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A Lesson Strategy for a Conceptual

Where do ideas come from?
Sources of ideas
Sensory learning – using our senses to explore and
arrive at knowledge or understanding (Amorino, 2007).
Constructive activity – making connections between what
we perceive (Amorino, 2007; Hesse, 1989).
Using open-ended problem solving – creating solutions
(Wang, et al., 2009).
When people make generalizations about a set of data
(Bennet & Rolheiser, 2008).
Can we recreate conditions which
provoke conceptual thinking?
The Inquiry Cycle

(International Baccalaureate, 2008)

Inquiry uses concept formation for
Learners are presented with a data set

Learners examine the data set items for common

Learners are asked to generalize among items in the
data set, coming up with ideas of how these items are
connected and what general idea they express or

(Bilica & Flores, 2009; International Baccalaureate, 2008;

Reid, 2011)
Application of Inductive Strategy
Science inquiry lessons
Students examine facts, data or visual information and
form generalizations about observations.
Generalizations are based on critical attributes of the
data set.
In science, teachers use an inductive method for
students to form scientific concepts

(Reid, 2011)
Can this strategy transfer to
subjects other than science?
Inductive Strategy in subjects
other than Science
Teachers can use complex and realistic problems in their
Complex thinking is independent of language

Scaffolding can be used to teach students how to think


(Felder & Prince, 2007)

Inductive Thinking across the
Taking exemplars from the content area and using them
as data sets
Using analytical skill to reach generalizations about the
data sets
Data sets can be visual, text-based, or actual objects

(Hesse, 1989; Reid, 2011; Tishman, 2008)

Robertson’s Process in Lessons
using inductive thinking strategy
Starts with EXPLORATION where teacher engages
students in activities designed to set up understanding of
a concept.
In this phase, students draw generalizations from a data

(Robertson, 2007)
Robertson’s Process phase 2
Phase 2 of the process is EXPLANATION, where
students use activities to explain the new concept.
This phase is where the teacher introduces the students
to the lexicon related to the concept, the vocabulary that
they will need to discuss that concept.
For example, we using the terms inquiry, generalizations,
questioning, data set to talk about concept formation
using inductive thinking.

(Robertson, 2007)
Robertson’s Process phase 3
The third phase of the process is ELABORATION, where
students are engaged in more activities to reinforce
understanding of the concept.
Here the teacher may present more examples, some that
are examples of the concepts, and others that are non-
This is used to clarify and cement understanding of the
characteristic attributes of the concept.

(Robertson, 2007)
An example using literature
PHASE 1 EXPLORATION The teacher gives students a
data set consisting of different extracts from fiction and
asks the question, “What makes a piece of literature
Students then have to draw on prior learning, and the
data set, to come up with generalizations.
Generalizations are written down for future use.

(Hesse, 1989)
An example using literature,
phase 2
 In phase 2 EXPLANATION, the teacher may ask the students
to do the following:
 Compare and contrast the extracts with previous literature that
students think are literary
 Come up with a list of characteristics of what literary pieces of
text are
 Explain why one of the extracts or more is literary or non-
literary based on the characteristics
 Justify choices by illustrating from specific examples
 The teacher may teach literature terms while students engage
in these activities
An example using literature,
phase 3
In ELABORATION, the teacher may present other text
types such as travel writing, diary entries, greeting cards,
etc mixed with literary text types such as poetry, short
fiction, vignettes
The activity may ask students to come up with attributes
of the concept “literary” using these new data sets.
Interspersed with these activities might be clarification of
the concept using other strategies such as cooperative
learning, academic controversy, scaffolding to reinforce
the concept formation.

Classroom Impact
Integration (through concepts and skills) with other
subject areas
Form original ideas
Improve conceptual thinking
Discover and engage in learning
Meaning-oriented approach
Self-directed learning
Student is at the center of the lesson

(Amorino, 2007; Bilica & Flores, 2009; Felder & Prince, 2007; Hesse, 1989;
Reid, 2011)

Amorino, J. (2007). Classroom educators learn more about teaching and learning
from the arts. Phi Delta Kappan, 90(3), 190-195.

Bennet, B. & Rolheiser, C. (2008). Beyond Monet: The artful science of

instructional integration. Toronto, Ontario: Bookation.

Bilica, K. & Flores, M. (F 2009). Inductive and deductive science thinking; A model
for lesson development. Science Scope, 36-41.

Brown-Jeffy, S. & Cooper, J. E. (2011). Toward a conceptual framework of

culturally revelant pedagogy: An overview of the conceptual and theoretical
literature. Teacher Education Quarterly, Winter, 65-84.

Felder, R. & Prince, M. (O 2007). The case for inductive teaching. Prism, 17(2),

Hesse, D. (N 1989). Canon and critical thinking. English Journal, 78(7), 16-22.
Heubner, T. (N 2008). Balancing the concrete and the abstract. Educational
Leadership, 66(3), 86-87.

International Baccalaureate (2008). From Principles Into Practice. Cardiff, Wales:


Reid, B. (J 2011). The concept attainment strategy. The Science Teacher, 51-55.

Robertson, B. (J 2007). Getting past ‘inquiry versus content.’ Educational

Leadership, 64(4), 67-70.

Tishman, S. (F 2008). The object of their attention. Educational Leadership, 65(5),


Wang, J., Wang, Y., Tai, H. & Chen, W. (2009). Investigating the effectiveness of
inquiry-based instruction on students with different prior knowledge and
reading abilities. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education,
8, 801-820.

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