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The rules of Islam do not

govern just the spiritual
development of its
followers, but also
provide a guideline for
their daily routines. Many
of these tips have been
scientifically proven to be
highly beneficial for you. 
Using honey to treat infections
Verse 69 of Surah Al-Nahl in the Quran
mentions honey as a source of "healing for
mankind", for good reason. Honey offers
incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and immune
boosting properties for our body and health. It
not only fights infection and helps tissue
healing but also helps reduce inflammation,
even helping to cure coughs and flu, and treat

How do we digest our food?

Learning objectives:
 Recall the parts of the digestive system
 Describe the function of the parts of the digestive system
 Explain why digestion is necessary
Deficiency disease Nutrient lacking
Stick the table in your book and complete Aneamia  
it. Scurvy  
Extension: add the symptoms for each one Kwashiorkor  

Key words: oesophagus, intestines, stomach

LO: To describe the function of the organs in the digestive system
Starter answers
Extension answers:
Deficiency disease Nutrient lacking
Osteoporosis- weak bones that are easily
Osteoporosis  Calcium broken

Aneamia  Iron Aneamia- tiredness and shortness of

Scurvy  Vitamin C
Scurvy- Bleeding gums, muscle and joint
Kwashiorkor  Protein
Kwashiorkor- can’t put on weight, ‘pot
belly’, can get a lot of infections.

Use a green pen to

mark your work
LO: To describe the function of the organs in the digestive system

The organs of the digestive system

 Q1. What are the large insoluble food particles broken down into?
Q2. What is the first stage of the digestive system?
Q3. What is the long pipe from the mouth called?
Q4. How long does food stay in the stomach?
Q5. What organ is after the stomach?
Q6. What does bile help break down?

Q7. What does the large intestine absorb?

Please watch the video in the next slide and prepare yourself to
answer the questions above
Please watch the video below and prepare
yourself to answer some questions
LO: To describe the function of the organs in the digestive system

Video answers
• Q1. What are the large insoluble food Q5. What organ is after
particles broken down into?
the stomach?
• Smaller water soluble molecules.
• Q2. What is the first stage of the
Small intestine
digestive system? Q6. What does bile help
• Chewing break down?
• Q3. What is the long pipe from the Fats
mouth called? Q7. What does the large
• Oesophagus intestine absorb?
• Q4. How long does food stay in the Water
• 4 hours
LO: To describe the function of the organs in the digestive system
Progress check
Label the parts of the digestive system.

Extension: Describe the functions of the

different parts

Learning objectives:
1. Recall the parts of the digestive system

2. Describe the function of the parts of the digestive

3. Explain why digestion is necessary
LO: To describe the function of the organs in the digestive system

Mouth Mouth- chews food into smaller pieces. The saliva helps you
to swallow the food and contains enzymes to break down
Oesophagus food further

Oesophagus- Takes the swallowed food to the stomach. The

muscles in the oesophagus contract and relax to push the
food along.
Large intestine Stomach- Breaks down food further. Contains stomach acid
and pepsin.

Small intestine Small intestine- Nutrients in the food are absorbed here.
Bile from the liver helps break down fats and more enzymes
break down food further.
Large intestine- Water is absorbed here

Rectum- Faeces is stored here until it is removed from the

Use a green pen to body
mark your work
LO: To describe the function of the organs in the digestive system

Why do we need digestion?

• I think that digestion is important because ……

Complete the sentence above using

the information that you have learned
in todays lesson.
LO: Explain the direction in which energy will be transferred in given circumstances.

TASK: Applying OR extending your


Beginning Secure Mastering

Write the order of Open the textbook to Open the textbook to
the organs that page 14 and answer page 14 and answer
food passes question 1. questions 2, 3 and 4

EXTENSION: Create your own worksheet /

crossword on today lessons content.
Use a green pen to
Answers: mark your work

Mouth  oesophagus 
stomach  small intestine 
large intestine  rectum 
1a. Digestion breaks down large
insoluble molecules into smaller
soluble molecules (breaks down 3. Ingestion is taking food into your body.
food) Egestion is the removal of waste from your

b. We need to digest food so that we 4. Food is pushed through the gut by muscles
can absorb the nutrients that we contracting and relaxing to squeeze the food
need from it.
Literacy task

Explain the pathway of eating a hamburger from where it enters the mouth
to where it exits and in what form.

You must include what happens at each stage along the pathway of the
alimentary canal.

Keywords to use:
Mouth  oesophagus  stomach  small intestine  large intestine 
rectum  anus
Progress check
Which organ contains acid?

Which organ absorbs water from food?

Hands up to answer
Where is faeces stored until it is excreted?

What does saliva contain to help break down

Learning objectives:
1. Recall the parts of the digestive system

2. Describe the function of the parts of the digestive

3. Explain why digestion is necessary

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