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Matter (Solid, Liquid, Gas)

Pure Substances Mixtures

- Only one kind of particle in it. - Will have two or more parts that are not chemically
combined, only physically combined

Suspension Solutions
- Cloudy mixtures and can be separated They’re mixed together so well you only
to original form see one thing – it looks pure but it isn’t

A solute is the substance to be dissolved (sugar).

The solvent is the one doing the dissolving (water).
I. What is a solution?
A solution is a
mixture of two or more
substances in a single

One constituent is
usually regarded as the
SOLVENT and the
others as SOLUTES.
Parts of a Solution
SOLUTE – the part of a solution that is being
dissolved (usually the lesser amount)
SOLVENT – the part of a solution that dissolves the
solute (usually the greater amount)
Solute + Solvent = Solution

Solute Solvent Solution

Soluble/Insoluble vs. Miscible/Immiscible
SOLUBLE – a substance
that can be dissolved.
substance that CANNOT
be dissolved
MISCIBLE – a liquid
Immiscible Miscible
substance that is soluble in
another liquid.
IMMISCIBLE – a liquid
substance that is insoluble
in another liquid.
Types of Solutions


Gas in a Gas  Air

Gas in a Liquid  Soda
Liquid in a Liquid  Gasoline
Solid in a Liquid  Sea Water
Solids in Solids  Brass
Nature of Solutes in Solutions
 Spread evenly throughout the solution
 Cannot be separated by filtration
 Can be separated by evaporation
 Not visible, solution appears transparent
 May give a color to the solution

Water is the universal solvent
because more substances dissolve
in water than in any other

This has to do with the polarity of

each water molecule.
able to be dissolved
does not dissolve in solution (or water)
an insoluble solid formed when two
solutions are mixed

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