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• Beri epinefrin jk ada tanda anafilaktik

• Kortikosteroid sistemik: diberikan dlm 1 jam munculnya gejala
• Anak: metilprednisolon 1-2 mg/kgBB/hari, max 40mg/hari PO
Kortikosteroid dilanjutkan slm 5-7 hari

GINA. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention (2018 Update)
• A child with a first episode of wheezing and no respiratory distress can usually be managed at home with
supportive care. A bronchodilator is not necessary.
• If the child is in respiratory distress (acute severe asthma) or has recurrent wheezing, give salbutamol by metered-
dose inhaler and spacer device or, if not available, by nebulizer (see below for details). If salbutamol is not available,
give subcutaneous adrenaline.
• Reassess the child after 15 min to determine subsequent treatment:
– If respiratory distress has resolved, and the child does not have fast breathing, advise the mother on home care
with inhaled salbutamol from a metered dose inhaler and spacer device (which can be made locally from plastic
– If respiratory distress persists, admit to hospital and treat with oxygen, rapid-acting bronchodilators and other
drugs, as described below.
A hospitalized child should be assessed by a nurse every 3 h or every 6 has the child shows improvement (i.e. slower
breathing rate, less lower chest wall indrawing and less respiratory distress) and by a doctor at least once a day.
Record the respiratory rate, and watch especially for signs of respiratory failure – increasing hypoxia and respiratory
distress leading to exhaustion.

WHO. Pocket Book of Children

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