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1. Nur Diana Khalidah 21901073040
2. Alfian Milda auliya 21901073048
3. Eka Dyna Fitri 21901073055
Language levels

Beginner Intermediate Advanced

intended for students with little a very approximate
or no prior exposure to a classification of how well Understand English
language. they speak English completely and fluently
Some techniques and exercises suitable for :

 Limited vocabulary, but with
some help you can participate
Beginner in basic conversations. you Advanced
 You only know a few still make a lot of big mistakes.
 Comfortable in most
 Now you can converse in
words of the language, if situations, strong
many situations, with less
that. vocabulary, few errors.
 You can ask a few basic serious errors.
 You're fluent, pretty much
 You're comfortable in most
questions and ideas, but mother tongue. Extremely
situations, still some good
with a lot of mistakes. comfortable, you have
complete control over the
Students acquire language partly as a result of the comprehensible input they receive - especially
from the teacher. This means, of course, that we will have to adjust the language we use to the level of
the students we are teaching. Experienced teachers are very good at rough-tuning their language to the
level they are dealing with

 At beginner and elementary levels, using words and phrases that are as clear as possible

 Avoiding some of the more opaque idioms which the language contains

 At lower levels we will do our best not to confuse our students by offering them too many different
accents or varieties of English

 We will also take special care at lower levels to moderate the speed we speak at and to make our
instructions especially clear
Defining Motivation
motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes
someone o do things in order to achieve something.
This is the need 'tor the se to be known and to be
approved of by others (Brown 2007: 169). They go on
to point out that the strength of that motivation will
depend on how much value the individual places on the
outcome he or she wishes to achieve
1. External sources of 2. The motivation angel
 The Goal  Affect
 Achievement
 The society we live in  Attitude
 Activities
 The people around us  Agency

 Curiosity

Motivation as a guide and Motivation as an energizer

Motivation as a selector of
regulator of individual and controller of individual
individual behavior.
behavior behavior

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