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Good morning!
Happy New Year and Happy first
Monday and first day class of 2021

Guess the pictures

M__P_W_R M__H_N_S

Guess the pictures

M_T__I__S M__H_ _S

Educational qualifications and
Talks about human labor force experince,status of
involved in the manufacture of employment, numbers of
products. It is measured as the workers required ,skills and
most serious and main factor of expertise required for the job
production. are some of the
manpowercriteria that must be
highly considered as

Module 6
4M’s Production
& Business
Raw materials necessary in the production of a product. The
entrepreneur may consider cost, quality, availability. credibility,
of suppliers and waste that the raw material may produce.

Machine 2.Production system to be adopted
Manufacturing equipment used in 3.Cost of the equipment
the production of goods or delivery 4.Capacity of the equipment
services. In the process of selecting
the type of equipment to purchase, 5.Availability of spare parts in the
the entrepreneur may consider local market
1.Types of product to be produced 6. Efficiency of the equipment
7. Skills required in running type

Production method discusses the process or way of transforming
raw materials to finished products. The resources undergo some
stages before it is finalized and becomes set of delivery to the
target buyers.
The selection of the method production is dependent on product
to produce, mode of production , manufacturing equipment to
use and required skills to do the work.

Prototyping- a duplication of a product as it will be produced,
which may contain such details as colors, graphics, packaging
and directions. One of the important early steps in the inventing
process is making a. prototype.
It is better to test your product prototype to meet customers’
needs and expectations , and fornyournproduct to be known and

Supplier- an entity that offers goods and services to another
business. This entity is among of supply chain of a
business,which may offer the main part of the value contained
within its products. Suppliers are your business partners without
them your business will not live. As an entrepreneur choose the
a potential supplier that has loyalty and value your partnership, a
supplier that would lead you to the fulfillment of your business
objective, mission,and vision

Value Chain-is a method or activities by which a company adds
value to the item , with production, marketing and the provision
of after-sales service. The main goal and benefit of a value
chain, and therefore value chain analysis, is to make or support a
competitive benefit.

A Supply Chain- is a structure of organizations , people ,
activities , dat, and resources involved in moving a product
orservice from supplier tom customer.
The main objective of supply chain management includes
management of a varied range of components and procedures.
Example: Storing materials, handling inventory, warehousing and
movement of finished product from point ofn processing to the
point of consumption.

Business Model
-describes the reasons of how an organizations creates, delivers,
and captures value in economic, social, or other contexts. The
development of business model construction and variation is also
called business model innovation and forms a part of business

Phases of developing business model
1. Identifying the specific audience
2. Establishing business process
3. Recording a business resources
4. Developing strong value proposition
5. Determining key business partners\
6. Creating a demands for today’s generation strategy mand
be open for innovations.


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