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Group 1 :

Muh. Isral
Fazri rohidedza
Muh. Ibrahim anwar
1 Research background
Research background is a brief outline of the most important
studies that have been conducted so far presented in a
chronological order. Research background should also
include a brief discussion of major theories and models
related to the research problem. Research background is
written after the literature review
“ Steps to make a research background.

1. Finding problems in the environment. you (don't make a title

right away).
2. Looking for supporting data. After you find the problem.
3. Finding Solutions from. Defined problem.
4. Concluding as a hypothesis

2 Research problem
A research problem is a statement about the area of ​concern, in
the form of conditions that need to be improved, difficulties in
finding solutions and troubling questions that exist in the
scientific literature in theory or in practice that points to the need
for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation.

Research problems can be obtained in three ways :

1. evaluation of deviations or gaps between what is expected

and reality
2. deviations between theory and application in the field
3. New facts obtained from research and observations that ask
questions and there are no clear and scientific answers.

3 Objective of the Research
The objective of the research is to get a formulation of the
results of a research through the process of finding,
discovering, developing, and testing a knowledge. In
addition, research is used to solve or resolve an existing
there are 3 types of research
objectives, including:
⊹ discovery, meaning that the data obtained from the
research are data that have just been discovered and there
has never been any previous research.

⊹ evidence, meaning that the data obtained is intended to

eliminate doubts about the information that has been

⊹ Development, which means deepening research or

findings that have been found previously by researchers

4 Research benefit
The benefits of research are objective narratives that
describe things that are obtained after a research objective
has been fulfilled. The benefits of research can be
theoretical or practical for solving problems in the object
under study
Types of research benefits

1. Theoretical benefits
⊹ Theoretical or academic benefits are research benefits for
the development of science. So that this theoretical
benefit can develop the science studied from a theoretical
point of view. The theory used is of course based on
previous researchers or authors.

⊹ This theoretical benefit serves to explain if the theory

used is still relevant for the author's research, relevant in
general, or not at all.
2. practical benefits
Practical benefits describe the benefits that are useful
for solving the problem in a practical way.

benefit goal can also be directed to more than one

subject. For example, benefits for students working on
similar topics, the academic community conducting the
same research, and so on. This subject is adapted to the
research of the researcher

“ The significance of the study is a written
statement that explains why your research
was needed. It's a justification of the
importance of your work and impact it has on
your research field, it's contribution to new
knowledge and how others will benefit from

scope of research
 The researcher should inform the reader about limits or coverage of
the study

 The scope identifies the boundaries of the study in term of subjects,

objectives, facilities, area, time frame, and the issues to which the
research is focused

 The scope of a study is important because it will affect the validity of

the results of the research itself.

" Thanks!


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