of the most advanced
civilizations in human history.
Location : Extended throughout the present-day
southern Mexican states and also extended
throughout the northern Central American region

Existence : Between 2000 BC to 1600 BC

Mastery : Astronomy
Mayan Long Count Calendar
The Mayans used their knowledge of
astronomy to create calendars which
they eventually used to predict celestial
occurrences of the past as well as future.
The belief that the world will come to an
end in 2012 is attributed to this Long
Count calendar which was used in the
Maya Civilization.
Mayan Calendar Predictions
1.Mayan Long Count calendar was made up of
1,872,000 days which would roughly amount to
around 5,125.37 years.
2.Life on this planet was divided into five great
ages each of which was supposed to end with a
3.It was also believed that the end of the fifth
great age would be severe enough to end the
4. Some interpretations of the Mayan
prophecies suggest that each of these great
ages were made up of 5,125.37 years, while
other interpretations suggest that the entire
life was 5,125.37 years - which was divided
into five great ages of equal years. Each of
these two different interpretations of the
Mayan Long Count calendar predicts the end
of the world on

21 DECEMBER 2012
Are Mayan Predictions True?
1. The Mayan astronomical observation about
the synodic period of planet Venus being 584
days came quite close to the actual period
which is 583.92 days.
2. On the basis of their Long Count calendar,
the Mayans predicted solar eclipse and lunar
eclipse dates for the future very accurately
Scientific Reasons
1.Geomagnetic Reversal : Polar shift
Scientific estimates suggest that our planet
undergoes geomagnetic reversal every
750,000 years. The last time this phenomenon
occurred was 780,000 years ago.
The proponents of this theory cite that
the Earth's magnetic field has already started
weakening to support their claim.
Solar Storm
A sudden eruption of intense radiation from the Sun
Risk from solar flares
Some people believe that the geomagnetic reversal
will be actually triggered by a super solar flare
Intense solar radiations and weak magnetic field
combined will result in an end of life on the
Solar flares mainly destroy atmosphere of planet
No atmosphere means no life. Then over planet
will be like
Planet X Collision
Planet X is called NIBIRU

And which is heading towards our planet.

Other Possible Reasons for
Many people believe in 2012 apocalypse only because
their religious texts have reference to the same.

Other than misinterpretation of religious texts, the

predictions made by astrologers, fortune tellers,
soothsayers, clairvoyants, etc. are also responsible
for fueling this myth.

For Example: Nostradamus' predictions

Nostradamus' predictions
Michel de Nostradamus was the famous
astrologer of the fifteenth century, who was
known for his doomsday prophecies.
Nostradamus predicted that year 2012 will be
characterized by famines, global warming,
shift of earth's electromagnetic field,
pernicious war among religions, deathly
tsunamis and a collision with an asteroid.
Will the World Really End in 2012?
1.Long Count calendar refers to is a mere
change of an era on 21st December,
2012, and not the end of the world

2.In 2012, Asteroid 433 Eros - the second

-largest near-Earth asteroid, will pass by
the Earth at a distance of 17 million miles.
At that distance, it won't do any harm
to our planet
Earth magnetic reversal takes around 5,000 years to
complete one geomagnetic reversal and that is a lot
of time.

The Sun will also flip its magnetic poles in 2012 - a

cycle which is repeated every 11 years. the Sun
flipped its poles last in 2001. In 2012, we will also
witness an annular solar eclipse. This will not bring
the world to an end.
Solar maximum will be at its peak in 2013, and not in
2012. According to scientists our magnetic field is
enough strong to protect our atmosphere.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that solar
maximum and geomagnetic reversal are related to
each other
There is no such planet known as Nibiru or Planet X -
and this has been confirmed by NASA itself. It is just
one of the numerous hoax calls.
The planet Nibiru collision was initially scheduled for
2003, but it didn't occur and therefore people
behind this hoax seem to have postponed the date
to 2012.
If we do not stop the following
1. The alarming rate at which the polar ice cap is
melting and the ever increasing levels of the
oceans that threaten to submerge the major
cities of the world.
2. The extincting fuel resources may bring the
entire industrial sector of the world to a
3. The world that was constantly swaying under
the threat of World War III is now about to
actually witness it, owing to the nuclear power
of the nations.
4. Pollution
5. Global Warming

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