Chapter 4a Comparing

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Comparing is made by involving at least more

than two things, person, objects, etc. If you
compare two things, for example, you have to say
which one thing is better . This kind of
comparison is called comparative form. But,
when you compare three persons, for example,
you will have to say which person is better, and
which one is the best of all the three. This kind of
comparison is called superlative form.
5.1a Comparative Form
To get the idea of what comparative form is, study the
two sentences below.
◦ Buy the red jacket, it is cheaper. (lebih murah).
◦ Don’t buy the blue one. It’s more expensive. (lebih mahal)

The word than (daripada) is usually used after

comparative form .
Sumatra island is larger than Java island.
Arabic is more difficult than English.
4.1b Comparative Form
To make a comparative form:
 adjective/adverb of manner+er or more + adjective/adverb
of manner.
♦ Use –er for short words (one syllable):
- cheap  cheaper - fast  faster
- large  larger - thin  thinner
♦ Ulso use –er for two-syllable words that end –y (-y  ier)
- lucky  luckier - easy  easier
- early  earlier - pretty  prettier
4.1c Comparative Form

♦ Use more before longer words (two syllables or more):

- serious more serious oftenmore often
- expensive  more expensive
- comfortable  more comfortable
♦ Use ‘more’ before adverbs of manner that end in -ly:
- slowly  more slowly
- seriously  more seriously
- quietly  more quietly
- carefully  more carefully
4.1d Comparative Form
♦ These adjective and adverbs have irregular
comparative form.
- good/well  better - bad/badly  worse
- far  farther/further - much/many  more
♦ We can use a little/a bit /much before a
1. He is much busier today.
2. This book is a bit more expensive than that one.
3. Joan is a little fatter than Suzy.
4.1e Comparative Form Exercise 1
Complete the sentences using the comparative
form of the words given in the brackets.
1. This coffee is very week. I need it a little
________ (strong).
2. My job is boring sometimes. I’d like to do
something ________ (interesting).
3. Your work is not very good. I think you can do
__________ (well).
4. My dictionary is (much/thick) ___________
than yours.
5. Julia is (a bit/interesting) ___________ Selvy
4.1f Comparative Form. Exercise 2
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Surabaya lebih panas.
2. Yudi dan Selvi lebih bahagia hari ini.
3. Kelompok mereka lebih serius daripada
kelompok kami.
4. Alamat saya lebih jauh daripada alamatnya
5. Mrs. Dicker sangat hati-hati, tapi Mr. Dicker
jauh lebih hati-hati.
Study the following two sentences to grasp the idea of how to
make asuperlative form.
1. What is the longest river in the world? (Sungai apa yang paling
panjang di dunia).
2. This book is the most expensive of all. (Ini buku paling mahal
dari semuanya).
■ Superlative form: adjective/adverb of manner+-est, or most +
- hard  hardest - easy  easiest
- famous  most famous
- difficult  most difficult
♦ We normally use the before a superlative.
1. This hotel is not the cheapest.
2. He is the best candidate for the election.
3. She answered the question the most comprehensively.
Exercise 3 Complete the following sentences using a superlative.
1. It is a very cheap restaurant. It is the cheapest restaurant in
the town.
2. Kalimantan is __________ (large) island in Indonesia.
3. Last night was ___________ (cold) of the weak.
4. This room is very dirty. It ________ (dirty) in this building.
5. He is very intelligent student. He is _______ ___ the class
Exercise 4 Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Produk Anda lebih menarik daripada punya mereka.
2. Mobil ini sangat mahal. Kami mau membeli mobil yang
lebih murah.
3. Ini merupakan kecelakaan paling mengerikan (awful)
yang saya pernah lihat.
4. Pelajaran praktek lebih menantang bagi saya.
5. Prestasi akademik Surya tidak lebih baik daripada
(prestasi akademik) kami, tetapi dia paling behasil
6. Dian lebih suka bekerja sendiri daripada berdiskusi
dengan dengan temannya.
Exercise 5 Study the data in the table below, and make
Table 1 Comparison of Countries

No. of Annual Income

Country Living cost
Population (in $)

Fantasia 100 700 500

Glossia 79 10,000 800

Norrasia 99.8 14.500 1.000

Exercise 6 Study the data in the table below, and make
Table 1 Comparison of Hotels

No. of Distance
Hotel Quality
Rooms from the city
250 *** 5 km

Pacific Hotel 450 ***** 1 km

350 **** 12 km
4.3 Prefer …. To

Study the following sentences.

1. I prefer scientific fiction books to novels.
(Saya lebih suka buku fiksi ilmiah daripada
2. On Saturday night she prefers watching TV
at home to having a walk.
(Pada malam minggu dia lebih suka nonton
TV di rumah daripada jalan-jalan.)
An equal comparison indicates that the two entities
are (or are not, if negative) exactly the same. The
following rule generally applies to this type of
Stricture: Subject + verb + as +adjective/adverb
+ as + subject + auxiliary verb
1. He is not as tall as his father. (Dia tidak sama
tinggi dengan ayahnya)
2. My book is as thick as yours. (Buku saya sama
tebalnya dengan punyamu)
3. Winda dances as beautifully as his sister does.
(Winda menari seindah saudaranya (menari)
Exercise 6 Translate the following sentences
into English.

1. Kami tidak seberuntung mereka.

2. Dia (lk) mampu menjawab semua pertanyaan
sebaik Anda.
3. Yuditidak akan berbicara sama-cepatnya
dengan Doni.
4.7 Closing


Make a comparison for

(a) three things (e.g. cars, houses, countries) and
(b) persons (e.g. classmates, brothers/sisters).

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