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How do we see things?
Who do you agree with?
Our sense of sight- Eyes
• The light falling on any object gets
reflected and these reflected rays enter our
eyes. This helps us to see that object.
Objectives of the topic

• To understand the basic structure of huma

n eye- front view
Eyelids and eyelashes

• An eyelid is a thin layer of skin that covers and protects the

• This part of the eye contains a muscle that helps to control
the opening or closing eye.
• Human eyelids contain a row of eyelashes that protect the
eye from dust particles, foreign bodies.
Let’s recap today’s learning!

• We see objects when reflected light rays from th

em enter our eyes.
• Eyes create a sensation of vision in us.
• Front view of human eye consists of –
 Eyelids and eyelashes
 Cornea
 Pupil
 Iris
 Sclera
1. Light falling on an opaque object gets ___________ and ent
Time to
er our eyes.
check our learning!
2. _____________ protects entry of any foreign particles into o
ur eyes.
3. Muscles of our eyelids are under our _____________.
4. The transparent layer that lets light in our eyes is__________
5. Pupil ______________in size when we are exposed to bright
6. Size of the pupil is controlled by the action of __________ m

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