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Kinds of Paragraph
What is a Paragraph?
A group of sentences that expresses one
main idea.
The main idea of a paragraph is developed
through knowing details that answers the
questions “who, what , when, where, why,
and how”
What are the sentences in a
1. Topic sentence
2. Supporting sentences.
Raphael’s favourite snack is pizza. He
really loves the cheese and anchovy special.
Sometimes, he also like ham and pineapple
pizzas. He also tried the vegetable and
seafood flavour. He just loves to eat pizza.
What are the parts of a
The beginning sentence
The middle sentence
Ending sentence
My brother likes action, mystery,
adventure, and fantasy books. Sometimes
he plays with our pets when he comes home
from school. He enjoys reading about
different characters and the lives they live.
He can read about them all day and night.
He really loves to read.
kinds of
Descriptive Paragraph
Draws a picture that appeals to
the reader’s senses. It conveys the
sound, feel taste, and smell of
Joshua is good looking. He was tall,
and his shoulders were so wide and
powerful that they seemed to be
armored in steel, instead of muscle. His
hair, which was gold-colored, grew a
thick on his head like a helmet. He is
really handsome.
Expository Paragraph
Explains something to the reader, so it
puts great emphasis on logic or common
sense. It answers the questions “how?” and
It also gives facts and may define a
concept or explain a principle.
Making the pancake batter takes time.
You sift the flour and baking powder in a
bowl first, and then stir in the caster sugar.
Next, you combine the buttermilk, eggs,
and melted butter in a jug. Then, make a
well in the center of the mixture of the dry
ingredients and pour in the milk mixture.
You need to whisk the dry and wet
ingredients together until they became
smooth batter.
Narrative Paragraph
Describes a series of related
last summer in May, I visited my grandparents in
the province of Pampanga. Staying with my grand
parents even just for a week is always a pleasurable
and relaxing time for me. One, afternoon, while we
were talking, my lola mentioned that her
grandfather’s clock, a valuable antique had stopped
running more than a year ago. Being inquisitive by
nature and handy with tools and tinker with it’s
parts. Finally, after a long while, the clock started to
tick. I did it I was successful. Grandma was so
delighted she served me a special merienda.
Persuasive Paragraph
The one that attempts to convince
other persons to believe in an
opinion or a point of view.
I think there should be more sports for girls.
Girls are capable of playing sports such as
soccer and football. Some girls dislike
basketball, but they want to participate in other
sports. If girls could participate in other sports,
they could learn co coordinate as a team.
Everyone need exercise and alternative
activities that would keep all females physically
fit. Girls should have the chance to participate
and excel in other sports.

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